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Everything posted by 1bad4fiddy

  2. thats pretty sweet , but would get boring fast
  3. Yeah you did teach him right , you got a great kid man , im lucky as hell to have him as a friend , but i think he got the better end of that night , since he got to drive my bad a$$ dodge
  4. Somepeoples kids , hell if i had a kid and seen someones kid doin that to mine id roost the fk outta the kid
  5. DAmn don what happend to half off? i bet your walkin fuynny after that one
  6. what about rezzie shoicks off a yfz my friend has some will they work?
  7. "Boy, I guess I could go anywhere with that one! Naaa, just stuff like you helpin' Davey out New Year's (and other duners), givin' someone your spare tire, etc., oh and Justin being a good kid." "He'll have to tell ya, all I know is it was a good handful or so!" Ha i remeber now , that was a nice talk see i aint always an a$$ , like dan tells me there;s a good chase in me haha , damn sucks for kris
  8. "Damn Chase, you don't remember our heart to heart chat?? You were actually makin' sense til you started slidin' off that barstool!" Um i remeber us talkin .......but what were we talkin about ? "Tell that one to Dan (as he was mopping up after you!) Oh yeah, and poor Kris who caught the first blow! " I know i found out thanks again dan , Sorry Kris , how bad did i get him
  9. Thanks dan , you didnt try and eat the chicken finger chuunks di u ?
  10. Thats pretty well puyt , but anything ive said on here ill say to people face to face , yeah i understand i get mouthy a lil bit here and there but hell it aint done any harm , im not sure if your talkin about me directly or who this is mainly for but i think you should have just called them out if you have that big of a problem with what they say
  11. Ha i set my pace before i left my house after half a 5th i was already feelin it , Ha there hands werent full i wasnt even drunk ............................Ok maybe i was i dont remeber nothin :assrock: Ha i didnt throw up , well i dont think i did did i ? :assrock:
  12. Mr My sh!t dont stink , can out ride any one because he has so much talent needs to learn the meaning of this word Arrogant is an adjective that may refer to having excessive pride in oneself. A person who is arrogant often exaggerates one's own worth or importance in an overbearing manner. An example of being arrogant is someone who plays football and scores the most points out of any other member for their team, and say they don't need the team. Often people who are arrogant are not aware of their own behavior or don't want to recognize they are arrogant. A person can be arrogant but not show it externally to others due to their thoughts, actions and emotions. A strongly arrogant person will usually try to downplay other people's achievements or ideas in order to make themselves appear better. Arrogant people will even ignore or downplay good ideas from others, as they cannot accept that others might have better ideas than themselves.. This makes reasonable communication difficult and arguments impossible to resolve fairly as the arrogant person will not accept the other person's point of view, no matter how logical/intuitive or correct it is, because the arrogant person is really having an emotional argument about their own arrogance. Arrogance is an unpleasant unloving experience for people interacting with someone who has an arrogant personality. Most people do not like or enjoy being with excessively arrogant people which makes the arrogant person unpopular. Arrogant people do not notice this problem or cannot change their behavior because their personality/ego enjoys being arrogant much more than being liked by or having a respectful, loving and accepting attitude towards other people. Arrogant people are often unable to realize they are not as good as they assume they are or have problems recognizing their own self limitations. Arrogant people are usually over competitive and don't know when to quit. Often arrogant people can be overbearing and try to coerce/force people into doing what they don't want to do with little regard for the other persons feelings or the groups best interest. Many movies and stories are made more entertaining and ease plot development by having characters that have an arrogant personality. Characters that are very arrogant and have a complete disregard for others are considered evil.
  13. Hey kyle lets see your true talent i bet you aint got the nuts to show up http://atv.worcsracing.com/tracks.php?ID=36
  14. Actually ***** read your first post , your braggin about all this talent that you dont have , ive seen you ride man , my mom could out ride your a$$ on a 90 , see always your moms quad or your dad's quad dont u have anything of your own ? Why dont i borrow my friends bike from work with a gxsr motor and walk all over you? because i dont care how fast his sh*t is i ride my own , so ask mommy and daddy to buy there lil girl a bigger faster bike
  15. how you gonna have a couple beers when u dont even bother to show?
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