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Everything posted by 1bad4fiddy

  1. haha ill pull ur tow hauler with ur truck still hooked to it might be goin slow but ill do it lol , hell my trucks set up for off roadin not towin a damn tow hauler ......of course ur new trucks will walk all over our old "pos" dodges pullin trailers but lets go off roadin and see if you guys can hang !!
  2. Ha ha real funny , and whats with all the sh!t talk on honda ???? You went down there to get a job today .....that just doesnt make sence first u dog em now ur tryin to work for em ??
  3. Ha ha thats amost as true ans fords and chevy's bein good trucks ............But fords and chevys do look good gettin towed by my dodge
  4. Dude i didnt answer for her i said my buddys bike has the same mod's , damn some of u guys are cry baby's , who cares who answers what as long as u get an answer to ur question
  5. I have verizoin for work and drop calls constantly , and my sprint phonwe gets great service at dumont and armagoza .....so maybe its your guys phones ...
  6. Na man ive seen her drieve she just putts around
  7. I've seen her bike run and for a pipe and stuff its quick , my buddys bike has the same mod's as her dads and its a complete night and day and i would say its worth the difference !
  8. Thats too much money , hell i'd rather just walk a lil farther than to blow a 100 bucks , im headin out friday after work
  9. Dude no worries its cool , and thats all it is is sh*t talk ii personaly could care less what ya drive , all that matters is it gets u from a to b lol
  10. Lets just say , they dont have the performance of my 450
  11. We need to get gwh to take us out in her jeep like that
  12. Thats a bad a$$ jeep , i dont think she can drive that good thought lol j/k
  13. Thats sweet ...........
  14. Aluminum would be bad a$$ , canvas would just get tore up after a wile
  15. If you guys seen Kayla drive you would understand why her mom wont let anyone
  16. Dude get the puer poolaris pipe for it , my buddy put his ion his poolaris and loves it , he had a hmf and said all he gained was noise .
  17. how did u wreck that duracrap?????
  18. Yeah bro go over to 450rheadquarters.com and rossier has a forum on there ill try and find the links .......hell i have one on my 450r and its the best pipe ive ever had
  19. i dont know it all but pretty darn close , i bet i forgot more than u know loll j/k
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