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  • Sand Toys
    RZR 1000
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  1. Rumors are he passed away on the table while having hand surgery. If he did God bless his soul and my condolences go out to his family.
  2. I was one of the guys first on the scene that helped flip the RZR over. Eight of us were at the top of comp when the driver rolled the RZR on it's driver side. We were all stunned to witness this machine roll twice over on its side then end over 15 more times. You could tell a lack of experience because the driver did not vear off until the machine had no speed. We all feel bad for the guy but this shows that drivers without enough experience can get themselves in trouble at Dumont. As for who was the driver I saw the man's hand mutilated when we flipped the RZR over, he was the driver.
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