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About Dumontaffliction

  • Birthday March 14

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  • Sand Toys
    sand car, quad, FJCruiser
  • Location
    Huntington Beach
  • Gender
  • Hobbies
    Sand Surf Snow Dirt Photography GPS 4x4 cat-sailing (generally the outdoors) web development

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  1. Weather was great, no crowds, little windy, entrance bumpy.
  2. Dang Imperialist leave crap everywhere!
  3. So my brother and i were cruising by what I like to call "Cinder Cone Valley" and we stopped on the opposite side of the valley from the Cinder Cone Dune (see picture, looks like a cinder cone to me) to pick up some trash (two weeks after Halloween, could not believe how much trash there was). My 12 year old son Chase (5' 9") decided to run to the top of Cinder Cone Dune, first along the ridge and then down the face and then back up from the bottom! That is one of the steepest dunes in Dumont... I questioned whether he would even be able to do it. He sprinted to the top unbelievably fast, I thought to myself...it is a human comp hill! I wish I would have video'd it to get a time on the hill climb. He challenged everyone to a race but no one took him up on it. Okay, so I know there are some athletic duners out there as not all of us are beer bellied motor-heads so he challenges anyone to a human hill climb. Just video it and post it up, we should be able to get a time from the video. The next time we go, I'll make sure to get his climb on video. Who knows, maybe eventually we could have a championship race event to add to the Thanksgiving activities each year.
  4. It's getting dark... don't let the witch-eye get ya! Happy Halloween!
  5. Those Imperial campers leave junk everywhere! I know, I know.... not acceptable, just a fan having some fun...;o)
  6. Nothing exciting, just a cell phone pic, sort of represents the end of the 2015 season. and a very colorful fire
  7. Dumontaffliction


    Photos that add to the pain and suffering of not being there...
  8. The weather was nice, a little warm when the breeze stopped. About 13 camp sites were out there. But what is up with the flies? Must have been a really wet year out there. Oh ya, no dead bodies laying around...
  9. Thinking about squeezing in one more trip! Spring Break in the sand! Should be just starting to warm up out there. Anyone up for it? April 9-12...
  10. After driving 4 hours in non-stop rain to get to Dumont...we arrived in paradise!
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