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Everything posted by IrnBear

  1. Just an FYI, this weekend is the Big Weekend So you don't need to wait till Oct 31 🤪
  2. It's a Shell now... The big one on the left as you enter town from Cali.... IrnBear
  3. Man, I love watching all of the Fireworks No where else in the State can you fire them off without really endangering anyone The place is loud as it is with the engines running all night long, it's all part of the joy of Dumont And for those cry babies about there animals, leave them at home... I'm sure if they don't like the fireworks, they aren't real happy with the engine noise in their ears Please, no stopping the fireworks Thanks, IrnBear
  4. Wow, looks like a great weekend I love that smooth sand Wait, we have a swingset?? Thanks for the report, IrnBear
  5. Woohoo, donation sent Everything seems to be up and working Took some time to get it to work Up on all devises now...... Thanks Pete 🙂
  6. Hitting the Sand Sport Super Show tomorrow.... Haven't been in years. Looking forward to it Probably won't be able to afford anything more then a Tshirt 🤣 I'll try to post pics after... IrnBear
  7. So Freaking Awesome... Look at that Sand
  8. Bingo, Awesome.... Thank you IrnBear
  9. Hey I don't recall seeing a Dune Pic of the Month lately I have Two Coos Bay pics to post up 😎 I know, I know Only one pic allowed🤣 IrnBear
  10. Wow, that is a great little video. I always find it amazing how people take there Jeeps and such in the sand like that. Some do out in Dumont during the season, late Sept to around April/May Most of Dumont is SxS, Sand Rails, Quads and Motorcycles Most with Paddle Tires I have seen Trucks and Jeeps etc It's not usually day trips like you see in Dubai, since here it is such a drive just to get to the Dunes Dubai they are in your backyard It usually is a big camping trip for the weekend or week Halloween Weekend (the weekend before Halloween is the Big beginning of the season weekend) Tons and tons of people out there, riding and having fun. Plus Trick or Treating from camp to camp as well. You might want to look into a number of the Jeep groups in California and Vegas Jeep groups love to do many different runs and you will get a taste of the different kind of Jeeping in the areas As I mentioned before Dumont is a distance from anything, help etc The sand will melt you and your shoes it is so f'ing hot, its a dry heat, LOL Another Dune area to look into is Glamis I have never been there But it is in lower SoCal, San Diego area I don't know if their season is the same as Dumonts Again, Jeep groups might be your best bet for the type of runs you are looking for I am the proud new owner, 6 months ago, of a 2018 4 door Jeep JL with the 4 cyl Turbo.... We love it 🙂 At my luck I would bury the damn thing out at Dumont 🤣 Best of Luck IrnBear
  11. Thank you very much for the info I grew up in Riverside and my Parents are still there Kind of a Nostalgia thing to use a shop in Riverside, as long as the work is good My shop in Pahrump, Doghouse Repair, has a place in Vegas he uses. I don't know the name. But I think they will rebuild mine for lower then the Rancho Trannys go for. I do realize that Rancho is top notch, therefore you pay for it. IrnBear
  12. Hey, There used to be an Ad on here for a VW Tranny shop in Riverside Cali I can't remember the name and don't see the Ad anywhere What was the shop? Where they good? Lost Reverse in my rail while in OR, didn't let that stop the fun though 🙂 Thank you, IrnBear
  13. Wifey and I did a Shakedown run to Lone Pine Cali to see if my new tow setup for the MH and Jeep would stay together Everything help up great. Had to make some brake cable adjustments on the Lone Pine side. Jeep pushed us all the way down the mtn grades through Death and Panamint Valleys One there, Stayed at Boulder Creek RV just outside Lone Pine. Took the jeep to 10,000ft and did some hiking. Next Day we did some Movie Site touring around the Alabama Hills... If you haven't done this, you should... You also need to stop at the Movie Museum in Lone Pine. And some Arch finding in the Alabama Hills and some cool rock stuff Well, thats what we did last weekend 😎 What did you do😜 IrnBear
  14. Zipping down the 127 toward Baker this past weekend, was heading to Cali for Mother's Day weekend and of course finish work on my Tattoo 😎 I could see a Cell Tower sticking up into the sky from the Hills between Baby and Big Dunes Sorry no picture IrnBear
  15. You Ran in it? Kudos to you my friend 🙂
  16. Yep, saw it Freaking Awesome 🙂 IrnBear
  17. Heading out as early as possible on Friday AM, once I get home from work Cold no big deal, Getting away and having fun Big Deal 😎 Have Two Sandrails this year, woohoo.. Hopefully they both run well all weekend... and a Mansion on Wheels 🤑 IrnBear
  18. I find these routes very fasinating Is there camping in the area, as a good staging point? Is it Boondock camping, we prefer that? Thanks for showing us other options IrnBear
  19. Pete is correct Per the Pahrump Valley Times After todays blasting there will not be any more blasting until after the New Year IrnBear
  20. Hello All, The Beautiful Wife and I are owners of a Brand-SpankMe-New Motorhome The thing is a beast and we love it We are headed out to Dumont for New Years Our other motorhome didn't have auto levelers, or levelers at all for that matter Question: do you disconnect from your trailer before you auto level your RV?? Thank you in advance, IrnBear
  21. OkieDokie Rebel/ARCO at Corner of Charleston and Shadow Lane (across from UMC) I didn't see a price posted But the Yellow Handled pumpers are still there The Yellow Handle designates the E85 Hope this helps IrnBear
  22. Rebel across from UMC on Charleston and Shadow Lane had it last I looked Ill take another peak this week when leaving work.... IrnBear
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