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Everything posted by IrnBear

  1. Friday the earlier the better here Till Monday afternoon, after the mob exits Woohoo, few more days of work Im ready now... Wow, that is a nice new ride
  2. Can't Wait Work won't ruin this trip for me It is already booked :-)
  3. That was freaking Sweet
  4. Since I have had to work all weekend (Headed back in now) And it has been a crazy ass busy weekend I can't wait to see all the awesome Pics that all you Lucky Folks took during the Roundup The Weather appears to have been down right awesome Living vicariously through others IrnBear
  5. until

    Work is literally killing me My mental stability could really use this trip But, not going to make it Thank you very much for putting this on IrnBear
  6. Friends first trip to Dumont.... They loved it :-) IrnBear
  7. until

    When is the latest we should/can RSVP as Going? Thank you, IrnBear
  8. I'm from Riverside. I shared this on my FB page for my Riverside friends to see. IrnBear
  9. until

    Ok Cool I figured the runs were impossible to schedule Mainly Taco night is what I was wondering and that is for Sat evening. Thank you for the info:-) IrnBear
  10. until

    Is there a schedule of events for the weekend? Work is touch and go with a new Computer System Launch the weekend, might run like Diarrhea into next weekend. I might need to escape for a night or two. Thanks, IrnBear
  11. This is by no means medical advice If stitches are needed then stitches are needed That being said If I was to need some liquid bandage Super Glue is an outstanding substitute IrnBear
  12. Oh Man, he will love Camp on Catalina Island..... IrnBear
  13. So Awesome.... Looks like everyone was having a great time :-) IrnBear
  14. http://www.automobilemag.com/news/koenigsegg-came-nevada-beat-records/
  15. I was wondering the same thing about that close call... How the heck did she not see you Great Video IrnBear
  16. I usually camp just to the South of the Rock Mound That big group at bathroom 4 has gotten bigger and bigger each year After reading posts about the Trunk R Treat we intentionally stayed away from the Rock Mound I was surprised to see it wasn't roped off. Something to consider next year. We did putt-putt by and it looked like everyone was having a great time and that is what matters... and that nobody was ran over... Props to all of you that go all out each year for Dumonts Halloween... IrnBear
  17. IrnBear

    Great Morning

    Chilly breeze this morning Camps appear quite Resting for the awesome day ahead
  18. until

    Planning to attend I will know better closer to the date and will change to going if I can Thanks for putting this on IrnBear
  19. I'll contact GTP I don't need for Halloween.. Probably not going to make it Halloween weekend :-( IrnBear
  20. Hey All, So I believe I am done buying used paddle tires... Last set were so old, happened to be so dry, they now look like the teeth of a meth-head. So, need to bit the bullet and go new I did descover with my past 2 used sets My car and my wife Love the Ride of the 13Plus15's Any suggestions on best price for paddles? Thank you in advance IrnBear
  21. IrnBear


    As Pete said, Verizon. I have AT&T as well Got a Verizon for the Dunes and when I sell stuff on Craigslist. Verizon is a little spotty but reliable Hell, at the top of the dunes you have full 4G IrnBear
  22. Arrived to about 104 degrees Slight Breeze off and on Set up my camp Went for an awesome dune run Saw two other rails toward the end of my run Only 3 other camps out here Maybe more will arrive this evening:-)
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