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Everything posted by IrnBear

  1. OOhhhh Man, with a Pic like this, why even have a Vote.... This is BAD ASS IrnBear
  2. i'm hoping for 80's, but I think Pete is right about it being in the 90's this weekend. As long as it cools off at night I'm good :-) And Expo will be fixed :-) IrnBear
  3. Should be heading out next weekend. If all goes well, the dog and I will MH and Trailer out friday If I can get my expo (that broke tonight) fixed, the wifey will meet me out there on friday night or sat AM (probably Sat AM) Hope this beautiful weather holds up :-) Irnbear
  4. Paddle tires that have had to go to inner tubes
  5. Haahahaha, I know😜 Had to go with inner tubes tubes on the used tires/rims I bought installed by a really good shop my valve stems come out at a slant not straight up do they all do that? thanks in advance IrnBear
  6. I was shooting for a 3peat But then Mr America posted, who has a chance against America Congrats FE135 IrnBear
  7. Hell, I tried to Delete the Peter one and couldn't... LOL.
  8. Dont be sorry If Im not mistaken, they are selling this one because they WENT BIGGER IrnBear
  9. Presidents weekend 2014 Tried to Panorama the race Got this cool pic
  10. What may I ask are the front tires? Nice rail. Thanks IrnBear
  11. Makes for a good teaser for a movie...... If thats what it was.... :-) IrnBear
  12. I was a little surprised at the result when voting had still been open. I don't get butt hurt easily so moved on, LOL. I appreciate the the catch. I really do like my Pic. The pic of the month is a pretty cool feature. I know it slows down in the non duning months. Thank you, Again, Hopefully I will get to meet some of you folks sometime. IrnBear
  13. Dumont Weekend April 9 Fire Kissed Moon
  14. 2 seat rail w/ 2387 turbo'd std travel mid engine $9000 Not a Mazzone Yet something you should really take a look at. Price is un f*cking believably low........ IrnBear
  15. Weather is Awesome Did some throttle leakage work on the rail. Needed to finally get out to test the work. Damn, my rail finally runs like it should About 88 in the sun About 76 in the shade I big camp and a number of small individual camps Breezy from time to time Loving It
  16. That is some great detailed info there If for some reason that doesn't work out. Looking at the pic Just to the left of the ARCO there is a strip of Cement. That is the ARCO dump site. Has water as well. I believe it also is $10. Pay inside. Best of luck and have fun. IrnBear
  17. Well, We didn't Dune in February But we did HoneyMoon in Hawaii IrnBear
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