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Everything posted by vegas450r

  1. Could u explain what defines trashy folks. What i'm getting at is do u have to have a 40' m/h, t/h with a L/T sand rail not to be trash? If u mean the people that leave trash behind, one weekend i was there, the was a camp of about 3 m/h, 6-8 quads and a couple of sand rails. when they left, the boxes that their new pop-ups were in were left behind. IMO, doesn't realy matter how much $$$ or how little u have, some peeps just don't care.
  2. I bet they'll be there (BLM) cause planet sand is having the drags on saturday
  3. i've seen a truck around town that says moble rv repair. it had a 800 # on it. check internet or maybe yellow pages
  4. Pete, Didn't mean to to get anyone upset. This reason i asked, was on halloween weekend, a blm ranger was cruising by our camp. I asked him about using rebarb stakes to string up my penants to keep peeps from riding so close to our camp (like about a foot from m/h) The ranger said he had no problems with it, just make sure to remove them. So when i read the flyer it stated not using metal stakes. My stakes ar 5' long, i put them in the ground about a foot, and they're paint florencent orange. That's y I asked, if flyer stated it, and blm rangers had no problem with it,
  5. 1 ? Who's rules r these. Were they approved by blm, trt or the same board who approved the pass increase.
  6. on halloween weekend i got some things from parts direct. they took my card. also bought a flagpole for the m/h from Got Sand, they took my card too.
  7. just got a 1/2 cord at Jones's feed store $115.00
  8. I'm thinking of taking my quad there. Is it a dyno jet dyno or what? How much?
  9. I was at amargosa this weekend. Never seen an ltr beat a 700 all day long up comp. as far as handling cruising the dunes, i agree the ltr is better. but as Quadzilladude stated, There just is no substitute for cc's (or cubic inches)as far as flat drags or hill shooting. Just my .02.
  10. I like the new spot. I talked to some of the vendor's, sorta 50/50 split on the new spot verses old.
  11. Wish i could find out what the winds speeds were last night?
  12. When I got there thurs afternoon, i stopped to get a pass, machines were all taped up. no rangers around. on the way out today, rangers were at the exit. I stopped paid my $20.00. the ranger put my name on the pass, and said this $20.00 will go towards the price of a season pass if i was going to buy one.all i need is the pass with my name on it. he said season passes will be ready mid to end of nov. So I figure when i go out for thanksgivving it will cost $80. $70 for season pass ($90 -$20. for this weekend + $10 for big weekend surcharge.) Right?
  13. I got there thurs around 4 pm. Meet up with a guy from work and his neighbor. It was his 1st trip with his new VW rail. They had gotten there around 7 am Thurs. I asked how his rail was running, said it had a bad miss in it. He had just gotten back from Pahrump with some new spark plugs. swapped out plugs, did't make any difference. so we checked each plug for spark. all good. pulled left valve cover off, found push rod out of rocker arm on front intake valve. don't know what caused it, so needless to say, he didn't drive it anymore. we sat around drinking beer the rest of the night. it was great weather all day Friday , no wind and great riding. Woke up sat morn to some wind. hung inside m/h and t/h's till around 11 or so. the wind stopped and another great day for riding and drinking beer. Even played some horse shoes. then around 6 pm the wind picked up bad. stuck in m/h till this morning. It's the worst wind i've been in. Went out this morning to check things out. little drifts all around trucks,trailers, m/h and t/h's. Seen a piece of plastic laying in the sand, huh, were did this come from. looked all around, found out it was part of the cover for my a/c unit. dang, now I got to get a new one of them. stayed a little windy, took one ride, packed up and headed out around 11. Seen an ambulance out there friday night, taking someone out, also seen rangers leaving sat afternoon with their lights on, anyone hear what might have happened?
  14. Yea, I got there at 9 am. already a group of peeps there. I got some of those $59 jersery/pants sets, hoodies,gloves and socks. Hand were full. took about 45 min to check out. Took that stuff to truck and went back in to get some ASV levers. got in line at the inside registers, that only took about 20 min.
  15. was out there 8/11. road was a lot better than it was in june. i was going 35/40, no probem. oops it's posted at 25.
  16. I just got some skat trak extremes 21/12/8 6 paddles on douglas .125 rims. Got them through fullerton sand sports. I looked and called around town (vegas). no one could touch his price, + ordered them on a monday morn at they got here tues. Give Dave a call at fullerton 714-898-2049. tell him what ur running and what type of riding, he'll set u up right.
  17. Does he do head porting and polishing, got on 06 honda 450
  18. Is anybody going there tomorrow? It's my friday. i'l proably be there around 7:30
  19. what i meant was i see more a hole stunts in the dunes with rails. I know a lot of peeps with quads and bikes doing the wheelies and sh*t in the camp area
  20. I'm glad one of u finally spoke up. i wasn't out there this weekend, so i can only go by what other people said. I always like to know ur side of the story. I've always gone out of my way to speak to the blm, rangers chp , or who ever is out there doing their job.I just like to get a good repore with ya. I was in the milatary for 20 yrs so I know what it's like to be on the outside. always being treated as the bad guy. I know if I was in ur position, it would be hard to just sit there on my bike, quad, sand rail, and watch everybody else enjoying themselfs. I think it's great that u would try and be one of us, hill shooting or sand drags. I know if i was there, i would of come up to ya, and said something like nice try, or damn, can't the gov spend more money to make these faster! i've read some of the the post about peeps getting tickets that they feel they didn't deserve. I wasn't there so I don't know if they were wrong or not. I know it must be difficult to determine who u should or shouldn't cite. I know i've seen quite a few peeps who are total a$$wholes out there. mostly peeps with sandrails. they think that if if own a $80k machine they can do what they want. i know more peeps don't get cited than do. but with a ratio of 1000: 1 or more u just have to figure should i or shouldn't i. I know most complaints r about hauling a$$ through camping area. I personnely think that's were most of ur time should be spent. Hope to see ya out there sometime. but can't u get some honda's LOL
  21. so r u talking that a stock 700 will beat a cammed and piped 450. tell me u ain't saying so. my son ahs raced a couple of 700 that had cam's, H/c pistons and still stayed even or beat em. all depends on who got the holeshot. But if ya got to get a 700 to beat a 450, that ain't speaking much for a 700 LOL
  22. u might want to go to las vegas motor sports (craig & lamb) they sell yamaha's and susuki's, or cater power sports on 215 and decauter, they sell honda;s and susuki's. go sit on them and see how they feel. to ya. then maybe u can barter with em on what one u want.
  23. I own 2 honda 450r's an 05 and & 06. I haven't had a problem with either one. the 06/07 r better than the 04/05's. I don't know what kind of riding u do. my son mostly just does the hill shoots up comphill with the 06. nothing against yamaha's, but r 06 honda will beet the 700 in the hill shoots. pretty even with the yfz 450's. we've added a a cam ,full exhaust and + 2 a arms on the 06. the 05 has a cam and slip on exhaust. it stays pretty even with the 660 raptors,but can't touch the yfz's. so it all depends what kind of riding u do. the susuki 450 has a wider front end and better shocks than either the honda or yamaha. they're all about the same price + - $500 msrp.
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