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Everything posted by vegas450r

  1. is anybody going there this weekend. I looking to get a new T/H probably going saturday morning
  2. so is anybody going to Scoudrels pub II tonight. I'm within stubbling distance from there
  3. me either, my 06 is in the shop and i want to watch the 500 too
  4. i get $721.43. now, what to spend it on.
  5. no, they aren't Carlisle. they're freeways. That's what come on trailer when i got it at carson's trailer on boulder hwy. I had another trailer for 3yrs, that i bought from carson's. never had a tire problem with them These tires were rated at 1850 #'s at 50 psi. I just checked tire pressures about 3 weeks ago before my last trip.
  6. thanks! not bad for not having any body tools. just got out prpane torch, heated it up. got it pretty straight. then used a 2x4 and hammer to smooth it out. used to work part time at a buddies garage doing body work, way back when. 1970,s
  7. my son was on the way to amargosa friday and had a flat on the utility trailer he had 2 quads and d/b on it. blew just past the junction. heres some pics of the tire , damage to fender, and the repair i made
  8. Sure r, put em on about 9 months ago. i have a set on my 05 also. but the 05 has a brace going from the heal guard to were the fender mounts on the sub frame. the 06 doesn't have this brace.
  9. Got ur pm. Thanks!! I'll be heading that way hopfully friday morn.
  10. Yea, I live in north vegas, Craig and MLK
  11. My nerf bars r cracking by the welds, both sides. anybody weld aluminum or know somebody that does.
  12. i just got out the invoice: $69 for labor on oil change, filter $16 11 qt oil $3 qt $53for labor on trans, $40 for filter, nothing listed for trans fliud. they just changed filter. I guess i'll find someplace else or do it my self until the major mileage checks due. I figured $80-$120 going in by no way figured $230 +
  13. I went to the dealership yesterday to get the 1st service done on my truck(07 2500HD). Had oil and filter changed, also changed spin on filter for tranny. I new it would be more expensive than a gas engine truck, but when i went to pay it was $236 :angry22: I must of had a crazy look on my face as the cashier ask me if i wasn't expecting a bill like that. I said H3ll no. I know a few of the peeps here work at dealerships,or other shops. What do you charge or what have u paid for this service.
  14. :yeah_whatever: Here's my 07 2500 HD diesel. Got it 12/6/06. Bought some new BFG's today 265/75/16's
  15. Since I aint going MLK weekend now, I'll be there sometime around noon on friday. need to put a note in M/H for south pole meet up at 2 pm on sat.
  16. What kind of mileage they getting on these tires?
  17. i was getting my truck washed today, and next door was a tire works store. went in to get some prices. $864. 4 bridgestone duelers 265/75/16's, torsion bars cranked to level truck, and an aliment. tires have a 6 yr/60k warranty, down to 2/32. no pro-rating. load range E. I asked about 285's but they won't mount them on my rims, plus only load range d. the best price on bfg's was like 900 and that was just the tires, no torsion bars or aliment. Has anyone had or heard anything about these tires?
  18. Same here. I'd like to watch a bunch of races, but since i have a motorhome, gota ride quad to comp. don't feel like standing sitting around in the cold. they'll have the races again on prez weekend.
  19. I found out that this years show is feb 22-25. I think i'll wait till then to see about getting a new T/H. I got a class C M/H now so around the 1st of feb i'll put it up for sale. If I don't sell it by the time of the rv show, i'll drive it down there, make my deal, then tell em that my trade in is in the parking lot. That way I won't have to drive it to all the dealers, and try and make a deal.
  20. :surrender: I plan on being there MLK weekend. I tried to sign on to Planetsand web site, but for some reason can't. I was wondering if anybody knows what's going on each day. I plan on being there on fri- sun.
  21. 1. quit smoking 2. quit buying expensive toys 3. After i get the new T/H I'm qiting smoking today. Just went and bought some Commit lozenges. And a lot of hard candy and gum. The hard part will be when i have some booze. will see how that works out this weekend. Hopefully by MLK weekend i'l have a good handle on it.
  22. just some there a couple of weeks ago. they charged like $60 bucks for a 1/4 cord. had my trailer, so they marked out an area on the bed and filled it up.
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