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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    2006 Sandworks - 2 seat, LS1 mid-engine
  • Location
    Lake Havasu City, AZ
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  1. until

    Absolutely will not miss this one! Please sign us up!
  2. That's good news! We appreciate the prompt reply.
  3. My wife and I have been duning at Dumont for more than twenty years - but nearly all of the friends we used to camp and dune are no longer active in the sport. We had hoped to have the opportunity to make new friends at the Dumontdunerider's 4th Annual Buggy Roundup, last December, but we were not able to make it. So, we became determined not to let anything prevent our attending this year's 5th Annual Buggy Roundup. However, thus far the web site's December 2017 calendar does not show a 5th Annual Buggy Roundup, and we are wondering if this is event is no longer being scheduled? Thank you!
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