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  • Name
    Jeff Lemon
  • Sand Toys
    2014 RZR 1000 4 seater
    2010 kx450
    2008 kfx50
    2016 KTM 50sx
    2007 Polaris 50
    2015 Suzuki dr70
    2016 attitude 36tsg
    2013 F-350
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    Business Owner

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  1. Hello everyone. First off I want to send out a THANK YOU to everyone that attended to this accident. This is Jeff. I was in the other Rzr messing around a little on that jump before the crash. I am so impressed and can't show my appreciation enough to everyone and how quickly you all helped me and my friends. It really goes to show you kind and caring people are. It was a horrible accident and something that can be avoided. Here is the updates to my friends. The driver is back home resting with a broken collar bone and banged up leg and cuts and bruises here and there on him. His 10 year old son Logan has been in ICU until early this afternoon where he was taken to a regular room for further obersavations. He had some bleeding in his lower abdomen that they have been keeping a close eye on. He should be released in a few days. The rear passenger Jon Murphy is doing well. The surgury was successful and he is showing good Positive steps. He is able to slowly move his arms but still has no movement in his hand,feet, and legs. However he can feel the doctors touching him so that is a positive sign. He suffered a big gash to his head between his eyes and also a big gash to back of his head where he got staples. I'm not sure if we even knew the back of his head was cut until he got to ER. . They removed the breathing tube today so he is able to talk. He told his wife he remembers the crash up until the first impact. He said to her today he died. The 10-15 minutes of me and whomever helped pull him out of car (thank you) that he was unresponsive was pitch black. He said first thing he remembers is the brunette nurse helping him in the sand. So to this nurse and I sorry I don't remember names. Thank you thank you thank you. Right now he looks good and time will tell what's going to be. Jonny is a fighter and he is a strong dude so we are all staying positive. Please to all that hear of this accident. Be careful. Know your limits. Don't discount inexperience to get a 5 second adrenaline rush. Things can go from bad to worse in blink of an eye. Know your machines and know them well before you start pushing it. Again thank you to everyone that attended to my friends. If it wasn't for all of your immediate attention we may of seen a more tragic outcome. Keep my friends in your thoughts and prayers. All of you that helped, you are truly all hero. Words cannot express our gratitude in what you all did. Ride safe, wear your protective gear and know your machine and know your limit. Much Love
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