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    Andrew Lauretta
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  1. Honestly, I think you are right about it probably getting out of control. We appreciated the hard work of everyone that put this on the last few seasons. Bummer that it got too out of control.
  2. With the trunk or treat being canceled officially for this season what would stop someone from doing an unofficial trunk or treat at the usual time/location?
  3. The 3 stores in baker are saying they did not get any season passes and don't know if they will. I called all 3 on 10/24. Any ideas on where/how to get a season pass coming from CA?
  4. We always have the same issue with speeding through the camp area. As well as people driving super close to the camp for no reason.
  5. This year the trunk or treat was awesome!! The organization for this event was excellent. Hopefully they continue to set it up this way next year. Great job to all those involved. Thank you for taking the time to put this together...see you all next year!!
  6. I got 5 votes, I'm good with 2nd place. Great pic SandChick!!
  7. Comp hill in the background Presidents weekend.
  8. 5150 is great. I rolled my car breaking both whips and they replaced them at no charge. I also had a buddy who had a defective whip and they took care of him too. Andy and the rest of the people at 5150 are amazing to work with.
  9. Thank you!! We thought it was a good idea. The kids really enjoyed it. It made trick or treating easier by having it in one location. Seemed like there was a good amount of participation. Hopefully it will become a tradition.
  10. A big thanks to GTP for saving my weekend by having a tie rod for a turbo on hand. Sad to see the vendor all leave but if the blm makes it difficult for them to be able to vend and the business isn't there to really make it worth while I understand.
  11. Extreme tires out of Arizona. They are excellent to work with and have great customer service.
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