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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. nice...... i hope they have the backing to last long enough to get a following. the Facebook page is updated often with track builds and links to live video.
  2. couldnt get any interest so im going to stay home and work around the house. but going to do a day ride up cold creek sunday anyone interested in that?
  3. think im going to head out for another weekend (most likely the last of the season at dumont) april 18-21. anyone else headed out?
  4. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo....video/62529529" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
  5. the only thing i read was that 4 wheel parts had route maps
  6. Been there done that hope my one is behind me also. Glad there was help DDR people rock! Happy you are ok. Be safe....... Ps I like my old guy cage!
  7. This topic has going off the rails! I will keep it open unless Tim the topic starter asks for it to be locked or closed. Or it gets into personal attacks. Don't think this debate is informing anyone. and I think Bruce and Tim could be friends over a beer at the dunes so let's not get to that point that can't happen. I would suggest signing the petition or not but let's stop the circle jerk of posts. Think everyone has stated there feelings on the matter beyond the topic. I like tacos...........
  8. Ok I'm not sure about this topic I know where it came from and I will monitor it. If it gets into attacking people or goes down the drain I will shut it down. It's a website about sand dunes people!
  9. I have lt 16" on my fifth wheel and have towed all over with no issues
  10. sweet bike! still have that widow maker also (kx500)
  11. doesn't look like they spent much time at the range? tailgate shots don't do much and they weren't even being fired at!
  12. can't believe this is still around.... if your thinking about it just do it!
  13. ram pro line 702 396 4500 last wheel set i had done $25 per wheel for black.
  14. i wonder if i could get my atc 70s titled in my dads name in AZ then transfer to NV
  15. there does seem like a division has formed between leos and duners. there doesn't seem to be a partnership like in the past. but you cant fault them for writing tickets for basic laws. we all know the stickers are a pain and only serve to give cali money (unless you have another states sticker)and no flag or tail light will get you pulled over every time. but it does put you off to have a leo come up and start chatting friendly then turn it into a inspection (and possibly a ticket). i have all my lights stickers even insurance but i have started just driving off when they pull up next to me. the less contact i have the less respect i loose for them.
  16. it all depends on how much you want to edit. i have a 32 a 16 and a 8 back-up for 2 cameras and that has been enough for even long trips
  17. i was going to try and get 2 for one end of the world lap dances
  18. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/55658384?badge=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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