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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. well i rolled in thursday afternoon picked a spot for the party people that were coming in friday. unpacked and went for a cruz dunes were clean but looked like the wind had blown the same way all week. one side of the dunes was a sharp drop off with soft blow sand. sat on top of comp and enjoyed being 1 of 12 people in all of dumont. did a easy drive around the south side and out to the retired camp. BS'ed with the guys as it got dark and was time to head back and finish settling in. had a techie evening listening to music off the iphone and surfing the web on my iPad while sitting at the fire. clear skys and stars every night. Friday and Saturday nights campfire did not disappoint! i did a lot of dune runs and the XP does awesome was good to have most of the OG crew out. saturday was highlighted by the bomb lawndarting and the after recovery but we made it out by dark. did some fun riding sunday and ended up at comp with some fly over gopro jumps out of the lip. this was my 20-21-22-23 days at dumont this year all have been warm sunny and awesome ....Dune Gods i thank you. a lot of work coming up so my trips will be harder to fit in for awhile.... gopro videos to come
  2. Yes I am ....... Stormi come on out there are a few other girls in camp and campfire should be Fun! Red duramax and fifth wheel just down from bath 6.
  3. Not like you could miss us only group between the fingers will have a bright green flashing light to help
  4. its not new years yet. and you cant hear anyway!
  5. im on hold right now the xp was making a strange sound so its at carter now
  6. its all good now https://vimeo.com/54648097
  7. must be a glitch im re-uploading it
  8. yea not sure whats up i played it thru on vimeo before posting now its not playing
  9. new video from thanksgiving 9 minutes but i couldnt cut it down any more enjoy and let me know what you think http://player.vimeo....4648097?badge=0
  10. i know who im looking for if im stuck in the dunes.. FRIEND!
  11. it was the easiest way out. to go back over banshee would have been up that tall face dune.
  12. a lot the motor let go and ate itself think mark said 3 con rods and all kinds of shrapnel in the pan. maybe stuck waste gate?? sure mark will chime in sometime. i know the motor is out and getting a new/used one to go in soon.
  13. oh and the number one Question was 'WHERE IS RANDOG???"
  14. im sure you post when you want to go out and a group will adopt you
  15. 7 days of sun sand friends and fun. with all the pictures and live updates i sent pete i feel like i already did this. week started with the locomotive horn blast thru the pay station monday evening. (just for jill and charlie) DDR was well represented this week everywhere i went i ran into peeps i knew (or knew of me). got some awesome fast smooth runs. the XP runs right with the rails (even in front of a few) i have video of krusty's motor opening some windows. i did something and didnt get a bunch of video i thought i had. didnt remember to bring the lap top so i just found out when i downloaded it here. i do have couple hours of raw footage so im sure there will be a couple videos (going to have to figure out how to put a watermark all new videos after getting one jacked). was a smaller crowd out there seem more like a busy off weekend of years past. the meet and greet was huge i think i spent 20 minutes introducing everyone to everyone. and the train neal lead was awesome. i was thinking that if everyone pitched a dollar in we could have had the helicopter film it! watched netflicks of my phone monday night but by Wednesday night i couldn't send a picture off tell late at night. (YELLING GET OFF MY BANDWIDTH didnt help either!) if you want pictures look on the ddr Facebook page or the live update thread in here. steve
  16. i think this thread should be closed shortly it s getting away from the original topic of giving information on a tragic accident and more into right wrong and blame. good chance (unless the parties involved share) that we will not know the final outcome. lets all learn life is often too short and that the decisions you make effect many.
  17. if you mount on a spot that gets a constant somewhat even vibration it seems to confuse the stabilization. like a plastic rear fender over the paddle.you get a weird electric noise on the film and audio. need to use the rubber isolator with the permanent stick on mounts. find the best videos are made with different angles and perspectives. i edit with iMovie on my iMac.
  18. stacey there is more info on neal rideouts Facebook page
  19. There was another quad hit by a rail tonight on comp hill. From what I heard the quad rider was ok with a wrist injury but that is second hand info.
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