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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. andy if you still need a camp spot for the weekend your welcome to pull up to my camp. i will down from bath 6 camping with krusty and lou b should be 4-5 cars in camp. pm me ill be headed out tomorrow or tuesday
  2. yea its the unions fault...WHAT? check yourself Adam! the workers gave wage and raise concessions 4 years ago. the strike was because hostess stopped paying into there contracted pension plan months ago and then wanted the workers to give it up on contract. it was workers getting tired of giving things up and if it meant the company would close. then it probably was going to happen anyway it was just convenient to blame the union. i have been in a union for 17 years and have seen the good and the bad but remember unions brought you a 40 hour work week, (and everyone loves weekends) overtime, safer working conditions, fair wages, and the end of child labor. Yea im sure the UNION was why the company failed!
  3. no not this trip but i will come visit .... you got pie?
  4. i know at 1:30 saturday everybody honk your air horns as a reminder. (it a good excuse and i know mines loud enough to be heard over the whole camp area)
  5. you will be fine if you dont go very far off the main road. but if you go wondering around it does get soft.
  6. im in want to say monday thru sunday but i just lost the last day of prep having to fly to LA so it will most likely tue thru sunday. near bath 6
  7. i would check the power cables from the batteries to the gene. sounds like maybe a bad ground. with the jumpers you are creating a new ground path. it would also explain having battery power elsewhere. just a thought.
  8. i know where they saved the money. last weekend the road wasnt touched (most likely not after sunday the week before) and there was no one at the pay station sunday 2pm. must have not had any money left after the week before...........
  9. might go by a vets office and see if it has the micro chip implanted sure they will do the scan for free
  10. i had a great time love the XP! i stay right inline with the sand cars only a couple slow razor flops i wasnt going to make (short wheel base). cant wait to see the 80grit video run video.
  11. yea you came thru our camp sorry you didnt find the owner
  12. me! should be there early evening tomorrow
  13. its the same type heli i took in oregon it was fun. but we didnt fly out of the sand we used a parking lot outside of the dunes
  14. more power and suspension and a better base to build on
  15. just the ending picture is neal everything else was shot by me
  16. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/52526655?badge=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
  17. i like you came on and straightened some things out jake thank you. i still would like to know what statistics (arrests, tickets, accidents ) warranted the crack down? i cant remember a post about anything like that. its a slippery slope and this could be the start... how many people bring guns? i for one need to put a cali legal 10 round clip to be compliant (have i forgot or grabbed the wrong one... yes) how about your favorite beer (the one in the Glass bottles) or your atc 70 that they cant find a vin and decide to impound it. you might not think you have anything to hide tell they start digging thru your stuff. and when stuff like this start happening you will think back to the first bit of easy harassment (its for your safety)... big brother comes to dumont! lets try to not let it happen.
  18. what a great 6 days at dumont the XP ran perfect as did all my upgrades. 190 miles most were fast dune runs with rails or xps. took some go pro and will get a video together soon. was able to meet up with a lot people and still didnt get to see everyone i wanted to. if my supplies hadnt been getting low i might have stayed longer. had a great time today with neil and the idaho dune guys 40 miles rough fast duning and a couple of photo shoots. cant wait for the on board drift pictures. the xp needs a wash and a oil change
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