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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. Next I see a 2 seater stadium style with a second seat behind the driver and slightly higher.
  2. i like carter good people there
  3. the biggest thing is the Leo vs duner mentality. i used to feel at least a loose partnership we look out after one anther and the Leos were to help us stay safe. now i don't get a good feeling or a openness from them almost feel they tolerate us so the can make money on passes and tickets. remember we are the only "income area" for the barstow office. after all- the money, time, and miles to get to a piece of sand in middle of now where must make me a suspect……. or a money source ?
  4. i got out xmas afternoon stayed tell monday. burned a lot of fuel did a bunch of fast buggy runs. enjoyed camp and campfire. shot a lot of gopro just put up a randog video and have footage for 2 more. XP ran great and even put some gas thru the atc 70. and the meet and greet run was a fun fast paced ride!
  5. i know when i left at noon today there was a less then happy group of LEOs and rangers at the pay station. as i drove up i held my holiday season pass out the window like always. i had to drive right up to them this time and they were a angry bunch i watched one of them rest his hand on his gun as i got close. i think the police state at the pay station is way out of line. keep hearing how BLM and the sheriff are broke but there was 10 of them at pay station doing nothing but searching for ticketed to write. what happened that warrants the increase of scrutiny at dumont?
  6. my present to myself will be a drive to dumont tomorrow afternoon. a week of sand friends and camping
  7. my fix is going to be a new tank (or a new hauler) for the season I'm using a couple 55 gallon plastic barrels. i had some luck with a roofing patch ETERNABOND very sticky with a chemical reaction when worked. worked pretty good but still had a drip.
  8. i use a lot of mounts but the eye of mine is the most versatile.
  9. I'm in Phoenix until Friday afternoon. plan on driving home to Vegas picking up the hauler load up and head out so it will be late when I roll in. (Sounds like a train horn moment!) at least that is the plan if everything works right.
  10. yea i didn't get everything drained. everything was frozen yesterday but i think I'm ok valves were open
  11. dave at fullerton is recommending LIQUID TUBE over berrymans
  12. every one should bring there atc70s for camp fun
  13. thanks nick good to hear he is doing ok. he was in shock and pretty shaken. i was hoping nothing else was hurt but you never know.
  14. few pics from that night. i asked a couple of rangers about his condition but no one knew
  15. i thought there were 2 but that has been awhile
  16. Yea I was the first on the scene. A rzr XP tried cresting the top of comp and did a slow roll it rolled all the way down ( at least 20 rolls) the driver and passenger were ejected about a third of the way down. I saw the first roll and was already sitting in my Xp I yelled and started up the hill I got to the Xp just as It stopped rolling. As I got to it no one way in it. Yelled back down for help and to get the rangers. Got back in the XP and drove farther up the hill with all my lights on tell I got to the first guy. The driver was shaken up and had a scrapped up hand. The passenger laying down in pain. and had a few injuries knott on the head dislocated shoulder and some other pain he was scared and even asked me if he was going to die. I let him know help was on the way (didn't know there was no Blm or Sherriff here at dumont) and he was going to be fine. I was joined by a family group that had at least some medical experience (so thankfull that they came up to help). After finding out about the lack of assistance from Blm we decided to pull him down the hill on a blanket and load him into the bed of a pickup. I stuck around and helped get the wreck off the hill and then went and met the group at the Blm compound as the heli was landing. We all helped get him on a back board and assisted lifting him in the chopper. He was in good spirits and I joked with him some the whole time just to break the tension. The driver waived transport and will be ok . Took some pics of the XP it had a after market cage that did a good job and stayed in shape the drivers door was bent in half and pushed way in. The pics didn't come out at night very well I'll look in the morning to see if I can post any.
  17. I'm here and it stopped raining about 3. road hasn't been touched lots of pot holes not very much washboard. Dunes are wet and I plan on tracking every inch up!
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