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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. what? i sure hope you are getting something else...........
  2. winchester bay with the norcal crew riding shotgun after destroying my XP
  3. writing the name/ number has been a rule for awhile but none of the venders i have dealt with ever do. and i have only been told to do it once. plus i have never had to slow down enough for them to read it on the way out they see the pass and wave you by
  4. i wont be there but a picture of me and my XP are on the backdrop of the Idaho Dunes booth. Picture is from neal rideout FE135. they are giving poster sized ones out if any one picks up a extra i would like to have a few.
  5. this was the xp1k from the video above. mine i hit a half buried log in the sand on a trail did suspension and frame damage
  6. trade you 3 atc70s one done, one needs to be done, and one in a box....... and a ice cream sammy!
  7. i havent had anything to ride..... i have time
  8. it didnt land as nice as it looked. taco'ed one if not both rear shocks. there were pics of the aftermath on another site
  9. i enjoy filming them and making the videos... i watch my own videos all the time
  10. my newest video from dunefest 2013 winchester bay oregon <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/73252833" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> http://vimeo.com/73252833
  11. with that kind of attendance you can bet they get bigger sponsors next year and maybe a better run event. it still feels like they are making it up as they go. i say do one at dumont jan/feb start a every 6 month thing. (bet blm would f--- it up though)
  12. yea i had work done before my trip. oil change, cat filter, and a tune. they got me in last minute. i know they are slammed most of the time. maybe stop by they are close to you next to town square
  13. very bummed to be home with a broke machine instead of being there.... had camping pass and was ready to see trucks fly
  14. No huckfest for me busted the XP and I'm not doing pismo with no ride. Still have my reseervations 21-27 not sure if they are transferable if they are they are up for bid!! because camping has been sold out for months!
  15. i have been using mine year around on sand and off
  16. $20,000 is a start then let the :ogp: ing begin i have all my receipts but i will never add them up!
  17. just got back from a duramax spa trip to underground diesel . oil change, fuel filter cat adapter, and flash tune for towing and milage.. i also just put new bilstien shocks all around. truck seems very happy ! thanks for getting my in before i leave on a road trip mike
  18. its a full redesign with a 1000cc. should be the new top dog in the UTV world
  19. we have met more then that just saw you at super motto vegas. sure thing you should be able to find the red dmax and 5th wheel (ddr sticker on back) im not planning on being too far off the high water mark
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