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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. everytime he finishes it, i change something. it only appears that he never finishes it heh.
  2. very. thanks for the last few years, and for the many more to come. the yellow one is headin' your way soon.
  3. some of my dirt and sand toys. took some recent photo's and thought i'd share. if you see me at the dunes, gimme a holler. enjoy. 2001 banshee (blue/baby blue): 485 ported cheetah with billet powervalves. Hot Rods 58mm stroke (+4) 115mm rods (+5). 73mm wiseco pistons. Trinity heavy duty clutches. Hinson basket. Pro-Design impellar. Vforce3 reeds (cr250). Keihin 35mm carburetors. K&N filters w/ outerwares. Cheetah head w/ 20cc domes. Shearer in-frame drag exhaust. Dyna programmable ignition w/ burned drag curve. Fluidyne radiator. Tudors shift-pro. Motion pro twist throttle. Spider grips. Elka shocks w/ reservoir fronts. LoneStar +2+1 arms. LoneStar Axcalibur axle. Lonestar front hubs. LoneStar rear hubs. LoneStar sprocket hub. LoneStar brake hub. LoneStar brake block-off. LoneStar +6 chrome swingarm. LoneStar axle carrier. LoneStar anti-vibe stem. Renthal bars. Renthal chain. Renthal 14t sprocket. Sunstar 41t sprocket. IMS roll foot pegs w/ kick-up. IMS roll rear brake lever. IMS roll shifter. Trail Tech lights. custom LED taillight w/ bracket. AC racing grab bar. RIS bikini bumper. DG nerf bars, powdercoated baby blue. Fly clutch perch. Eyeball front & rear braided brake lines. Eyeball brake line clamps. Armadillo re-locator. Fullbore body front & rear. Fullbore tank cover. TM designworks chain slider. TM designworks chain rollers. Cascade chain guide. billet gas cap. billet waterpump cover. billet clutch insert. billet 3 piece stator cover. billet reservoir cover. polished clutch side cover. polished wishbone. polished rear brake disc. powdercoated frame. shock covers. yfz450 spindles. ITP t9 wheels front & rear. Skat-trak 21" mohawks. Skat-trak 22" 10-paddle extreme grip haulers. 2001 Banshee (silver/baby pink): Trinity 376 Nikasil coated Pro-TT ported cylinders. Trinity stainless steel exhaust. Hot Rods 54mm stroke (stock) 110mm rods (stock) crank. 66.25mm wiseco pistons. Vito's hemi cool-head w/ 17cc domes. Barnett clutches. Keihin 35mm carburetors. K&N filters w/ outerwares. Boyesen rad valve reeds. Pro Design impellar. Tudor's shift-pro. Fluidyne radiator. Motion Pro twist throttle. Spider grips. +6 chrome swingarm. LoneStar anti-vibe stem. Cascade Brake block-off. Cascade taillight cover. American Star +2+1 arms. TCS dual rate front shocks w/ reservoir. Trail Tech lights. Tag bars. PRM side bars. Fly clutch perch. Eyeball front & rear braided brake lines. Eyeball brake line clamps. Armadillo re-locator. Fullbore body front & rear. Fullbore tank cover. IMS roll shifter. RIS bikini bumper. TM Designworks chain guide. TM Designworks chain rollers. TM Designworks chain slider. Renthal chain. Renthal 14t sprocket. Sunstar 41t sprocket. billet gas cap. billet waterpump cover. billet clutch insert. billet 3 piece stator cover. billet reservoir cover. polished clutch side cover. polished wishbone. polished rear brake disc. polished brake lever. powdercoated front hubs. powdercoated rear hubs. powdercoated brake hub. powdercoated sprocket hub. powdercoated spindles. powdercoated footpegs. powdercoated frame. shock covers. ITP t9 wheels front & rear. Skat-trak 21" mohawks. Skat-trak 21" 9 paddle extreme grip haulers. 2006 raptor 700r: Trinity Nikasil plated 734cc cylinder. Trinity full exhaust. Trinity K&N filter kit. Trinity dobeck fuel controller. Dyna programmable ignition. Powerhouse ported head. Hotcams stage II cam. Motion pro twist throttle. ASV F3 clutch perch. ASV F3 brake lever. Dr.D reverse switch. LoneStar anti-vive stem. Lonestar DC4 +2+1 long travel arms LoneStar Axcalibur axle. Elka quad rate long travel shocks w/ reservoir. Pro taper bars. Fullbore body front & rear. PRM side bars. PRM chassis skid. PRM summit bumper. PRM desert grab bar. ITP baja wheels front & rear. ITP 23" front xct tire. ITP 22" rear xct tire. TM Designworks block-off. 2007 LTR450: Yoshimura cherry bomb. AC racing pro peg nerf bars. AC racing bumper. Blingstar grab bar. Pro-design tether kill switch. 2006 rhino se: Dyna CDI. Trinity dual exhaust. KMS sheave. Hardstyle intake. K&N filter. 500 watt stator. Mikuni high flow fuel pump. Odyssey gel battery. PRP seats. HID headlights (4)-Trail tech HID spotlights. billet mirrors. Maier full silver body. ITP SS 14" wheels front & rear. ITP terracross tires front & rear. Seizmik console. shifter. removed stereo to upgrade. i'm gonna spare you guys the quadzilla project and the dwarf car because i'm gonna end up sellin' those because of lost interest. see you folks in the sand.
  4. powerstroke? i thought you had a toyota? they don't offer a powerstroke option in the toyota's. heh.
  5. dirt wheels has the most advertisers of any of the quad magazines. all of the magazines are biased, and if you know that like i do, you disregard their rider reviews and draw conclusions based on the options and etc. by faired well i meant that it is comparable in weight, power, and options. also, the yamaha didn't win their shootout this time, but the ktm did which imo is overpriced for what it has to offer. it's a great machine if you're going to keep it stock, but if you wanna race it you're gonna spend alot of money replacing items on the bike that you're spending extra money on purchasing this particular model itself. if you're purchasing a quad to build to be a racer, you're better off with a yamaha, honda, kawasaki, polaris, can-am. if you're on a budget and need something nearly race ready to start, get a suzuki. can i ask a question that's been on my mind since i read your post, cheese? if you really dislike dirt wheels magazine, why were you a subscriber for five years? that means you renewed your subscription atleast twice, because they don't offer a five year subscription. not to knock you or anything, take it however you do though.
  6. i seen one at the worcs race today. didn't see it race at all but by appearance alone it was impressive. also, in the new edition of dirt wheels magazine, they have a 450 all out shootout.. yamaha vs. honda vs. suzuki vs. kawasaki vs. can-am vs. ktm vs. polaris. it faired well against the competition.
  7. if i have saturday off, i'll be out there. yayee.
  8. good times. this is the first president's day weekend at dumont i've missed in many moons. me and the broad both have the flu. next time.
  9. that's gruesome, brother. sucks to have witnessed something like that.
  10. i'm a marble mason in the vegas area, and it seems i can't work enough. until last week i had been working overtime since late summer, and for the past three months we were workig 80-90+ hours per week. i grossed $17,000 in january alone on check, not including my pension. i was working the residential market from 2001 - 2006, it was booming here and work was always constant or better. i caught wind of a major commercial boom and re-joined the union in '06. the residential market fell off and casino's are going up everywhere. the work is projected to be bountiful until 2011 or greater. before 2001 i worked union and work was just as it is now, and i worked 80+ hours per week from mid '97 through mid '99. there's alot of guys on these jobsites that don't know their a*holes from their elbows but they've made the transition from their former career (i've ran into all kinds.. loan officers, RE agents, etc.) and they're employed and making a good living. with all these new casino's we're building, they need staffed as well. thousands of positions are being created. it's the only reason i choose to reside in las vegas. i'm on the palazzo currently, which is almost done. where should i go next? city center for atleast a couple years? fountaine blue? aliante station? eschelon? project m? panorama? monte carlo remodel? wynn tower? they're also talking about a new hotel/casino on the old frontier site, and another trump tower. i can understand the frustrations of those outside southern nevada, like the man who posted this thread, Bill. i'm employed in the construction industry but it's a bit different out here. if it's any consolation there'a always the alternative to come out here and work until your area picks up again. you may not even have to pick up on your tools if you're qualified extensively enough in your field, you can apply with one of the general contractors as a building superintendant. good luck, be strong, and true to your roots brothers.
  11. the only thing you beat is your two inch ######. i have a 485 banshee DUNE bike, and a 734 raptor that will beat your "banshee 572." especially if you did your own "MACHNIC" work to it. effin' tool. mike.. i probably won't be able to get out to dumont again until president's day weekend, and the zilla won't be ready. but i'd like you to drop by so i can peep your zilla. i'll holler when it gets closer. <edited for language>
  12. did you read his profile? he's a "MACHNIC" effin' tool.
  13. merry christmas. happy holidays.
  14. i don't have any family (except dune family) and i'm not into exchanging gifts considering we couldn't afford christmas when i was an adolescent.. but it was a good christmas. i got fullbore body for my 700r, and a box of lego's. i'm gonna take the broad to the coach store tomorrow so she can get somethin' there. most importantly i got my first two days off since thanksgiving day, 80+ hours a week.. i'm exhausted. merry christmas effers.
  15. mucho nice amigo. no real progress on mine as of yet, working 7 12's. i'll get around to it soon.
  16. i refuse to decorate, the broad takes care of that. i get the christmas tree down and help assemble it, but that's as far as christmas goes for me.
  17. capital letters mixed in with short case letters = adolescent. "covert ops." amusing. i don't blame the child, i place blame on the parents, for breeding.
  18. i run redline pre-mix in my 100 rwh banshee @ 32:1, but after reading your paragraph i may try 40:1 next trip. i've been running redline for over three years, and i've never seized a motor. i also run it in my gf's 74 rwh banshee. third season on the build. before running redline, i ran mc-1 for a couple trips. seized a motor, but it was caused because the motor sucked a v-force reed petal and not because of the oil.
  19. my gf's uncle used to go out to dumont alot during the 70's. he said he would mostly go after a rainshower when the sand was wet. it was easier to climb the dunes that way. great photo's.
  20. my buddy has a suburban with a 10" suspension lift (all shock), 3" body lift, and 40" tires.. it looks nice until you strap a trailer to the back of it, heh.
  21. i'm officially not goin' to dumont now. nobody from my camp is going, mostly due to work, so i'm going to stay and work double-time and overtime as well. maybe next time.
  22. it's only money. well spent money, even. my biggest issue is work. double time friday, and overtime saturday. about $1,000 i'm not gonna make. not working those days isn't the issue, however.. getting out of working those days is the issue! i told the foreman "i can't make it" and he said "i know, you're goin' to the dunes" and shook his head, heh.
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