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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. i never noticed that (obviously). thanks for pointing that out, pete. that should suffice well. =)~
  2. pete.. can you arrange a map at sometime that has the locations of all the outhouse bathrooms? a map like that would make it easier for me to print out and show people where my camp or other friends camps are at. thanks, joseph.
  3. i'm guessing that not many of you have heard of "richard cheese and lounge against the machine." when i read richard cheese's own channel, first thing i thought of was a station with non-stop richard cheese songs. okay, you probably still don't know what i'm talkin' about. anyway, if you have limewire, go ahead and search for a richard cheese song. "baby got back" is pretty good. download. listen. say "wtf?" out loud. you'll thank me later.
  4. call it "lounge against the machine."
  5. honda also released a new "TRX700" sport quad. i think the only individuals who would purchase either of those two machines, would have to be a die-hard honda enthusiast. can-am came along and re-defined ugly, and honda just perfected it. we should all purchase stock in yamaha.. it appears their off-road market is solid, atleast for the next couple years.
  6. found 'em on ebay for $60.00. these are the ones i like but couldn't find anymore until this thread urged me to broaden my search, thanks.
  7. i got a pair of ray bans last month that were $175.00.. i'm pretty bad with sunglasses and i'm trying to be good with these so i mostly forget them on the bar when i leave the house. i used to buy another type of ray ban, but they're not manufactured anymore. maybe i should look on ebay? anyway, they were only $80.00 so it didn't hurt too bad when i'd lose/break them every other month.
  8. probably a scam. made up a whole story and plot in hopes of striking it rich. 61 bids, looks like their idea was good, and they've got everyone's interest apparently (people love drama), but $200 is probably not what they have in mind.
  9. nice. i can't wait 'til october.. i hate the hot, hot heat.
  10. nutter butter peanut butter wafers, italian sausage, soup, steak and corn. we always bring those things.
  11. a very unique and expensive sand car, from outer space! =)~
  12. i work for Rey M. at silverstate. i worked for billy patton for years as well. i've been to your store under both employers. you gotta get that commercial thing goin' mike. you're on the right track, if you need any help go ask billy because he's going through the same thing.
  13. aww crap brother, i'm sorry to hear that. i've purchased many a product from your shop.
  14. you're not mike from decatur/hacienda, are you?
  15. anyone involved in the commercial marble business is booming. i'm not saying this to rub it in your face or anything, just in case you didn't know. the union hall doesn't have enough masons to man all of the jobs right now.. they're posting advertisements seeking marble masons at the other halls across the country. a good friend of mine who also owns a waterjet cutting and marble fabrication business here locally is also trying to get his unlimited liscense, because there's money to be made. the company i work for is turning down major jobs because of other priorities. it's pretty sick in the hotel, casino, and high rise luxury condominium market in vegas right now, most of my co-workers and friends are working 68+ hours a week. i have friends that worked in the residential granite countertop market that have lost their jobs in january and haven't been able to to find new work yet, although collecting unemployment has a large involvement in that, so i understand where you're at.
  16. we've long been onto you broads.. ever wonder why we don't bring home our actual paycheck but instead hand you some money and ask "will this cover the bills?" as a man i'm not inclined to give out the secrets but, you get what we give you. i will give you this informaton however: if you ever ask to see a mans paycheck or paycheck stub, wear protective eyewear.. you may never be able to see anything ever again. =)~
  17. my broad came home from work at 5:15, it's now 7:45. in the 2½ hours she has been home: 1) my dinner was made and served to me. 2) the kittens were fed. 3) the cats were fed. 4) two loads have been laundered. 5) dishes were washed, and.. 6) she's vacuuming the house as i type. it seems other men's property is apparently slacking. i hold class on thursdays. appointment only.
  18. we just got a macbook.. weird stuff.
  19. i know that ryan has been busy with work, last i asked him about it was a couple months ago and that reminds me now that i owe him a favor. the rear end was extremely expensive, quick change ratios like in nascar.
  20. i stripped out the drain on my first quad, honda 250x, and the case threads stripped, not the plug. i tapped it a little larger, and purchased a new bolt. i tapped it slowly and removed the shavings as i went. i have skinny fingers, so i was able to run my finger along inside the case, and didn't feel anything significant. i kept the drain unlugged and poured the old gear oil through (yeah, i'm cheap like that sometimes). i ran the quad for another year with no problems until i sold it for a bigger bike. if you can do a heli-coil, that would be the way to go according to any machinest.
  21. alright, as long as you remember i only do that kinda thing on weekdays. and holidays. and holiday weekends. and special occasions.
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