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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. you're definitely missin' the point toots.. if that things beepin' is keepin' you up in the middle of the night.. it has to suffer! how would you like to be stuck in a very cold, dark room for hours? not at all. that would teach you a lesson, huh? that there beepin' annoyance has got to learn a lesson, and bless your better half for doing the right thing and teaching it one. =)~
  2. i was browsin' on through the ddr forum, and what not.. and saw this here thread and thought "i'm really glad this here thing got brung up 'cause it's important and stuff", so i thought that i'd go on and enter my own thinkin's 'bout this, and it goes a li'l sumpin' like this.. your education is important, and i knew this as a youngin'. i had to walk fourteen miles to school and back, uphill both ways, sometimes waist deep in snow. all y'all don't realize how much a fool you's be makin' of yourself not payin' no mind to what you're writin' on the 'net 'cause y'alls is just ignorant, ya heard? now you go on 'head and get them there they're and theirs correct. let's work on them loose chains too 'cause you don't be wantin' to lose. if it is then it's it's, and if it ain't then it's its. if you're too ignorant to learns the number two isn't to or too, then wear a tutu ya faery.. or is it fairie? i can't remember the last time i saw it in the dictionary, but i've seen it spelled both ways.
  3. what local was he out of?!?!?!?!? that's just absurd. i'm speechless.
  4. i hope that dood makes a good recovery. my sincerest best wishes.
  5. good god almighty.. looks like a good bar story!
  6. my condolenses, from a fellow construction worker. godspeed brother.
  7. cornwell tools? snap-on, or step-off! yayee!
  8. i have +2 arms w/ 3+2 wheels on two of my shee's, with adjustible rear axles. i run the rear axles on the +2 setting with 5+3 rear wheels. overall width is roughly 50" and stability is excellent. the front wheel width is equal to the rear wheel width with this arrangement. rockymountainatv.com sells an adjustable rear axle for the banshee, g-force, comes with the billet locknut included for $200 plus shipping. i run this axle on my gf's shee and i've had zero problems with it. the chrome is still excellent, the stock hubs (sprocket, brake, and wheel) fit perfect. in my opinion, this axle is a great alternative to the lonestar, durablue, and team axles offered at a significantly higher cost.
  9. nice garage.. i'm envious. good luck with the tear-downs and modifications, reminds me i got stuff to get ready for the season as well.
  10. 10,000 comedians out there, and this one's gotta be browsing the site today! -smack- next time my oil is changing.. i'm coming through the door AND raising hell. "delivery for pete from big jim's pleasure paradise."
  11. don't give up hope yet.. people heal at different rates. it's going to be contingent upon your body's ability to accept the mesh and the expertise of the surgeon. i've had too pretty severe hernia surgeries, and i've returned to work in four weeks from date of surgery. i lift 200+ lb. slabs of granite all day long for a living.. not easy. isbb has his own smiley? heh.
  12. i heal fast, but i recovered in just a couple weeks and was back at work lifting in four weeks.
  13. yeah but look at my avatar, see i'm.. wait a minute.. that's ice cube and chris tucker.. oh my bad fella's. well, carry on then, ogp. good work!
  14. all they wanted was a chicken sandwich, man.
  15. don't hate me because i'm black.
  16. having a newborn daughter and a seventeen year old daughter will do that to you. it'll be okay, dan, it'll be okay.
  17. you should ask raptoroy.. in my opinion, he's the mcguyver of fitting toys in a hauler. however, i did read kfx700 i think.. beast.
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