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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. it has multiple meanings.. orale can be used as a greeting, it can also be used as an acknowledgement in agreement. but most of all, it's just real fun to say. -boogie woogie oogie-
  2. you don't want that, trust me! one beer leads to two and then three and four and more and so on, and then you wake up with a sore a$$ and a jolly rancher in your pocket. that's not the worse part though.. the worse part is trying to control the sudden urge you get now since that incident, to bend over and grab your ankles around other males. i suggest when dan says get along or go for beers.. just go ahead and get along.
  3. i'm not tryin' to start a debate here, but i can go just about everywhere in the dunes on my rhino, i can even climb competition hill. no internal motor mods whatsoever. it's all in tires and air pressure. i'd have to say regardless of how ugly the rzr is.. i'd get one if it wasn't a polaris.
  4. good luck brother.. keepin' an eye out. great description.
  5. it seems like my new f350 has more scratches and dings than my work truck! i park in the boonies, and everyone parks around me. i don't get it.
  6. no kidding. i heard that he's straightened up in recent times, he doesn't sell customers parts from their bikes and he doesn't rent out customer bikes anymore, either.
  7. someone in my camp was doing that, too.
  8. where in that kids initial post did that juvenile identify himself as a thirteen year old? no need to re-trace the thread, it's not in there. it wasn't until his grandfather mentioned it was that information made available. i still stand by my comment toots. scientists direct satellites away from earth when searching for intelligent life forms, proof of which is necessary has been made evident to the forum today in the form of: dunegirl75. inferior people should not involve themselves in the affairs of those that are superior. have a nice day, toots.
  9. i was punctuating correctly at 8, but cook county school district is alot further in curriculum than clark county school district is. as for capitalization.. i capitalize for no one. however, congratulations on recovering your vehicles. i hope those boys get what they deserve.
  10. that has got to be the biggest run-on sentence i've ever seen in my life.. it's completely un-readable. your education is important. please put more effort into it for your own sake. congratulations on finding the bikes, i think.
  11. you've brought that shee into dan's shop a couple times.. i live in the gv area, i'll keep an eye out brother.
  12. yeah, heard about it when i first got there from roy and pete.
  13. very warm. i lost compression, dropped coolant. as long as the sleeves aren't nicked i'm okay. i think it was about 9:30 when i got done.. i didn't get there 'til 8:30 heh. still a good time, though.
  14. i broke. first time in two years. no bueno. good to see some folks though.
  15. i ain't gonna be there 'til 'bout eight or so, but i'mma run this piss out the shee when i do roll through yayee!
  16. ouch. no bueno. i'll be glad to see dan on a bike again. i love that man.
  17. i run 20-10-10 8 paddle skat trak extremes on my 700 raptors.. they work very well. both 700 raptors have full exhaust, filter, and fuel controller. when you run competition hill, they'll pull the front wheels up on take-off from 2nd gear, so you gotta lean over the bars a bit (or atleast i do, i'm only a buck 60). 7 paddle skats may eliminate this.
  18. heh.. pete modified the title. i don't blame ya, brother. i'll put a little more thought into posting stuff like that next time.
  19. you're probably right.. i don't have to purchase a new chevy to get the refund, do i? they're ugly.
  20. good deal nick. yeah, i glanced that way but there was a sign stating authorized personnel beyond this point or something. i'll be there again in november, and no sooner! i know this because i purchased the truck brand new in 2002, it's a work truck mind you, i beat it to death, and it still doesn't ever break. so much for purchasing the extended warranty.
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