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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. yeah, he was right by where the rental car area is, there's a guardrail there, and an entrance to another waiting room. no big deal. what i really think is you don't want anyone to stumble across your deep dark secret.. i think you don't actually work at henderson chevy. i think you got a big ofice there with tons of broads worshipping your every need and desire, and typing for you and stuff. that would rule.
  2. like i do every three months or three thousand miles, whichever comes first, to have the oil changed in my half ton. there were umpteen cars in front of me this time, so i figger'd i'd go holler at pete. i try not to bug folks whilst working, but since he's on here all day, what could he possibly be doing? so i wanted to see. well, that got shut down real quick by the old guy at the front. i asked if pete was 'round and he snapped at me "which pete? there's three of 'em: brake tech pete, engine tech pete, and a manager named pete?" before i could answer he walked off and went outside. i waited for five minutes and he didn't return, so i just went back to the waiting room and stared at the broad with big boobs. all in all i was a little disappointed, but not really.
  3. i get there when the gates open and see everything, quickly mind you, in about four hours.. i like to see what everyone has to offer before i purchase anything. i eat, and then i go back through everything and purchase the stuff i want and take photo's as necessary. my gf loses about ten pounds on this day, gripes about her sore legs, and curses at me the whole drive home.
  4. he's effin' serious, too! last time i didn't pay my bill, he gave me a few drinks and then a few more and then all i remember is i woke up with a sore a$$ and a candy bar in my pocket. no bueno.
  5. i'm gonna go try that right now because i haven't been able to run my rhino since the clean-up (it's started a couple times briefly) and i thought that i needed a new fuel pump, which i still may but i'll start here first. thanks.
  6. was somethin' wrong with the cabs. brother?
  7. wait until you get an aftermarket exhaust.. there's no benefit to installing the progammer with a stock bike. i don't have the techlusion programmer, but in my 700r i have the trinity III kit (trinity full exhaust, trinity programmer, and trinity k&n filter w/ adaptor). works like a champ. in my gf's 700r (dust collector) we have the cobra fi2000 fuel controller, k&n filter w/ adaptor, and gytr muffler. works well also.. sits in the garage nicely. maybe i should ride it sometime and get a better idea of how ir performs. we run them with the airbox lid off. dan tuned 'em magnificently.
  8. never my intention, i can understand now why you took it harshly. i didn't read richard's post thoroughly. but apparently some of the folks on this forum have had some bad experiences with flat billed ballcap wearers and now everyone with that appearance is stereotyped in a negative way. like the broad with the kid who wears a flat billed ballcap but he's not a flat biller because he's respectful? that just makes him respectful, doesn't make him not a flat-biller. i'm a junkie.. does that make me a loser? nobody ever says "i wanna be a junkie when i grow up." i loved those commercials.
  9. i guess this topic transformed for the better. worked out good for me.. it was a boring night until i involved myself in this debate. cubs won btw.
  10. you can do whatever you want brother.. this is america. to make a long story short, a bunch of folks sailed over here from england and declared this a free country and drafted a constitution with amendmants, first two amendmants as follows: "#1) the right to free speech. #2) right to bear arms.. kinda odd those two being the first two amendmants? probably not. a flat biller = someone who wears a flat-billed ballcap. you don't have to meet any other criteria other than wearing that particular wardrobe accessory in that particular manner. if you see somebody on the street wearing a metro officer uniform.. they're 10 times out of ten a metro officer. if not, they're going to be arrested for attempting to portray a metro officer. got it? this is not debatable. soo.. wearing a flat-billed ballcap, of any brand, makes you a flat-biller. does it make you a maniac? no. does it make you disobey posted rules? no. does it mean you're an idiot? no (but wearing a flat-billed cap and posting flat-billers suck may, unless there's an inside joke involved.) does it make you succeptible to a stereotype? yes. anywho.. considering the newfound commotion i've stumbled into.. what about flat-billers anyway? i seen a couple doods at the river run in laughlin with blue rags on their head, underneath a flat-billed ballcap.. i thought it looked pretty good and they were accompanied by some nice broads.
  11. holy ess aytch eye tee.. i got me a teammate! it's about time someone absorbs the messages embedded deep within my prophecies. probably gets my humour, too.
  12. what i really think is that we should get "i'm not a polluter" bumper stickers put on our vehicles, that way people don't assume pollutants are coming out of our exhausts. we wouldn't wanna contribute to destroying the environment now, would we? this reminds me that i've never publicly expressed my thoughts on the "sierra club" delaying the widening of the 95 freeway in the northwest area of town.. stating widening the freeway would attract more vehicles and thus more environmental contaminants. however, wouldn't more contaminants accumulate sitting in bumper to bumper trafic on a narow freeway opposed to freely moving traffic on a wider freeway? i dunno.. cubs are winnin'. yayee!
  13. i think mcr might be "my chemical romance" but just a guess.
  14. i thought a flat biller was someone with a wearing a flat bill hat.. i guess buddy rice isn't a flat biller? i dunno. i would never be misconstrued as being a flat biller, as i do not wear a flat bill hat however, if i wear one i may be stereotyped as a flat biller because i would be wearing a flat bill hat.. i guess if i wanted to wear a flat bill hat and clear up any confusion as to whether i'm a flat biller or not, i should wear a shirt printed "i'm not a flat biller." but then that would be pretty dumb looking wearing a flat biller hat. i hate nothing being on teevee on tuesday night. go cubs.
  15. the recommended tires for lt500r's in the sand are "sand tires unlimited (STU) sand skate 1" the "v design" skat trak extreme 7 paddles work well if your swingarm is extended. you can visit the lt250/lt500 forum for more information.
  16. i really dunno.. not that great though. i heard fuel mileage will get better when it's broken in more. 06 f350 crew cab, 11,000 miles. stock. last time i pulled with it, i made it to dumont through baker using just over half tank, pulling 10,000 lbs.
  17. that was a joke.. i'm not sure anyone is going on friday. yeah, i'm bringin' the baby blue shee, maybe the rhino too.
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