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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. eric, you should definitely go on friday.. it's gonna be the most happening night i assure you. some of us here are secretly going that night, but don't tell no one.. that's our little secret. sshhh.
  2. i stay at the doubletree in santa ana every year. don't know how but we always end up with the same room, too. creepy. anyway, it's purdy good. there's a starbucks over yonder and the restaurant has a really good filet mignon. it's about five minutes or so from the fairgrounds.
  3. can i camp with you? i'll need you to pick me up on the way. thanks.
  4. i try every year and fail. if this is my year, i'll sell it and purchase a 'busa rail. sell my toyhauler and purchase a motorhome and a big cargo trailer.
  5. i'm just havin' fun brother. the story is true about my friend passin' and everything, and it's true that we're not the happiest couple but we love to hate each other. the situation isn't bad at all, it really does work.
  6. we're comfortable. she has a big house and goes shoppin' for coach purse's every weekend and i got someone to launder my clothes and make sure i have money for toys and stuff. it works. porn helps too.
  7. i met my broad on the internet. we conversed for a couple weeks, couldn't really meet up because my ex was over all the time, or anytime my ex wasn't over some other broad was over so we had a hard time gettin' to meet each other in person. on december 17th, 1999, a couple weeks after we started to converse, she convinced me to have her over instead of going out with my best friend, we were really tight like brothers. he died that night. R.I.P. joseph dale zuziak. i was devastated. i was miserable. i possibly could've saved my best friends life but instead i got some a$$. i swore i was going to make her as miserable as i felt as long as i felt that way. 7½ years later we're still together and miserable. next time you see us at the dunes just ask her.. she'll tell you how much she hates me. my hatred for her is ten-fold. don't get me wrong, she does launder well and keeps the house decent, but if any of you'se can offer her some cooking lessons, i'd appreciate it.
  8. did you grab my hairpiece by chance? i need it for my next date. thanks.
  9. the only smiley i've ever used is: =)~ and that's not changin' now.
  10. the timet place is safe.. a couple'a doods wearin' space-suits told me so!
  11. my raptor was on top of your raptor last night. lemme know if your raptor breeds.. i got first dibs, thanks.
  12. it's not easy but.. i'm just that good. can i get a yayee yay!
  13. did you just change your name to pimpshack pete?
  14. i think i need freon refilled.. what's that run a pound?
  15. you mean "PowerHouse Racing." you gotta get it right or dan will have to regulate, sucka! =)~
  16. lincoln logs are fun, but i have none. besides, i can't build a lincoln log cabin until i'm finished with my lego house. one project at a time pal! heh.
  17. you folks got too much time on your hands. i wish i had that much leisure time. anyone got any lego's they're willin' to part with? i'm tryin' to build a lego house and i've come up short a few hundred pieces. help a honkey out. holler.
  18. i'll p.m. somebody you all know with how it happened, i don't wanna indulge any details on the forum itself. jay.. if you go by dan's shop he can probably tell you a little bit, if he remembers. i'm the guy that purchased dan's supercharged dually so you know.
  19. if you folks heard my story, you'd never ride a trail near houses ever again, let alone on the street. btw.. story ends like this: $246,000 restitution, 960 hours community service, and 5 years probation. or the alternative of 6 years in prison. don't ride near houses.. you may get owned. me = owned.
  20. stock exhaust available. come 'n' get it yayee! h-town represent.. holler.
  21. i got somethin' for the turbo raptor, and it ain't a finger. -wink-
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