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high octane junkie

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Everything posted by high octane junkie

  1. leave the booze at home, promote responsible duning. considering we have a thirsty thursday thread that's 1000 pages long (exaggeration) and the majority of the trip report threads has booze and drunk folks in every other picture.. this suggestion will be ignored.
  2. samsung makes a great DLP.
  3. sit on my roof with a garden hose and a BB pistol, and daydream i was raptoroy who's been up at fish lake for over a week now while i've been working in the hot, hot heat.
  4. rofl i know what this is heh, how sad.
  5. dood.. you put that freakin' donkey in your profile -headshake- you oughta change your name to larry, try to slip one by the newbs.
  6. oh duh! rofl. yeah i can kinda see jack standing next to him now. i eat at jack in the box for lunch everyday, cause that's the only place close to the jobsite other than taco bell and i can't eat that garbage.. there's no donkeys in there though wtf? when i go back on monday i'm demanding an effing donkey. fer realz niggy, shoo.
  7. umm.. dan "MEAT"?????? "i beat that thing like it owes me money"???????? i think i need to bring my bike down there, just to keep you occupied.. you're having too much "leisure time" to yourself apparently. and quit following me to donkey shows, fool.
  8. bass pro shops sells an adjustable aluminum tri-folding ramp for less than $200. it adjusts from 48" wide to 60" wide, and it's 84" long. i think it's 1500 lb. capacity and weighs about 25 lbs. they have other models as well (shorter, different adjustable widths, etc.). i purchased these because our banshee's and my ltr450 are 50" wide, the raptor is around 52" wide, and the rhino about 54" wide. it adjusts easily.
  9. this video is no longer available.. copyright claim.
  10. i'm on an overtime job for the next couple months (when am i not?) so.. no. but i assure you i'll be wishing i was there.
  11. i effin' love the phone solicitors, i guess i have no life. i request that they repeat themselves, continually. this one broad had an accent and i seriously couldn't comprehend her words, and her message was atleast 5 minutes long. that phone conversation was easily 20 minutes. i sometimes ask for a 1 year free trial.. haven't found anyone authorized to grant that request as of yet. jw's.. i handle these different ways, i play 'em by ear. the last one was atleast a year ago and hilarious. i think i posted it on here. i had a buddy who invited jw's into his ghetto home wearing tighty whiteys and playing a banjo. he said he's never played a banjo nonstop that long ever, and they spoke their message the entire time. those people are devoted.
  12. one of the worst things i've ever seen.. there's a video posted on youtube.
  13. what about the economy? i can't get time off for nothing. i've made only one race this year because the amount of work is so much, it prohibits me from having any leisure time virtually. i missed the whole dune season because i had to work 90+ hours a week to finish building a casino. if i miss any trips (and i can see that i'm going to already) it's because i don't have the free time.
  14. i forgot, and by the time i remembered it was 10pm.. i was way greasy from wrenching all day and it was past my bedtime anyway. see you effers at the night run.
  15. i went to the game.. most of the people there were on the concession level watching the wings game heh. i left at second intermission.. wranglers were skating like a pee-wee team.
  16. this thread is officially the man thread now. we can talk about anything man related in here: baseball, basketball, football, hockey, racing, riding, and most importantly: boobs. and.. GO WRANGLERS!
  17. mmm dan stop. you know this thread is secretly about sweaty, musty men wrestling on a mattress. rawr.
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