After talking to Barstow BLM they have declared the "OFFICIAL HOLIDAY" weekend as the weekend after Halloween meaning November 1,2,3. They will be charging Holiday price that weekend. If you are going this weekend expect to pay the normal $30.00 non-holiday fee to get your pass. They will be out there, I am not sure in what force but they will be looking for passes and sticker's. Due to the shutdown it is unknown if they will have the time or ability to grade the road. Since I was just there I will tell you that the road is rough on equipment and I think slow will save you some real abuse on your rigs.
They are scheduled to put new type II down but due to the Government shutdown that has been pushed back till after the Holidays(can't tell you if that is T-Day or Christmas).
Please understand that there will probably not be as many EMT and LEO's as an usual "Holiday" weekend if you are going this weekend. You save $10.00 but you may want to be extra careful as medical is not going to possibly be there as much as we would like. So remember you are in the middle of no where try to not put yourself in a life threatening position if you can avoid it as it just may be the last thing on your bucket list. Please be careful!!
This is not an official BLM post I am only relaying information I received on the phone and am not liable for anything that may or not be correct. In other words don't even think of suing me. I own a sand car so I am broke:)
Have a safe and fun Halloween which ever one you choose to participate in!!