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  britincali said:

The best possible outcome happened.

someone sent this to me so plz enjoy..not tryin to start a big argument


OBAMA?! really?

this is f***ing stupid....

we now have a president who:


WILL NOT ware an American flag or but the the flag on his own 757 jet


WILL NOT put his hand over his heart during the national anthem

3. SAID "You don't have to like a country to run it.



DOESN'T believe in God


Has ADMITTED to believing in black liberation theology (BLACK POWER)

6. His wife said that she WASN'T PROUD OF AMERICA until her husband started leading in the race.

(and this is our first lady?)

7. His friend and pastor at his church said that "America is run by rich white people." and "God damn America." etc.


Has referred to someone as "A TYPICAL WHITE PERSON" if McCain said "typical black person" what do you think would happen?


He was only Tennessee's senator for TWO YEARS, but yet we think he can run our country?

Spare me people, somebody that can't even f*cking respect the country he is running enough to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem... and that is now our president. GREAT JOB idiots.

I could careless what his name symbolizes, it's just a name. Who cares if it is after terrorists? It's not like any of us chose our names!! So that argument will not be used by me. However, look at all the other aspects of his platform and his life. This is just what we needed, a president who stands for NOTHING America was founded on. George Washington is probably turning over in his grave. IDK if he was black, white, Mexican, purple, or orange polka dotted, HE DOESN'T RESPECT THIS COUNTRY OR BELIEVE IN GOD AND HE IS NOW OUR PRESIDENT. This country astounds me.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


ha, not for somebody who doesn't believe in Him.

Edited by fctryblack84
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  fctryblack84 said:

someone sent this to me so plz enjoy..not tryin to start a big argument


OBAMA?! really?

this is f***ing stupid....

we now have a president who:


WILL NOT ware an American flag or but the the flag on his own 757 jet


WILL NOT put his hand over his heart during the national anthem

3. SAID "You don't have to like a country to run it.



DOESN'T believe in God


Has ADMITTED to believing in black liberation theology (BLACK POWER)

6. His wife said that she WASN'T PROUD OF AMERICA until her husband started leading in the race.

(and this is our first lady?)

7. His friend and pastor at his church said that "America is run by rich white people." and "God damn America." etc.


Has referred to someone as "A TYPICAL WHITE PERSON" if McCain said "typical black person" what do you think would happen?


He was only Tennessee's senator for TWO YEARS, but yet we think he can run our country?

Spare me people, somebody that can't even f*cking respect the country he is running enough to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem... and that is now our president. GREAT JOB idiots.

I could careless what his name symbolizes, it's just a name. Who cares if it is after terrorists? It's not like any of us chose our names!! So that argument will not be used by me. However, look at all the other aspects of his platform and his life. This is just what we needed, a president who stands for NOTHING America was founded on. George Washington is probably turning over in his grave. IDK if he was black, white, Mexican, purple, or orange polka dotted, HE DOESN'T RESPECT THIS COUNTRY OR BELIEVE IN GOD AND HE IS NOW OUR PRESIDENT. This country astounds me.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


ha, not for somebody who doesn't believe in Him.

What he said... :flipoff: :argue:

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  SandSoulja said:

You don't have to believe in god to be an american...or a proud one...

we have this little thing called religous freedom.

I'm pretty sure he believs in god anyway...maybe not the god christians would like him to believe in but none the less...god.

You are totally right in that he believes in God. He is Muslim and believes in 'Allah'. If you don't know who Allah is, its the same God the 9-11 terrorists were serving when they attacked the towers. So I suppose when we look at where the towers once stood we could shrug it off to a little thing called religious freedom.

Pete, where's my smiley at?!!?!?! :clown:

Edited by wetnwreckless
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  fctryblack84 said:

someone sent this to me so plz enjoy..not tryin to start a big argument


OBAMA?! really?

this is f***ing stupid....

we now have a president who:


WILL NOT ware an American flag or but the the flag on his own 757 jet


WILL NOT put his hand over his heart during the national anthem

3. SAID "You don't have to like a country to run it.



DOESN'T believe in God


Has ADMITTED to believing in black liberation theology (BLACK POWER)

6. His wife said that she WASN'T PROUD OF AMERICA until her husband started leading in the race.

(and this is our first lady?)

7. His friend and pastor at his church said that "America is run by rich white people." and "God damn America." etc.


Has referred to someone as "A TYPICAL WHITE PERSON" if McCain said "typical black person" what do you think would happen?


He was only Tennessee's senator for TWO YEARS, but yet we think he can run our country?

Spare me people, somebody that can't even f*cking respect the country he is running enough to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem... and that is now our president. GREAT JOB idiots.

I could careless what his name symbolizes, it's just a name. Who cares if it is after terrorists? It's not like any of us chose our names!! So that argument will not be used by me. However, look at all the other aspects of his platform and his life. This is just what we needed, a president who stands for NOTHING America was founded on. George Washington is probably turning over in his grave. IDK if he was black, white, Mexican, purple, or orange polka dotted, HE DOESN'T RESPECT THIS COUNTRY OR BELIEVE IN GOD AND HE IS NOW OUR PRESIDENT. This country astounds me.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


ha, not for somebody who doesn't believe in Him.

First off: Not to sound like a Biotch or anything but, you might want to check your sources and make sure the information you are putting out there is not pure propaganda and paranoia based.

Secondly: All white people are to report to the cotton fields tomorrow at 7 a.m. for orientation.

(my friend sent that to me today in a text message. I LMAO. My daughter didn't find it all that funny.)

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I used to really trip out on the idiots that had nazi/rebel flags on their sandrails/quads, after reading between the lines of some of the posts in this thread I guess you guys are cool with it.

Edited by britincali
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  britincali said:

I used to really trip out on the idiots that had nazi/rebel flags on their sandrails/quads, after reading between the lines of some of the posts in this thread I guess you guys are cool with it.

And the Mexican ones don't faze you in the least?

I run the Marine Corps colors and a POW/MIA flag by the way. But what about a Confederate Battle Flag gets your goat? Just curious while we're on the topic, what is a rebel flag? Anything against the grain? I've yet in many years of duning/offroading seen a Nazi flag. Maybe just having too much fun to notice.

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Do you have a picture of said anti black/racist rebel flag? I can point you towards a Confederate Battle Flag that a lot of folks hold near and dear to thier hearts but these silly azz rebels of which you speak, do they even exist? I beleive you've been misinformed...

I'll be out there for four days starting Friday night, I'll keep an eye out for these Nazi flags. Or maybe I'll just dune and have a great time and not get my panties in a bunch.

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Is my Welsh flag OK? I know I don't want to be a racist like those who fly the rebel flag or like those who fly the nazi/german flags...

Brit, you seem to be well informed on the topic since you are someone that looks in from the outside so can you please set us all straight. I am sure no one here on DDR wants to be a racist...

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