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Environmentalists are not Ecoterrorists?

Kens Colors

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I seem to read and hear alot of discussion about ecoterrorism and environmentalists here. I am not sure but it does seem like those 2 words are thrown around alot and I don't think they are one in the same?

It would seem to me that most if not all of us on this site ARE ENVIRONMENTALISTs. aka we do care about our environment, and would hope we leave our campsite cleaner than we found it. Or as an environmentalist

would put it leave our planet better than we found it for our grandchildren!

I am not sure what the hell an ecoterroist is. I thought it was either destroy the environement who cares what it is like for the next people to come here. or I thought it was those zeolots who go in and destroy labs and let the monkeys run free. I do know what a tree hugger is..... Hot chicks that live in a Tree so the man won't cut it down......and they doody in bags and use them as bombs!!

I really don't know what to call the people that piss us all off that try and are succsesful at closing riding areas but I think they deserve their own name.

Edited by Ken's Colors
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  Ken said:

I really don't know what to call the people that piss us all off that try and are succsesful at closing riding areas but I think they deserve their own name.

I thought that is what an ecoterrorist was. Someone who used the eco-life in attempt to close down all OHV areas.

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Where's my mirophone? I will now step up onto my soap box again.

Ecoterrorist are those effin lying hipocrites that use the guise of concerned enviromentalists to force their own agenda on the public. Sierra Club, Greenpeace and The Center for Biological Diversity are just a few. They only do what they do for the millions of dollars that are involved. These hippies don't believe we should be able to use our off road vehicles but can drive around in Suburbans and Cadillacs and whine about how we're killing the endangered weeds. I wouldn't call myself an enviromentalist but I don't want to see anything destroyed especially the place I go to enjoy myself. Everybody agrees there needs to be a balance between land use and conservation but the Ecoterrorist believe the only balance is no ORV and all land should be conserved for what ever else. Go to some of their websites and be prepared to get sick from all the BS lies they are telling. Just read what the CBD says we are doing to Dumont. They make it sound like we are chasing down these poor lizards with our vehicles and running them over. They also make it sound like we are running all over everywhere destroying all the lush vegetation that abounds in the DESERT. That would be okay if people knew the truth but most people are stupid enough to believe anything they are told. A good example is that the american public voted for a president that is a bold face liar. Not once but twice. Just remember these Ecoterrorist are trying to take away your rights and it doesn't stop at Dumont or Glamis but is happening all over the world. Thank you for your support.

I'll get off my soap box now.

Edited by Don29palms
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  Don29palms said:

Where's my mirophone? I will now step up onto my soap box again.

Ecoterrorist are those effin lying hipocrites that use the guise of concerned enviromentalists to force their own agenda on the public. Sierra Club, Greenpeace and The Center for Biological Diversity are just a few. They only do what they do for the millions of dollars that are involved. These hippies don't believe we should be able to use our off road vehicles but can drive around in Suburbans and Cadillacs and whine about how we're killing the endangered weeds. I wouldn't call myself an enviromentalist but I don't want to see anything destroyed especially the place I go to enjoy myself. Everybody agrees there needs to be a balance between land use and conservation but the Ecoterrorist believe the only balance is no ORV and all land should be conserved for what ever else. Go to some of their websites and be prepared to get sick from all the BS lies they are telling. Just read what the CBD says we are doing to Dumont. They make it sound like we are chasing down these poor lizards with our vehicles and running them over. They also make it sound like we are running all over everywhere destroying all the lush vegetation that abounds in the DESERT. That would be okay if people knew the truth but most people are stupid enough to believe anything they are told. A good example is that the american public voted for a president that is a bold face liar. Not once but twice. Just remember these Ecoterrorist are trying to take away your rights and it doesn't stop at Dumont or Glamis but is happening all over the world. Thank you for your support.

I'll get off my soap box now.

I don't want to open a political hornet's nest but if the current president had not been elected and Mr. Gore or Mr. Kerry were then we would have lost far more on the enviromentalist side of things then you can ever imagine. Both of those guys have voiced their opinion that they would like to see Americans not use the outdoors and stay in their cities. I for one and not for the enviromental side of things believe in the president and the attempt's we are making at to keep some sembalnce in this country of the American way. Ok I am off my crate now too!

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  ynot said:

I don't want to open a political hornet's nest but if the current president had not been elected and Mr. Gore or Mr. Kerry were then we would have lost far more on the enviromentalist side of things then you can ever imagine. Both of those guys have voiced their opinion that they would like to see Americans not use the outdoors and stay in their cities. I for one and not for the enviromental side of things believe in the president and the attempt's we are making at to keep some sembalnce in this country of the American way. Ok I am off my crate now too!

I guess I should clarify my last statement as to clear up some confusion. I was NOT talking about George W. Bush. I was refering to :laughing: Slick Willy Clinton. Al Gore man what a scary guy that is. You know he claims to have invented the internet and he said if he was elected president he was going to get rid of ALL internal combustion engines. :shocked2: Sorry for the confusion and thank you for your support.

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I still think ecoterrorists are an entirely different beast eco terrorists go out and commit violent acts on persons and property in the name of the environement. I still don't think that environementalist is a dirty word.

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they are still buttheads either way... wether they commit felony's towards those that are against thier views or wether they just protest and try to close our land.. one is just a bigger butthead than the other..

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  ISBB said:

they are still buttheads either way... wether they commit felony's towards those that are against thier views or wether they just protest and try to close our land.. one is just a bigger butthead than the other..

So, I think what you are saying is that there are levels of ecoterrorist. Right? Like A$$holes....there are just plain A$$holes then there are effen A$$holes.......

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thats why i used buttheads.. LOL but yes.. there are im gonna pee on your tire buttheads.. then there are the im gonna break your windshield buttheads... personally id run them all over regardless..

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