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Is link for Bill 5151 a fraud by the tree huggers?


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I went to the link that was posted here (DDR) to appose the legislation and sent the e-mail on the site. I just got back a reply thanking me for my support of the bill. What the hell is going on here????????????????????????????

Edited by SANDAWG
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  indasand said:


Maybe your :grin: and clicked the wrong button????


Happens to me all the time.... LOL


I'm damn sure old but here is a copy of the letter I sent!

Take Action

Stop Huge Federal Land Grab

Congress intends to ram through a huge federal land grab bill in November -- in a so-called "lame duck" session after the elections!

This bill (H.R. 5151) would create and expand wilderness areas; establish new conservation areas; create and add to wild and scenic designations; designate new national scenic trails; add new national and historic park units and nearly a dozen new national heritage areas.

All told, this bill will create more than a million acres of wilderness, restrict the development of energy resources on various federal lands, and place hundreds of thousands of acres under new or enhanced federal control and further restrict many forms of use and access to public lands.

Take action now and tell your elected officials to stop this federal land grab!

worried that Members of Congress seem to be on auto-pilot when it comes to supporting public lands designations. There are real consequences on the ground that warrant a much more thoughtful approach to congressional review of these things.

I strongly believe public lands designations should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and not be swept into a massive piece of legislation where legitimate concerns may be overlooked or disregarded. Please oppose these efforts.

At its very best, the NLCS language included in H.R. 5151 would codify a division of BLM (NLCS) that performs work that can better be performed by other agency officials and creates a duplicative agency without a clear mission or structure. It should be opposed.

Sumpin ain't quite right here!!!!

:banghead::old::old::MBdance: :no_no:

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  indasand said:

Gimmie the link you used.............


Nov 14 2008, 09:57 AM Post #1

DDR resident

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Name: DAMAINmuffhugga

HR 5151, a federal house of reps bill that would create and expand wilderness areas; establish new conservation areas; create and add to wild and scenic designations; designate new national scenic trails; add new national and historic park units and nearly a dozen new national heritage areas, is bad for us off-roaders

All told, the bill will create more than a million acres of wilderness, restrict the development of energy resources on various federal lands, and place millions of acres under new or enhanced federal control and further restrict many forms of use and access to public lands.

it would change the way the BLM does multi use recreation


Congressional leaders say they will ram through an omnibus public lands package after the elections in a "lame duck" Congress. The Roundtable is rallying Westerners to oppose this huge federal land grab. Take action here right now!

This bill, H.R. 5151, includes more than 150 bills that would: create/expand a number of wilderness areas; establish new conservation areas; create/ add to wild and scenic designations; designate new national scenic trails; add new national and historic park units and nearly a dozen new national heritage areas.

In total, this package would create more than a million acres of wilderness, restrict the development of energy resources on various federal lands, and place hundreds of thousands of acres under new or enhanced federal control and further restrict many forms of use and access to public lands.

Not only that, but this bill would lock in, by statute, the Clinton Administration-inspired "National Landscape Conservation System" (NLCS) within the BLM. The bill would give federal land managers the ability to alter the long-standing multiple use management philosophy of the BLM by elevating the purposes to “conserve, protect, restore” above other purposes for NLCS units. This could mean agriculture, energy exploration and production and other economic uses could become imperiled on huge swathes of Western public lands. See a state-by-state analysis of federal lands impacted by NLCS.

Please take 60 seconds and send a pre-drafted communication to your elected official here.

Thank you for helping to stop this very bad legislation.

send letters/faxes to your elected officials HERE

go down in gen chat to the origional posting under the stop bill number5151, the link is in the post

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