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San Francisco for Thanksgiving...


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Me and the family headed out to SF over the weekend since my wife had never been there i said let's do it since the truck is out of comission she was in luck or we would be in the dunes.

LEft Friday morning and got there at about 11:00 and started to check things out after we checked into the hotel on Market street (worse then downtown L.A) but the hotel was nice and was a nice stay. We ended the day early from being so tired trying to get thru this town and started saturday early with a ride in the rail system there which took us to Fisherman's Wharf and from there we took the kid's to the Aquarium and a boat cruise.

Had a few run ins with some intresting people saturday and i guarantee this town gives NY and LA a run for it's money in the wierdo department. The bums are very agressive people and that's how my argument and almost a$$ beating for this one tranny turned sour in a few minutes, me giving him all my trolly change wasent good enoough for him he wanted me to buy him a meal also..with the kids around i got very upset and got in his face and he changed his mind pretty quick.

The city is nice in other places but getting around to me is a pain in the A$$, i will take l.A traffic anyday. The weather was good and the place is very historic and very old and it was actuelly a good trip overall.My wife was introduced into the life of crime when she was a witness to a pick pocket in progress and i think she was ready to go home at that point.

A little bumed i had to miss the sand especially seeing all those damm trailer headed to pismo and where ever else there is to riding up north. Got home safe and everybody had a great time...

Here are all the pics

Golden Gate Bridge..







Pier 39





Views from the boat cruise, Alcatraz, Bay bridge, Golden Gate Bridge











Misc Pics...
















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Looks like you guys had a really fun trip. The history behind Alkatraz in crazy. I would love to see SF sometime. I always loved family trips. Great for the kids. Great pix :freakin_nuts:

Just one more thing. Are those bodies of people that jumped and only made to the second platform? J/K


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Guest Crasher

Great pics!! I love San Francisco. Spent a lot of time there as a kid because my Mom worked in the City and we would stay there during the summer. In fact, I'm heading there today for work! The food there is incredible too. Can't wait for lunch!!

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glad you got your wife up there to check it out... everybody needs to go there at least one time.....the bums act up real bad on the day disability and SSI get passed out.

did you guys buy a trolley pass? also, did you guys hang out in front of the ferry building and watch the street skate/bmx show, along with the drummer guy?

good pics too

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Thanks for all the comments guy's and she did like it alot and so did the kids. I dont mind that city stuff with bums and all but they were a little agressive but what can you do.

Alcatraz is amazing and need to go there in the evening and check it out and the city itself has so much history i couldent believe it. I stayed in a hotel that was built in 1906 and it was a very nice hotel on market street.

I did not catch the BMX show which i was pissed at since my boy and daughter wanted to see it. We did get to see the dude called the SF bushman" . He made a fake type bush that he stands behind and scares people that are walking down the sidewalk. I could watch for hours and see these people crap there pants, guy makes good money but honestly it's the best set up i seen out there and give him credit...here is a video of him

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Thanks for all the comments guy's and she did like it alot and so did the kids. I dont mind that city stuff with bums and all but they were a little agressive but what can you do.

Alcatraz is amazing and need to go there in the evening and check it out and the city itself has so much history i couldent believe it. I stayed in a hotel that was built in 1906 and it was a very nice hotel on market street.

I did not catch the BMX show which i was pissed at since my boy and daughter wanted to see it. We did get to see the dude called the SF bushman" . He made a fake type bush that he stands behind and scares people that are walking down the sidewalk. I could watch for hours and see these people crap there pants, guy makes good money but honestly it's the best set up i seen out there and give him credit...here is a video of him

all you need to do is just hang out on that giant center island between the ferry (fairy??? :freakin_nuts: ) building and market street, on the stairs by the statue...the skaters and bmx guys hang out ALLLLL day...one day i was there, some production company was filming...

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No problem, go to Pier 39 at Fishermans Wharf and go to the Yellow ticket booth called Blue & gold Fleet cruises and they have alot of diffrent attractions. They have the bay cruise(the one we took), thay have a fast speed boat cruise which is cool but expensive.

The thing to notice to make sure you are in the right place is look for the Aquarium Of The Bay and the ticket both is on your left side.

If you dont want to drive From Market ST take the F train which is an updated trolly on tracks and it costs 1.50$ and lasts all day and it will drop you off at pier 39 and you can take that back to the hotel. Very cool ride and beats the traffic and the cost of the parking at pier 39.

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by far...get the three day pass that allows you to ride all the transportation in SF...ist like 18 dollars...less than a freekin cab ride, and you get to see all the sideshows for free

the passes are available @ the ferry building where market dead ends into embarkadero, the building on the water where all the ferrys drop off and pick up passengers.

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