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fuel prices


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Cheapest I have seen fuel is last night 1.75 for regular, 2.29 for diesel. :ah: It's been about 10 years since I have seen it that cheap.

I bet regular gets down to 1.45 and diesel gets to 1.75 if not lower! :whistle:

This chit is crazy! :beerpint: Hopefully it stays low for a long time.

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$1.69 here is So Cal. and $2.19 Diesel.. If it goes lower the saudis will cut production until there is no supply to increase the price. I would love to see lower prices but if it stays where it's at I am saving $360.00 per month just from driving to and from work. 150 miles per day... Not counting weekend trip.

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I have seen 1.65 for regular at the am/pm on fremont/boulder and charleston. Diesel for 2.29 at a rebel on boulder and indos or some chit like that..

I hope diesel gets below 2 bucks cuz i cant wait to get a new truck :P

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we need another crash in the stock market :shout:

speculation is startin back up again :no_no:

the saudis shut down part of their operation :bs:

so it shot up $7 a barrell to 47.41 :dope:

hopefully those speculators lose everything...theyre stealin from us :finger:


i know wut id do if i saw one on the street :beat: :shout:

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