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pics from Randog at Dumont


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Was gonna head out to D this afternoon, but decided to stay home since work is so slow latley. :laughoff:

Randog and crew are out there right now. He sent me this pic yesterday and I was jealous as hell.


But then I got this one today and it looks a bit nastier out there. He said it's windy as a mutha and knarly! :ah:


^ Still better than what I did today....WORK. :laughoff: :mischevious: lol

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That was the craziest wind I've ever witnessed at the dunes. Going with the flow of the wind was sketchy at best because it was very dangerous. Coming into the wind made it much easier to read and made it fun again!

Today (Sunday) was beautiful and I didn't want to leave but you know how that goes. Yup; the dunes are very fresh and ready for Christmas--enjoy!

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  dccd45 said:

We didnt leave the trailer much on saturday. Good day to drink all the beer. :rolleyes: There were times you couldnt see 10 ft from the trailer. Sunday we had some bad a$$ rides though. good times this weekend

The picture above does not represent fully the magnitude of being out in the dunes when the wind was blowing at it's hardest. The reports called for 60mph winds and I would have to agree. Being out in the dunes and riding with the wind was a very memorable experience and the only way to describe it would be to say it was like surfing in a storm if that makes sense to any hard core surfers.

There were not any riders out in the dunes when we were dealing with mother nature on her terms. The other rider I was with said it was one of his best rides/experiences ever, and I would have to agree.

On a side note--anyone on here have the Banshee with an R1 engine we met out at the North Pole?

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  sandtoys0@yahoo.com said:

The picture above does not represent fully the magnitude of being out in the dunes when the wind was blowing at it's hardest. The reports called for 60mph winds and I would have to agree. Being out in the dunes and riding with the wind was a very memorable experience and the only way to describe it would be to say it was like surfing in a storm if that makes sense to any hard core surfers.

There were not any riders out in the dunes when we were dealing with mother nature on her terms. The other rider I was with said it was one of his best rides/experiences ever, and I would have to agree.

On a side note--anyone on here have the Banshee with an R1 engine we met out at the North Pole?

Sounds crazy. I've been out there when it's gotten pretty damn bad. I could only imagine what it was like on Saturday. It was crazy IN TOWN. :rolleyes:

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It was crazy for sure. :ah:

Every time someone said "it seems to be calming down"..... BOO-Ya :assblast: Even harder.

Saturday we went on an early buggy ride. wind wasn't so bad at that time.

Later (after those pics), we went on a qWad ride and I swear it felt like we were riding right through a Star Wars scene.

Cant remember which episode it was. :dunno: Pretty awesome though.

Dunes and weather couldn't have been better today though. :randog:


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It aint Dumont if there aint a day of wind, If your lucky the wind will blow sunday to get your butts to leave..

I took a friend the day of the poker run and that fool was in a trailer and me and my 3 yr old boy were in a tent and he left sunday in the middle of the night because the wind was too strong and he was the one in the trailer, dont know if can give him a PASS for that one there..WUSS... :assblast:

It's the Dune doctor fixing the dunes is what i tell the kids..

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  richard cheese said:

thats bad....but not all that bad...at least you can still see the dunes from camp.....

wind sucks, but is a necessity :beercheers:

When we pulled in you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you much less the dunes. It kept up like that all day off and on, but never light enough to ride. We headed out once and got caught in it pretty bad and everyone was making a bee line for camp. You couldn't see where the tops of the dunes were with so much sand blowing over them, very dangerous so we headed back to camp.

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