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sandrail crash 12-14-08


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From what I heard from Randog it was a pretty new Tatum car, black with flames went end over end somewhere in the dunes back behind comp. Driver had a busted up knee and passenger broke a finger. :(

Sucks to hear. Hope everyone recovers ok.

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Some pics.... :(:(:(

Talking with Don the camp host, he said this is the third one this season out of the same hole....

Dune just looks like it goes for longer then it does, but the other side is a drop off...












The guys drove themselves to the hospital.

Pauly brought the rail back to Vegas for them.

I guess that the owner had recently finished it... :(:(

I am just glad they are ok, it could have been worse!!

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I got there kinda late. the peeps were already on their way to the hospital.

That was one sad site. Seeing that car like that was killin' me. :unsure:

Hope the guys are ok. That's what's most important.

Props to Pauly, Richie, Mike and everyone else that helped the peeps and get the car back. :rolleyes:


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Looks like the same spot as this one. They stuffed it too:

It's a deceiving drop.

It's more severe than it looks.

Never felt the LT's can travel quite as freely as they do in Glamis.

Dumont is technical when you least expect it, so always expect it.

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  richard cheese said:

glad to hear the driver and passenger were ok...restaints must have done their job.

sad to see a new car lookin like that.

which side of comp??? left side or right side?

It was on the way to South Pole to the West of Comp. I am not exactly sure... I stayed behind to load everything up, but thats what everyone was sayin.

One of the guys said that they only had the 4 point harnesses (no crotch belt) and the driver slipped and stuffed he knee into the dash...second to last picture..

The new Rooster rail only has 4 points before this happened Mike had already said that its getting the 5 pointers to put in it!

Yeah Brit..... Richie said you guys just met him last weekend :(

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  sand chick said:

It was on the way to South Pole to the West of Comp. I am not exactly sure... I stayed behind to load everything up, but thats what everyone was sayin.

One of the guys said that they only had the 4 point harnesses (no crotch belt) and the driver slipped and stuffed he knee into the dash...second to last picture..

The new Rooster rail only has 4 points before this happened Mike had already said that its getting the 5 pointers to put in it!

Yeah Brit..... Richie said you guys just met him last weekend :(

thanks Jodie

those belts are referred to as anti submarine belts...to keep you from going under the harness system. i have to install some on our ranger

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I didn't see it happen but I went to the site and saw them tow the car out . It was only Zues's forth trip out with the car.. :assblast: Sucks bad a$$ car. Good news they are alive. His friend broke his finger and he busted his knee up bad not sure how bad will let yall know when I find out.

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That seems like it was quite an impact. Looks like the car did it's job and prevented any more serious injuries. :assblast:

This goes to show how important it is to keep those belts TIGHT as hell at all times. I put the 5 points in my car a while back. That 5th point harness keeps you from sliding out, but more importantly keeps the lap belt from riding up.

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By the looks of the 2nd photo it's 1 of a couple small bowls where there was a double fatality recently. If so I'd guess they had the sun to their back, and with fairly smooth sand makes depth perception/reading the dunes sketchy at best. With only shadows and contrast for visual clues and the sun at your back, even lots of traffic tracks can be hard to read and the smoother the sand the worse it is. If anyone was there and can comment on the direction of travel, sun, etc speak up, this forum is the closest you'll get to dune survival 101. Been duning here for 33+ years and seen people crash bad, not get hurt and then get killed towing their rail back to camp and the absolutely worse feeling you will ever have is when you see something like that and think you could have prevented it if you only shared your experiance or knowledge. Sorry for the rant but you never know.

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We arrived just after the 2 people (Zeus and I think the passenger is named Joe) were taken away by the camp host Don. Talked to a guy on a dirt bike that saw it happen, he said he saw the car come up the hill towards the hole going pretty quick then fly off the edge and nose dived straight into the bottom of the hole and flip over. Him and others went to check on the guys and get them out of the car. He said the passenger had a badly broken index finger and hand, the driver busted his knee on the dash and it was pretty messed up, but they didn't seem to have any other injuries. They said the driver told someone to find Richie's camp and bring him back and to get Don the camp host. One guy who witnessed it stayed with the car and a crowd had gathered. Richie arrived with his truck and his friends. The crowd helped push the car back onto his wheels and they hooked it up to Richies truck. Then it was pulled out and hooked up to his truck to tow it back to camp and loaded onto the trailer which Pauly towed back to town. Pics in my album show everything. The hole is out near the south pole west of Comp and everyone seems to agree it is the same hole others have crashed into. The sun would have been slightly to the rear drivers side (it was around 2-3pm), they were heading away from the back flats/straight area, there were basically no tracks in the area and the sand was smooth and hard to read.

Hopefully we can hear an update on how those guys are doing.

This pic shows the edge of the hole and how it would look flat heading straight off it, the tracks are all from the people who saw it and gathered around. The drop was probably around 20-30 feet, they flew maybe 40-50 feet, my guess. The guy in the blue vest was the one telling everyone what happened, I think the other 2 are his friends who also saw it. They stay from start to finish and helped with everything, great guys.

Here is the face of the hill they flew off.

Edited by Foxysandchick
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Thanks for the extra info Foxy. These guys were lucky actually. The "double fatal" that DuneFreak and I mentioned went over and it was probably 30' deep or more where the rail nosed over and landed upside down. Landing a drop off flat on 4 wheels can compression fracture your lower back and seen long endos knock occupants unconcious and then they beat the hell out of each other with their (unconcious) limp arms, good idea to cross arms and grab shoulder harness and either push a$$ into seat with your feet or pull your legs up close so you don't do the shin/dash thing (depends on the rail, person, etc) 5 points don't seem so bad if you've ever seen a bad crash with a front occupant sitting in foot area, jacket pulled over his head with the lap belt for a headband and arms straight up next to shoulder belts :beercheers: . The sun at the back and smooth sand is kinda like when the 1st 3 wheel ATCs (185s, 250R, etc)came out and everyone that rode 2 wheelers rode them the 1st time either ran over their leg putting a foot down while stopping (motorcycle lizard brain, lol) or told prior about foot down no no and usually still would get surprised by the buurrpp sound of knobbies on their lower extremeties :blonde: .

Just saw the link with 54 pics, #30/54 is where the "double" went off, whew, still is chilling!!!!

Edited by RUn2it
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Pic #30 is basically where they went over but to the right a little. That pic is where they are starting to pull it out of the hole after they flipped it back over. Richie got it running and drove it to the edge of that wall then hooked it up to the truck, he drove the rail out while someone pulled with his truck. I have video of that part, just have to figure out how to load it tomorrow.

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  RUn2it said:

Thanks for the extra info Foxy. These guys were lucky actually. The "double fatal" that DuneFreak and I mentioned went over and it was probably 30' deep or more where the rail nosed over and landed upside down. Landing a drop off flat on 4 wheels can compression fracture your lower back and seen long endos knock occupants unconcious and then they beat the hell out of each other with their (unconcious) limp arms, good idea to cross arms and grab shoulder harness and either push a$$ into seat with your feet or pull your legs up close so you don't do the shin/dash thing (depends on the rail, person, etc) 5 points don't seem so bad if you've ever seen a bad crash with a front occupant sitting in foot area, jacket pulled over his head with the lap belt for a headband and arms straight up next to shoulder belts :headbang1: . The sun at the back and smooth sand is kinda like when the 1st 3 wheel ATCs (185s, 250R, etc)came out and everyone that rode 2 wheelers rode them the 1st time either ran over their leg putting a foot down while stopping (motorcycle lizard brain, lol) or told prior about foot down no no and usually still would get surprised by the buurrpp sound of knobbies on their lower extremeties :blonde: .

Just saw the link with 54 pics, #30/54 is where the "double" went off, whew, still is chilling!!!!

yo Lee...are you in to it? :thumb::lol:


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Thanks Kristen... we were hoping you would get your pics up and Mike tired like 15 times to type up where it was in detail last night....but was having to hard a time, we knew you guys were some of the first on the scene and had better pics and could describe where it was better!

No updates as of yet, I'll have Mike call Richie and see if he has heard anything else from them.

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