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Have a couple questions regarding using a semi tractor for private use.

Big Red

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just bought a semi tractor to pull my 5th wheel. registered it with the dmv as private, but it still says commercial cause of the weight of the truck. got my CA number and my DOT # and about to stick it on the truck. well, someone at the dmv said you needed to have some other writing on the side of the truck. so i call the CHP to find out exactly what i need. so this guy tries to tell me i have to register in the BIT program, get inspections, yada yada. So i tell him no way, this is a private use vehicle. so basically we butted heads a bit and finally he agreed to do more research and call me back.

HELP!!!!!! what am i missing here? will i have to do this BIT stuff? keep logs and everything?!?!? hoping someone in california can help me out. many many thanks in advance.

btw sorry i havent called you bob. i been way outta the loop trying to get ready for the coming mess ahead. just might have found me some land and once that is all squared away i will be out playing again. :beat:

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  richard cheese said:

the main guy at toyhauler magazine uses a semi rig to tow his trailer...you can contact him

terry is his name


I am in California. is he is Nevada?

thank you bp guy for the reply. yeh i couldnt even get that out of him. he was so insisted on busting my bubble and telling i had to go through all this stuff. i hope its not just a cali thing. :( btw hope you and and your family are well.

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here is a quik link i found you may have already seen it.

seems like there may be a "loop hole" in it for ya, there is an exclusion for trailer coaches, camp trailers and utility trailers.

good luck with california DMV (there are half the reason i moved to nevada!!)

cali dmv= :beat:

CA bit program

Edited by SKINNER
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Guest Crasher

My dad has a private rig that he pulls his race cars around in. They made him do this same thing. Costs him an arm and a leg every year, not to mention all the bs he has to go through with logging his hours, etc. He is in Cali too. I'll see if I can get some more info on it, but I know he couldn't find a way around it. In fact, he got a ticket for not being registered in the program, that's why he has it now. :(

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If all else fails and you have to do the BIT inspections i can get yo some answers on what it consists of and the cost, maybe even a discount if you go to my wifes work and get it done. She takes care of the bit inspections for big diesel company's.

Just a thought

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  1BADYFZ said:

If all else fails and you have to do the BIT inspections i can get yo some answers on what it consists of and the cost, maybe even a discount if you go to my wifes work and get it done. She takes care of the bit inspections for big diesel company's.

Just a thought

wow this is turning out to be a pain in de a$$. lol

i might have to hit you up on the BIT inspection deal. this all just really sucks. damn california. i really appreciate the offer of help. seems like they also have a deal where you get it cheaper if you have under 3 trucks in the fleet. well dont have a fleet. lol only have one truck. so yeh, guess i need to figure out everything i need for this BIT deal. :(

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  Crasher said:

My dad has a private rig that he pulls his race cars around in. They made him do this same thing. Costs him an arm and a leg every year, not to mention all the bs he has to go through with logging his hours, etc. He is in Cali too. I'll see if I can get some more info on it, but I know he couldn't find a way around it. In fact, he got a ticket for not being registered in the program, that's why he has it now. :(

if you could get some more info i would appreciate it.

guess i shoulda checked into all this before i got the semi. just sorta was in a pinch cause having to give up the ford. :beat:

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  SKINNER said:

here is a quik link i found you may have already seen it.

seems like there may be a "loop hole" in it for ya, there is an exclusion for trailer coaches, camp trailers and utility trailers.

good luck with california DMV (there are half the reason i moved to nevada!!)

cali dmv= :beat:

CA bit program

they wont require a BIT on the 5th wheel. but they will still require a BIT on the tractor if i am understanding it right. :hungry: :lol:

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You need to get it regestered as an rv if possible. not having a mcp for a vehicle regestered commercial 10klbs / 3 axles is an instant misdermeanor, even if the Head of the CHP Commercial Division has told you it is not required TRUST ME on this one...... :beat:

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The way out of all the crap is to re register it as a motor coach. It has to have a porta poty, sink, microwave and a bed. Not for hire on the side of the cab.

This bypasses the commercial tags, log requirements and scale stops.

Toy hauler mag. Terry, I think is regestered in Az. whitch is way easier to deal with.


Get with Terry (TVmotorsports) here he should have some links that will help you out.

Edited by jackxclan
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  Crazybanshee said:

Good luck getting anything done in Cali. They are the most difficult. Some people that got it done have been contacted by the DMV to change back to commercial. Best advice came from escapees.Move!!


yeh i am on escapees now. just found it. thank you for everyones help. this is not turning out so well unfortunately. will get er figured out though.

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  barefoot bob said:

screw all that go to dmv and have it registered as an rv. you have to add a microwave , toilet i/e porta potie and one other item get inspected and wala you have a motorhome not a not for hire commercial vehicle

hey bob word is they smartened up to that and arent so easy to get it pass. i am working on that angle though, bob. many thanks again to everyone for their help.

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  Crazybanshee said:

Good luck Big Red. Seen your posts and looks like you might have things figured out. Lot of great help on Escapees.


well, not figured out completely. :thumb:

i do have most of my options laid out. just not so sure which one to take yet. seems that even if i do the MH conversion in Cali that there still stands a chance i will get rejected. i might have someone thats a vin verifier who might do it. just waiting for the answer. if that doesnt work out might consider out of state reg. :beercheers:

so eventually when this is all done. i will be so darn happy and ready to go :laughing: . havent hit the sand yet this season.

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  bp-guy said:

what about one of those moble vehicle registration places? Eff the DMV

i am trying to bypass the dmv so yes i am using a service that does the reg for me. they are still working on an answer if they can do it or not. should get a call today.

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Big Red

Here's a few tidbits that may help (not really help but should be pretty factual). First off it is a real hassle using a tractor for tow mainly because you are using a commercial vehicle to do it. No matter how you try to disquise it, toilets, microwaves, tv's etc. it is still a CMV. Not only are you going to deal with the Inspections, commercial insurance, IFTA (fuel tax), Ca #, dont think you need a DOT# unless traveling out of state (commercial or private use), But any other headaches that go along with a CMV. If you are a trucker by trade it's a perfect gig. If you just want the extra power and pulling capacity, get out your checkbook.

As far as log books go, that is another story, this is a requirement of your Commercial CDL, (sorry non commercial class A doesn't do it) if you have it yet, I believe you won't need to run a log as long as you are running local in Ca. Your residence to the dunes or whever your destination is, because you wont hour out on your driving. Additionally you will need the air brake endorsement on the CDL this test is actually harder to pass than the written portion of the CDL so study good.

I don't claim to be any expert but have toyed with the idea and have pursued my CDL in the past. The best resource is to get the DMV CDL hand out and read it cover to cover there is alot of good info in there. Check the Ca DOT website there is alot of good information there as well. Just do your homework.

Hope this help a little

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  Big Red said:

hey bob word is they smartened up to that and arent so easy to get it pass. i am working on that angle though, bob. many thanks again to everyone for their help.

pursue the rv angle they are trying to pass smog laws that make older commercial vehicles subject to strigent emmisions that will be costly and force many trucks off the road. a not for hire commercial vehicle wll still be subject to those smog laws . i would be turning it in to an rv asap . while its true they are trying to suspend the new smog law it is just a matter of time.

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Big Red pull the comerical fifthwheel off and put a rv fifth on it and register it as a rv.If it has three axle you need to have the one pulled and have it down rated to haul less. You will need a class A drivers license with a air brake indorsment for it and you will need to put not for hire on it. the are differant for people that have a class A. Speeding with that truck will get you a nice ticket the last one I got for 65 mph was 300 bucks had a friend that got a dui not in the truck and lost his class A.

Good luck

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