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Friday night Inferno


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Any body know what happen to that truck tha caught on fire fridaynight ? (1-9-09) I saw the blaze from afar. Look like a 2005 silverado or what was left of it. if any body knows how it started let me know. Just hope No one was hurt.

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There was also a quad at north pole that was burned on saturday morning.... As far as the truck, I dont know - I just saw the fire crew there putting it out.

Imagine that - Caller to fire department - Hey we have a truck on fire, can you swing by and put some water on it so maybe we can get the trailer home - Fire department to caller - Sure where are you - Caller - Just down the road in dumont - Fire department - Sure well be there in a couple of minutes....

It looked like the truck pulled a trailer out there - Man thats going to be a rough ride home pulling the trailer with the quad home....

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We met those guys, 3 of them from Vegas, at Comp Hill that night. We we're on our way back from Comp with them when we saw the truck on fire. Luckily a bunch of people had already unhooked the guys enclosed trailer (which had another quad inside) from the truck and moved it away. They also found the keys to the second truck, which had the toyhauler attached with the dog inside, and moved it away from the fire. If anyone was there that night, a big "Thanks" to you for helping out.

The truck was a 02 or 03 Chevy that was just paid off. The owner of the truck just moved here (living with his sister in Vegas) and that truck and trailer was all he had. We stayed with them until the tow truck arrived and towed the truck away. Once things settled down, we used one of our trucks and towed his enclosed trailer to our camp where he stayed until his sister could drive out the next morning with a truck to tow it back to Vegas. The other two drove the truck and toyhauler over and stayed with us too.

The quad that burned belonged to the third guy, not the owner of the truck. The quad was left at camp because he had two quads out there for the weekend.

We talked with the three guys after getting them all over to our camp about what happened. I also talked with the Fire Capt out there about what happened. From what I could gather, they had a fire going before they left for Comp Hill. The owner of the truck filled his quad with gas (not the one that burned) but overfilled it, yup, right next to the truck. They left for Comp but left the fire going, opps, another bad mistake. With it being windy that night, ambers from the fire might have blown toward his truck and fell where he overfilled his quad, starting the sand on fire. That caught his truck on fire which in turn, caught the other quys quad on fire.

These guys were new to Dumont, only they're second time out so they still have a lot to learn out camping. They're good guys, just made some bad mistakes before leaving camp.

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I was camped right by these guys me and my buddy were the first there we went into the trailor and looked all over to find the keys. We finally found them and moved the toyhauler. By the time we did that there were people coming from everywhere to help. Alot good people out there that helped save the salvagable stuff. Sucks that the truck and quad burnt but it could have been alot worse.

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  Big_Gunz_ said:

We met those guys, 3 of them from Vegas, at Comp Hill that night. We we're on our way back from Comp with them when we saw the truck on fire. Luckily a bunch of people had already unhooked the guys enclosed trailer (which had another quad inside) from the truck and moved it away. They also found the keys to the second truck, which had the toyhauler attached with the dog inside, and moved it away from the fire. If anyone was there that night, a big "Thanks" to you for helping out.

The truck was a 02 or 03 Chevy that was just paid off. The owner of the truck just moved here (living with his sister in Vegas) and that truck and trailer was all he had. We stayed with them until the tow truck arrived and towed the truck away. Once things settled down, we used one of our trucks and towed his enclosed trailer to our camp where he stayed until his sister could drive out the next morning with a truck to tow it back to Vegas. The other two drove the truck and toyhauler over and stayed with us too.

The quad that burned belonged to the third guy, not the owner of the truck. The quad was left at camp because he had two quads out there for the weekend.

We talked with the three guys after getting them all over to our camp about what happened. I also talked with the Fire Capt out there about what happened. From what I could gather, they had a fire going before they left for Comp Hill. The owner of the truck filled his quad with gas (not the one that burned) but overfilled it, yup, right next to the truck. They left for Comp but left the fire going, opps, another bad mistake. With it being windy that night, ambers from the fire might have blown toward his truck and fell where he overfilled his quad, starting the sand on fire. That caught his truck on fire which in turn, caught the other quys quad on fire.

These guys were new to Dumont, only they're second time out so they still have a lot to learn out camping. They're good guys, just made some bad mistakes before leaving camp.

Wow thats just too bad. Props to you guys for helpin the guy out. :lol: Hopefully he had full coverage and wioll get through it ok. :(


QUOTE(Matt B @ Jan 12 2009, 06:31 PM) 164651[/snapback]

It was great to see how many people came to help out. Sure is nice to know people care. :blink:

I took care of your 30+ extra duplicate posts. Damn man put the beer down. :laughoff::slap::clap:

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  dunefreak said:

Wow thats just too bad. Props to you guys for helpin the guy out. :blink: Hopefully he had full coverage and wioll get through it ok. :(

He said he had full coverage, but someone out there told him to have it towed to the road and report the fire there because insurance won't cover the loss because it was off-road. Does anybody know if this is a fact? I'm going to check with my insurance company to find out it it true, don't want to find out the hard way that I'm not covered if I'm in Dumont and something happens.

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  sandtoys0@yahoo.com said:

We met those guys at the North pole after it happened. The guys I was with helped them pull the Warrior out of the truck and heard their story. The quad wasn't there on Saturday-maybe the rangers made them take it back?

The quad I saw was at the north pole on saturday morning at around 10:30am...

But it didnt look like it was burned there cause the sand was all clean. I guess that the burned sand could have blown away - I dont know...

Edited by chris1223
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  Big_Gunz_ said:

He said he had full coverage, but someone out there told him to have it towed to the road and report the fire there because insurance won't cover the loss because it was off-road. Does anybody know if this is a fact? I'm going to check with my insurance company to find out it it true, don't want to find out the hard way that I'm not covered if I'm in Dumont and something happens.

i am not sure about damage at the dunes, but it is certainly possible. i know for a fact they dont cover your car if you crash it at the track (like at test and tune). so insurance may view it the same when off road, they would assume you were taking uneccessary risks with your vehicle, just like crashing your car at the track. i guess it all depends on your coverage levels when it comes down to brass tax

i am sure most of us have had to deal with insurance companies at one point or another....you know how they can be.

" well of course its your fault sir! if you would have just left your car in the garage this wouldnt have happened!"

regardless it is terrible that it happened at all. You always hate to hear when something bad happens to fellow duners.

glad to see people come together and do their best to help though

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  Big_Gunz_ said:

He said he had full coverage, but someone out there told him to have it towed to the road and report the fire there because insurance won't cover the loss because it was off-road. Does anybody know if this is a fact? I'm going to check with my insurance company to find out it it true, don't want to find out the hard way that I'm not covered if I'm in Dumont and something happens.

yeah you need to check your policy most policies don't cover off road accidents ( what a bunch of :poop: )

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