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70cc regatta-get together at Dumont


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The more I have been thinking about this, the more I am definitely down to help make this happen. :idea:

Here are my thoughts.

We have it 2 weeks after Pres weekend at the end of February when the weather is still nice. That will be 2 weeks before cleanup as well. (Feb 27th, Feb 28th, March 1st weekend)

We set up a big camp near the first finger around C8/ C9 to make it simple for everyone to find. That and maybe we can incorprate the finger dune into our 70 track. :ninja::coffee:

Everyone from the site who has a 70cc atc or trx70 come on out and park together for the weekend. Even if you don't have one you are, of course, still invited to come out and partake in the fun. If you have an lt80 or whatever, cool too- bring it. The camp situation will basically be like the summer night drags. One big happy family.

We set up a big ol course in the center and/ or around camp. Maybe we can bring out a chitload of cones, railroad ties and obstacles to make it interesting. It doesn't have to be a competition unless you guys wanna make it more interesting. :ninja: Hell we can take it as far as you want. Contests and stupid prizes for best lookin 70, fastest lap, etc? :ninja: Duniemonkie said since we are talking 70's we can even dress 70's style. :mex::lol:

The point is to just to get EVERYONE together along with some 70's and just flat out have some good times. I think it would be sweet if all these 70's got in one place and tore it up together. You know we could get stupid and get some kickazz pics. :driver:

I'm mainly checking to see how much interest is in this. I already talked to Al T (smokin Al's BBQ) and he is down for this as well. He's willling to come hang out and cook up some GOOD grub for everyone in camp and that shows...as long as we get his costs covered. He won't be charging for it since this is basically a private thing between friends in camp. We're talkin tri-tip, pulled pork , etc. :thumb:

So if you guys think you'd wanna help make this happen, maybe it can even become a tradition every year.

Let me know and I can start getting a rsvp list together so I know how many people we can count on showing up. We have about a month.

Sound like fun? :headbang1::rockwoot::duniemonkie: Let's talk. :thumb:

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:slap: That's PoopStizzzle Mang. :dance:




Just messin',,, It's a killer Idea. :laughoff: Yep, the whole scha-bang sounds killer. :whoop:

We should have a great turn-out. Al's grubb will be sweet too. :lol:

I'm In! :dance:


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Guest Crasher
  raspadoo said:

Damn that would be fun, wifes 40th that weekend. Big regatta in march down in G for the 70's as well.. :slap:

We have been talking about going to the one in Glamis for a couple of years. Which weekend is it this year? :dance: March would be perfect weather too.

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I'm in Yiah! :dance:

I'ma gonna borrow a neighbors :laughoff: to make this race mang!

There's going to grub? :dance:

I like this :lol: old guys and young people with ladys too :whoop: out for first and best time!!!!!

Sweet :slap:


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Guest Crasher

just bought the :lol: off of craigslist. going to get the other 2 shipped out in the next week or so, and ill have 3 of them (maybe only 2 running)

:laughoff: regatta :dance: style :B :dance: :ah: !!!!!!

Thanks Cole. :whoop: Craig was supposed to pick that one on Craigslist up tonight, which you knew. Oh well, you will have another "look at meeeeee" toy. Perfect! :slap:

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just bought the :whoop: off of craigslist. going to get the other 2 shipped out in the next week or so, and ill have 3 of them (maybe only 2 running)

:dance: regatta :dance: style :B :slap: :ah: !!!!!!

THAT f*cking a-hole!!!!! I told I was going to be at his house at 3:30 what a FAG!~~!!!!!!

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Hey yeah guys this is gonna be a blast! Not sure about the magazine thing yet Cole, let me see how many definite 70's are coming and maybe just maybe. I know peeps with Sand Addiction and maybe even Sand Sports connections though. :whoop: Till then you know we have enough papparazis for gettin good pics. Hell maybe metalalien can even come out and get some badass footage like he always does. Together we can all make this a ton of fun. :slap:

jorgeloco, sounds good man. Yes! :dance: Anyone else who can think of anything to make the track more interesting and can bring out flags, RR ties or blocks of wood, maybe a couple truck tires, etc please bring it. :D

If ANYONE is interested in coming out to this, please go ahead and post up. I'll figure out a way to get a rsvp thing set up and get your name on a invite list so we know who all to expect. :dance: :lol:

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Guest Crasher
  White Rhino said:

THAT f*cking a-hole!!!!! I told I was going to be at his house at 3:30 what a FAG!~~!!!!!!

We were the first one to call early this morning and he said he would hold it for us to. Oh well. We would have been there sooner, but SOME OF US HAVE TO WORK!!!!!! :slap:

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  Crasher said:

We were the first one to call early this morning and he said he would hold it for us to. Oh well. We would have been there sooner, but SOME OF US HAVE TO WORK!!!!!! :slap:

That guy is a JACK a$$, I talked to him last night and followed up this AM, told me he'd be home at 3:30... told I would pick it up? I guess because I didnt say I had cash in hand or some sh*t (just called and chewed his a$$ too)... What an a$$, did I say he was an a$$!!!! :dance: :whoop: :dance:

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  White Rhino said:

That guy is a JACK a$$, I talked to him last night and followed up this AM, told me he'd be home at 3:30... told I would pick it up? I guess because I didnt say I had cash in hand or some sh*t (just called and chewed his a$$ too)... What an a$$, did I say he was an a$$!!!! :lol::laughoff::laughoff:

:dance: :thumb::slap::whoop:



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