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70cc regatta-get together at Dumont


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Those that are going- make sure you put your name down on the rsvp list.


We need a head count of tose who are going for a couple reasons.

1. It's just nice to know

2. need to know how many peeps Al will be cooking for

3. need to know how big to make this camp circle LOL

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i will not be competing in this years events. however i heard you will be carring the ddr speacial olympic torch. i heard its a sobe bomb lit and you have to run the length of vendors row. i heard you whole heatedly agreed. in fact you are SPEACIAL :dunno::laughing:

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  barefoot bob said:

this sounds like the "SPECIAL OLYMPICS " of duning :loser::laughoff::flipoff::lol:

And your point? :dumbass:

:dayum: I can't wait! :hatdance:

  barefoot bob said:

i will not be competing in this years events. however i heard you will be carring the ddr speacial olympic torch. i heard its a sobe bomb lit and you have to run the length of vendors row. i heard you whole heatedly agreed. in fact you are SPEACIAL :flipoff::laughoff:


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have just over a week left and I'm gettin stoked! :banghead:

I ordered up some flags on a line today to line the track. :beercheers: I think I have about about 350 feet. :grin: There's some red & white ones for the track, then some black & white checkered ones for the finish and drag strip.

I's also in the process of making a SANDboni to smooth the track. :mb:

the tenative schedule of events will go like this...

morning & day time

-a technical in-camp race track event

-a quick 70cc group run to vendors row for a photo op

-wheelie contest

-1/16th mile drags


-time to eat: BBQ pulled pork & tri-tip sammiches by Smokin Al's BBQ

-winner announcements & awards

-"track dominator"

-"longest wheelie"

-"fastest drag racer"

-"most unique 70"

-"cleanest 70"

-"ugliest 70"

-open track: the free for all nighttime track races & ATC jousting. Trust me on this one. :grin:

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  wingnut said:

I nominate mine..........Show&shine winner!!!!! :beercheers:

  dunefreak said:

bring it. We'll have a prettiest AND an ugliest 70! :(:bs:

Wouldn't Wingy win both pretty and ugly?

Cuz his atc is looking 'pretty ugly' these days. :bs:



OK that will cost me a Jager Bomb. :grin:

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This is going to be good times. Looks like I will be bringing two. The third is looking like it is isn't going to be completed by the deadline. We'll see what works out.

My garage is looking like a 70 bone yard until this 70 regatta


Sorry dont know how to get the picture to rotate

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So when is everyone getting there??? I plan on rolling into Dumont Thursday mid-day. Pete, I have a stop watch for the drags if you want. I can also be the official timer guy if you want. In all the years I've done timing for the race cars I've worked on, I've never been worse than .02 seconds off any timing light at any race track. Just let me know if you want it, or if is just a who crosses the line first.

:laughing: :B :lol::70:

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  HappyHour said:

So when is everyone getting there??? I plan on rolling into Dumont Thursday mid-day. Pete, I have a stop watch for the drags if you want. I can also be the official timer guy if you want. In all the years I've done timing for the race cars I've worked on, I've never been worse than .02 seconds off any timing light at any race track. Just let me know if you want it, or if is just a who crosses the line first.

:lol: :B :70::MBdance:

Awesome. Heck yeah Mike...you're the man for the job then! Thank you.

I will be getting there Thurs evening sometime. You'll probably be there before me so just start the circle in the area we will be setting up at. I'm thinking this circle will have to be BIG. 60-70+ people have rsvp'd. :70::laughing:

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  HappyHour said:

Looking at an earlier post, I see that your looking top set this thing up next to the finger bdfore the finger where you usually camp at right?? B5 and B6 on the map.

no, C8 is where we plan on setting up. Where did you see B5/B6 so I can edit that. :laughing:

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Ok I have most of the stuff needed to lay out a 70 track.

- over 350 feet of flag line (red & white and black/white checker)

-50 wood stakes

-a 3x5 checker flag for the finish line

-Cole has some mini barrels

-rakes & shovels

I just spoke with Al and he is gonna bring plenty of food for everyone. :dope:

I'd like to get a bunch of tables set up so we all have a place to sit and enjoy the BBQ together. So if anyone has an extra table please bring it! As for chairs, I figure we'll all just bring our camp chairs over when it's time to eat.

If anyone has some cones or anything else that will help with the track, that would greatly be appreciated if you brought that out as well.

This is coming together rather nicely and should be a great time out there. I'm stoked. :thumb::thumb:

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  mineurbiz said:

To bad we don't have a bunch of old 70 tires to use, seems kind of fitting (I have 2 old ones), I am pretty sure we can bring out about 5 cones and more if we come by them. I can also bring a couple folding tables if needed.

Actually sandsnake has 2 old 70 tires. They are at our work- I'll grab em. :dope:

Sweet, thanks for the help, Mark. :thumb:

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  dunefreak said:

Actually sandsnake has 2 old 70 tires. They are at our work- I'll grab em. :dope:

Sweet, thanks for the help, Mark. :thumb:

No sweat, I am all for promoting this one. I can not wait to get these out there, I would like to get everyone parked and get on top of a toyhauler and take a pic of everyone's biket there.

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