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scattered motor


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another 2 stroke lesson learned the hard way. i let my kid ride my banshee for the first time easter weekend at dumont and it didn't go well. i told him to keep the motor revving and not to lug it. he took it to mean run it wide f*ckin open till you stop. he just rode it on the flats screaming till i couldnt here anything. after a while i heard him screaming back and as soon as he slowed down approaching camp the motor locked up. turns out the spark plug in the right cylinder loosened just enough for it to run lean under those conditions and cook the motor. i asked him " didnt the motor start making a bunch of rackett? " he said ya but didn't stop. i left it at that. here are some pics of the carnage.








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ya i know. but i love riding that damn thing. i really was considering getting that new zuki like yours but thats alot of coin for me right now. im trying to get a race car together for the next season of racing snore. i had enough extra parts to put my banshee back together. i just had to order new o rings for the cool head but it will be running soon. ready for the next disaster :D

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HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: :shocked::laughoff::thumb: Here i am whining about a cracked piston.GOOD GOD MAN!!!!Your motor is maybe the worst ive seen in my life. :laughoff: <----Is that what your boy looked like...Damn that makes me sick.Glad you got it back together.LOL!!!

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ya he was bummed but at the time i figured it maybe just siezed a piston. i was the dumb a$$ who talked him into riding it. told him he wouldnt want to ride the warrior again. bad call! :laughoff: geez, even the reeds were screwed up. aluminum all peppered in them. the edges were cooked. brand new V force 3,s. i think i salvaged them though. we'll see how it runs.

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i have the motor back together except for the head. had to order some new o rings. i had all the parts to put back in my other banshee but i guess i will just part that thing out now. it will be running this weekend. i have a line on a complete race car for 3 grand with extra wheels and tires. im going to check that out. will probably save alot of time and money in the long run if it is worth a crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its alive! my banshee is ready for the dunes again. i got that cool little gizmo from trinity racing to keep the sparks plugs from backing out. thanks again aaron. other than motor parts i have banshee parts off an 87 model im parting out. they are going on ebay soon so if anyone needs something let me know. :D

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  superdave said:

i have the motor back together except for the head. had to order some new o rings. i had all the parts to put back in my other banshee but i guess i will just part that thing out now. it will be running this weekend. i have a line on a complete race car for 3 grand with extra wheels and tires. im going to check that out. will probably save alot of time and money in the long run if it is worth a crap.

Ok, this post scares me. How can anyone get a SAFE race car for 3 grand?

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if you go to any off road races the 9 cars and some sportsman cars are pretty basic. this champ car class i plan to run in is a budget class set up to be able to use some older race cars that are no longer being raced in the class they used to. naturally for 3 grand the car would have to be gone through to get race ready. but it would have been a good start rather than build from scratch. i have seen plenty of 9 and sportsman cars for sale for 5 grand or less. the line i had on this car fell through. the guys brother apparently took it so im back to my original plan. i have a frame, motor, and suspension to get it rolling. need a trans and all the little stuff to complete. :mc_smiley: hey midnight. i sent you a pm. Big D said you may have a 002 bus trans you might sell. let me know.

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