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Sublime reunited with new singer


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I just heard about this. :banghead:

While Sublime will never be the same without Brad, I still think it's pretty damn cool and would like to hear what the new singer is like with the remaining members. :sleeping:

Here's a quote...

Although Sublime officially ceased to exist following the death of singer Bradley Nowell in May of 1996, the surviving members Eric Wilson (bass) and Bud Gaugh (drums) have recently jammed with an unknown-named singer and guitarist, who happens to be a huge fan of Sublime.

While there\’s not yet any talk of a new album and tour, sources say that Sublime (with a new singer) will perform together for the first time in 13 years in May 2009 at The Bamboozle in East Rutherford, New Jersey, along wth NOFX and Gorilla Biscuits. It is unknown at this time whether those rumors are true or false.

Sublime\’s last album, which is self-titled, was released only two months after Nowell\’s tragic and unexpected death. The album was a huge commercial success, spawning a number of popular singles “What I Got”, “Santeria”, “Wrong Way” , “Doin\’ Time”, “April 29, 1992 (Miami)” and “Caress Me Down”, and went 5x platinum in the US, despite lack of support through touring.


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..........tragic and unexpected death

sure it was unexpected....he was a fuggin Heroin addict...that sheet happens all the time....fuggin unexpected :banghead: .............

that is cool that they are jamming with a new guy....but Why the effe all the way in New Jersey???

.... :banghead: I thought they were playing with long beach dub all stars there for awhile

some new material would be much welcomed by the ska/punk/reggae crowd :sleeping:

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  richard cheese said:

some new material would be much welcomed by the ska/punk/reggae crowd :headbang1:

Wow, you have to move the F away from Bakersfield. Most of the shows we see are new ska/reggae bands that actually have their sh*t together. I say the Cheese fam comes to visit! :woo_hoo:

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