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The folks over at GlamisDunes.com are holding a fundraiser to help support Friends of Dumont Dunes and the fight to keep Dumont open.

Since they are primarily goaled towards helping those out in glamis and re-opening thier closed portions I think its a awesome gesture on their part to help out Dumont Dunes.

It got me thinking.. IF They can do it, why cant we??

With the close to 800 members we have here, there is bound to be some good ideas floating around that we could do to help out Friends of Dumont Dunes.

The suggestions i have heard so far.

DDR Carwash complete with DDR midgets on Tire detail ( because they are closer to the ground )

So far thats the only idea we have heard and we want to hear more? If anyone has an idea for a fundraiser something the whole family can do, family oriented type stuff ( i dont want to hear about a $20 dollar entry beer drinking competition, even though we could consume ALOT of beer ).

Post up your ideas!!!

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  ISBB said:

The folks over at GlamisDunes.com are holding a fundraiser to help support Friends of Dumont Dunes and the fight to keep Dumont open.

Since they are primarily goaled towards helping those out in glamis and re-opening thier closed portions I think its a awesome gesture on their part to help out Dumont Dunes.

It got me thinking.. IF They can do it, why cant we??

With the close to 800 members we have here, there is bound to be some good ideas floating around that we could do to help out Friends of Dumont Dunes.

The suggestions i have heard so far.

DDR Carwash complete with DDR midgets on Tire detail ( because they are closer to the ground )

So far thats the only idea we have heard and we want to hear more? If anyone has an idea for a fundraiser something the whole family can do, family oriented type stuff ( i dont want to hear about a $20 dollar entry beer drinking competition, even though we could consume ALOT of beer ).

Post up your ideas!!!

i realize im short, but im far from midget status! :thumbsdown::boxer::rolleyes::shake::puke:

how about a raffle or something? or a bake sale, yeah, i knew you guys would love that. we could get dune business's to donate items we could raffle off? depending on the items being raffled, would decide the raffle ticket prices. or we could even do like a silent auction with the items, that would raise more money!! :thumb:

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I was kinda thinking a Car show but w/ dune toys.. :D 20 bucks to show off your sand car.. 10 bucks to show off your quad or 2 wheeler. something along those lines

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  ISBB said:

I was kinda thinking a Car show but w/ dune toys.. :D 20 bucks to show off your sand car.. 10 bucks to show off your quad or 2 wheeler. something along those lines

hmm, that sounds ok nick, if you can get people to pay to show off their toys. they can go to the dunes and show it off for free? i mean hopefully they will be down for the good cause, but not sure alot of people would pay to do that.

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dunno.. thats why they are called idea.. :D was also thinking anyone that enters their car would get free lunch bbq style.. burgers dogs and pop... anyone else that wants to eat we could figure something out.. :D and possibly a raffle for those who entered thier toys?

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When the Andrews Dune Scarab beetle was looking like it might be trouble for Glamis DUNERS thought of doing a "beetle bash" with people getting $5 per whack. (Not to worry, no actual beetles were going to be hurt in the bash.)

Maybe we could come up with a lizard stomp. ;)


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  SailAway said:

When the Andrews Dune Scarab beetle was looking like it might be trouble for Glamis DUNERS thought of doing a "beetle bash" with people getting $5 per whack. (Not to worry, no actual beetles were going to be hurt in the bash.)

Maybe we could come up with a lizard stomp. ;)


Thats Funny.. And a good idea.. :D

did glamis dunes have a "Trim the Bush" contest.. damn that pearsons milkvetch..

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  dnchevyman said:

we could save the dunes and all retire off of that money. :beercheers:

How about a garage sale/swap meet this fall where we all get together and promote a parts/gear swap meet. We could donate a % of the total sales to fodd. Do a little flyer and do it at a central location parking lot. Like maybe one of the m/c shops or the Custom Shop parking lot. I am sure we all have gear,parts,takeoffs etc we want out of the garage? What do you think?

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  ynot said:

How about a garage sale/swap meet this fall where we all get together and promote a parts/gear swap meet. We could donate a % of the total sales to fodd. Do a little flyer and do it at a central location parking lot. Like maybe one of the m/c shops or the Custom Shop parking lot. I am sure we all have gear,parts,takeoffs etc we want out of the garage? What do you think?


Probably the best idea yet! :beercheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  ISBB said:

With the close to 800 members we have here, there is bound to be some good ideas floating around that we could do to help out Friends of Dumont Dunes.

Post up your ideas!!!

Education: First off, Dumont has but one road in and that is an advantage. Helping to educate those that recreate there would be the biggest advantage in my book that those 800 here could do. As in the past, I've visited many camps and gave out dune safety books, very, very few had heard of FoDD :( and FoDD has been around for many years too.

Having a general fact sheet / membership form to hand out would be ideal. The BLM contractor Western Maintenance Co. that handle the permits and operates the booth are willing to help us out. :laughoff: Getting those vendors that normally attend to help us would be great too. It isn't always about the money, to me it is more about the contacts. If people don't know there is a problem, they can't possible help you...when you really need it.

Since we don't all go on the same weekends, how about a sign up sheet for next season to volunteer to get the word out? Spend an hour each trip talking with others camped near you. And let them know about this great site too... :laughoff:

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Maybe get a ton of those DDR coin logo's and include that w/ the dune saftey booklet and a letter about FoDD and pass them out to people that enter the dunes... Since i have fridays off i would be more than happy to take a box or 4 of packets and stickers and pass them out to everyone coming into dumont along w/ the western maintenance guy on friday mid day / afternoon / evening and help the guy out by taking those w/ season pass's in one line and passing out to them and he could issue the weekend pass's and a booklet too everyone else.. :D

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:mc_smiley: great ISBB, that would certainly help out.

At the cleanup I had brought 2 cases of the safety books to pass out. The gentleman from Western took the remaining books (about 600) and said they could help pass them out. But as you know, those that purchase an annual pass won't slow down usually since they have their own lane on a busy Friday afternoon... ;) so if you could help pass the info out to those folks that would really help... :)

I will ask FoDD if they have such a flyer now, in the works or can make one up to hand out next season.

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  dunefreak said:

I'd also help pass some out camp to camp and at comp hill too if you give me some to pass out. :rockon:

Must save Dumont! :happydrunks:

How much is it Pete for the Dumont coin stickers? I would like to donate the amount it will cost to buy 500 of them to be passed out. I also agree that Ynot has a excellent idea of a buggy parts/offroad sale. Trust me, I have a ton of slightly Used parts laying around here!!! LOL I think we can also do a raffle at the swapmeet. And since it will be in vegas. Sell sodas there too. And why were at it Stacie can have her bake sale. any more ideas we can incorporate?

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