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TRT Meeting in MAY

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Just to go ahead and get this out there, the next meeting will be May 5th, 2009 at 10am, Barstow Field Office. If you can make it out, please attend, if not, post up some questions you want answers to and I'll take them with me. Hope to see some of you there...Semper Fi, Woody :laughing:

Bureau of Land Management

Barstow Field Office

2601 Barstow Road

Barstow, CA 92311

Phone: (760) 252-6000

Edited by wsky70
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i would like to know what the TRT's stance is on the fencing issue, and why they would allow a grant writer to even fly an idea like that.

i would also like to know what holidays they plan on taking off the holiday list for next season, as well as the price of passes for next season

thanks Woody!! :laughing:

could you also find out when the next SATURDAY meeting is? Im hankerin for sum slash X and buttcrack wheelies :laughoff:

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i would like to know what the TRT's stance is on the fencing issue, and why they would allow a grant writer to even fly an idea like that.

i would also like to know what holidays they plan on taking off the holiday list for next season, as well as the price of passes for next season

thanks Woody!! :laughing:

could you also find out when the next SATURDAY meeting is? Im hankerin for sum slash X and buttcrack wheelies :laughoff:

First of all the TRT is only an advisory commitee and has no power to tell BLM what to wish for or what to request grant money for. I cannot speak for the other TRT members but I have repeatedly been against any more fencing then is needed to control incursions into specific areas of concern. I will oppose total fencing with my last breath! However it is not only my voice that is listened to. That is why there is a comment section on the grant requests for you to let them know your for the grant or not or that you would support limited fencing.

As for prices and holidays that will be discussed at this meeting and the only one that I think is being considered being removed is MLK weekend.

It must be pointed out that this year has shown a 35% reduction in pass sales and traffic into the area, if that should change in the future they do have the right to add holiday's back on and change the prices according to needs to cover expenses.

We will see what we can do about a Sat meeting just prior to the next season starting.


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I just received this from Roxie and the April 21st meeting has been postponed and may be moved to Vegas for the next meeting only depending on the feedback from the members availability.

Also since the last meeting the Desert Advisory Committee (DAC) has decided that the TRT needs to be a sub group in order to fit federal guidelines. Therefore positions are up for the sub group if you want to apply to represent a speciality group such as NV or Ca OHV advisor etc. I will update you all on when the rescheduled date and place is for this meeting.




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Sorry to say, but the TRT meeting is going to be rescheduled. We will let you know the new date, or Terry can let you know. I'm only posting so people do not make plans to attend on this date. We are hoping it will be reescheduled within a month or so of the original date.


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I just received this from Roxie and the April 21st meeting has been postponed and may be moved to Vegas for the next meeting only depending on the feedback from the members availability.


Vegas.....Ummmm, I'll be there :mischevious:

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I just received this from Roxie and the April 21st meeting has been postponed and may be moved to Vegas for the next meeting only depending on the feedback from the members availability.

Also since the last meeting the Desert Advisory Committee (DAC) has decided that the TRT needs to be a sub group in order to fit federal guidelines. Therefore positions are up for the sub group if you want to apply to represent a speciality group such as NV or Ca OHV advisor etc. I will update you all on when the rescheduled date and place is for this meeting.



GREAT NEWS! :mischevious: :laughoff:


Sorry to say, but the TRT meeting is going to be rescheduled. We will let you know the new date, or Terry can let you know. I'm only posting so people do not make plans to attend on this date. We are hoping it will be reescheduled within a month or so of the original date.


Thanks for the info, Lynnette. Glad to see you sign on here. :laughing::D


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  • 2 weeks later...

The next TRT meeting will be held May 5th at the Barstow Field office. Apparently there were problems with getting people to drive to Vegas so they have made it on Tuesday 5-5-09 at 10:00 AM at the field office. Anyone from Vegas want ing to go is welcome to drive down with me.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The next TRT meeting will be held May 5th at the Barstow Field office. Apparently there were problems with getting people to drive to Vegas so they have made it on Tuesday 5-5-09 at 10:00 AM at the field office. Anyone from Vegas want ing to go is welcome to drive down with me.


Here is the adgenda for the meeting on Tuesday. Anyone interested in going?

Agenda for May 5, 2009

Barstow Field Office

10:00 am.

Call To Order



Approval of the Agenda

Approval of the Minutes, January 20, 2009

Lunch - Cinco de Mayo potluck lunch at the office – TRT group to be Barstow’s guest


Process for the new Dumont group and general schedule - Roxie

Thank You’s - Roxie

Members Items


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Is that for real? That's some agenda there, Terry. lol Sounds like it's just gonna be a fiesta! :mex::laughoff:

Wish I could make it. I'd bring the Corona Light. :finger:

Yeah if it wasn't for the free lunch I would do it by telephone! :mex:

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I just received this from Roxie and the April 21st meeting has been postponed and may be moved to Vegas for the next meeting only depending on the feedback from the members availability.

Also since the last meeting the Desert Advisory Committee (DAC) has decided that the TRT needs to be a sub group in order to fit federal guidelines. Therefore positions are up for the sub group if you want to apply to represent a speciality group such as NV or Ca OHV advisor etc. I will update you all on when the rescheduled date and place is for this meeting.



The deadline for this is 6-1-09. They can be sent to the BLM Barstow Field Office 2601 Barstow Road Barstow Ca 92311 Att. Roxie Trost. Or Roxie_Trost@ca.blm.gov

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