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Easter weekend reports


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The weekend ROCKED!!!!

I rolled into Dumont around 5:00pm on Friday..

Unloaded the homo and threw on the riding gear!! COME ON LETS RIDE!!!!!!!! :laughoff:

Mike....you wanna eat first??? NOPE! Lets riiiiiide!

So it was Mike in the Limo, Johnny P in his rail, and another guy in a rail, can't remember his name, and me on the quad! I kept right on up with them!! :lol: Mike said everytime he looked back in the spots I normally would have had problems or went slow he was :dayum: surprised to see me either right there or he said I was just hopping the tranisions!! :grin:

Then the wind started to pick up a little and we headed back in.. as soon as we hit camp the wind was probably about 30 MHP or more sideways!!

Batton down the hatches..pick up everything.. put in a movie and listen to the wind and the rain...

Got up nice and early Sat morning and I had THE best dune run of my season!! :MBdance: It was still a little cloudy at the beginning of the run, but was bright and shiney by the time we hit the North Pole.. Not a track out there.. It was Cory KR350 leading on his 450r, then Mike in the Limo and me bringing up the rear... Cory has been working with me all season and has been the best teacher a person could ask for!! :thumb: So in the untouched sand.. we worked on transitions, razor rolling, hopping in and out of bowls, and even catching a little air when we came upon a good jump :yiah:

Had more awesome runs throughtout the day.. Finally gave up the quad to remember what it felt like to be in the rail again! Went up and over the backside of comp with me screaming like a banshee!! :ah:

Back out for another run and head to the small meet and greet! :hello: Chatted with all who showed up :blah::beerpint::blah: Finally met Sandawg offically, it was nice meeting Jason, even if you didn't bring Candace with you! :laughing: Chatted more with KitKat and Blue Steel.. and Skyz :lol: attacking :porn: Mike's leg!! :lol:

Went on a nice after meet and greet ride.. Stopped at the North Pole.. met up with some suspicious carictures :laughing:

Back to camp for some Easter egg dying and Easter dinner with Jill and Charley, John and Becky, Cory and Jaymelynne.. GREAT EATS everyone.. scrumdilious :ninja: :hungry: Thank you!

Waited for some people to go on a sunset ride..watched them drive right by.. :flipoff::lol:

Said ok..lets get in the rail again! :lol: Had an epic sunset ride with Cory and Johnny P ended up at the North Pole again for a quick :beerpint: break headed to comp for a couple of runs..back to camp and settled in for the evening.. Mike and I stayed behind to tend the fire and chat and watch the camp kiddies.. hit the bed early.. Motto of the weekend: "Early to bed...Early to RIDE!" :headbang1:

Got up this morning.. did the egg hunt, did some morning chats and visiting and away we went with a nice big grouping through the dunes! Lines were still awesome, sand was still fairly smooth as long as you stayed in the tracks, but nothing as rough like Sundays past.. Once again ended at the North Pole..where we decided to have a jumping exhibition..not real exciting.. but I got ALL FOUR TIRES OFF THE GROUND! And proof in pics! :pics::headbang1:

Mike descided to give it a shot, had a bad angle before he even left the top of the hill.. :lol: STUCK!! :lol:

And make the way back to camp..back up and leave the sand for probably the last time this season... :(:(

But at least the last weekend, was an awesome one! Pics to follow!!!

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Pics.... from my camera..

Empty smooth Comp Hill, Banshee and dunes..




Stop at North Pole on my BEST dune run ever!




This little guy was visiting.. unfortunately he only had one leg...


The razor edge at the North Pole..


I liked this pic for some reason..


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The best time ever! Have only a few pics and some video of the storm, will post later.

!. Camping with ex cops is fun, fun, fun.

2. Fastest ride I have ever been on with the peeps in the white desert cars. Good friends, great drivers :ah: :ninja: they rock.

3. will post more later. I'm going to bed. Spring Break is over.

4. Steve can I have my generator back......please

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I took this bad azz picture of Mike toooo bad its fuggin blurry :lol::lol::ninja::laughoff:


A little egg dying :headbang1:


Charley playing with little Cody


:headbang1: Charley trying to be "trendy" :laughing:


Epic sunset ride..



Easter egg hunt!!



Discussing the upcoming morning ride..


The morning group..


Sand bathing


The Homo in the sand


Temp when leaving..


Bye Bye Dumont..... :(:(:(:(


I hope everyone had as Happy an Easter as I did!!


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Some of Mike's camera pics..

My first steps..


KR350 showing me how its done...


Little bit higher.. teach watching his student in the background! :headbang1:





Mike stuck.. sequence pics... watch the littlin in the back of the razor and Jaymelynne standing next to it!! :laughing::laughing::lol::ninja::laughoff:







And FINALLY unstuck!!


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That was my best Dumont trip of the year. I have had some great trips this year but this one we went on so many rides. Car was flawless which always makes it nice. Camp was great. Thanks Brice for all you do on these trips. That trampoline is the best baby sitter ever. Jodi said everything else so I will shut up now.

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great pics, Jodi! The paparazzi did well this weekend. ;):laughoff:

Sounds like it was a killer weekend out there. :yiah:

Great pics Jodi! looks like it was damn good times out there!

Thanks!! Yeah you guys missed a good one! Wish you both could have been there! :ninja:

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I posted on the other Easter thread, but will mention again that it was super fun, even for a day trip. Mark and I just rolled in for the day - just ourselves. Took the RZR out and had a kick a$$ time Well, until we ended up in some crazy bowl! :ah: But, we survived! :laughoff: That RZR is way more fun that the Rhino!

We went to the meet and greet and chatted with a few peeps - Sand Chick, SKYZ, Jill and Mike. All together the day was fun. We wish we had our toyhauler there. Miss the afternoon naps and just hanging out! Oh well, there's always next season! :ninja:

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had to take the rubicon to the dunes this weekend cause the trans is making noise in the ghetto sandrail(sure glad i didn't fix that clutch a few trips ago). went to the meet n greet at two, but heard of the rollover at talladega so i went to see if i could help get it out. it was a green longtravel....didn't recognize him, but i loaned him my toolbag(hope he put all my tools back) so he removed a bunch of the front end and they brought out a trailer with a dually p/u and hauled it off with no problems. also heard of a green sanrail that rolled the day before. then i heard of a blue one also rolling in the camp area(was doing a wheelie too close to camp i heard from someone that helped turn it back over? that one someone ended up with lacertions when they were thrown out with no seatbelts :ninja: i heard. weather was perfect both days. got to drive my buddy wade's newly painted car a couple times(niiiice). it's in the meet n greet pics....yellow subaru powered sand cars unlimited. ran into a couple german guys walking in the dunes. i drive up and say"you KNOW you can't be WALKING out here...right?...it's the law! they were very appologetic and said they were leaving immediately! so i say, no, i'm just dickin' with yuh. and i took them for a ride in the jeep up to the big bowl near south end of dunes. i look down and see a longtravel buggy in a withches eye with a tow strap on it. so i go down to lend a hand. they want to borrow another tow strap to tow it with their p/u. they start hooking it up and i say "what's broke" and they say nothing :laughoff: ....ummmm , then why arent' you driving it out....drrrr. long story shorter, they back it up the hill and get a bit of a run at it and it's oughta there! (it was running like :poop: ) with no towing (rookies!)........even got a few rides on the renegade x. awesome bike for an old guy :lol: finished off the weekend towing back the kids motorcycle with the can am when he seized it up. hope that wasn't too boring for you muffin huggers!

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On Saturday this Tatum turned over on it lid also. He was traveling from the far right of comp Hill (long Comp) moving left and coming down on to the short comp hill. A smaller rail appeared to be making a run up short comp hill at the time. The Tatum swerved and rolled onto its own hood.

As far as I could tell, they did not hit. It also appeared no one got hurt. After the Leos talked to them, they drove the tatum off on its own power.

Tatum before accident


Tatum after the accident and bunch of guys pushed it back over on its wheels


Tatum driving away after accident. You can see some of the damage on the roof and tail fin


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Great weekend! Sand storm Friday night was one of the worst, but turned out to be a really nice weekend.

Had a good Easter feast on Saturday.

Charlie got the crotch rocket out, ran great. Oh how I like to run that thing!! Lost a fuel pump, but the ol man has a little of everything in the hauler so he was back on it.

Scott, John and Carrie it was really nice seeing you again kind of miss all those antics!

Mike thanks for saving me :ninja: !!!!

Jodi I could have done with out that picutre!

Brice and Mary nice seeing you again also, Who ever your relatives where behind us from Missouri, it was nice meeting them, although Charlie talked to them more than I did seemed like good people. Thats a long A$$ drive though.

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Tatum driving away after accident. You can see some of the damage on the roof and tail fin


Damn :( That's too bad. At least nody got hurt and the car doesn't look like it got hurt too bad.

OK I gotta ask, wtf is the ranger doing here? :lol::ninja::laughoff::lol:


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Damn :( That's too bad. At least nody got hurt and the car doesn't look like it got hurt too bad.

OK I gotta ask, wtf is the ranger doing here? :lol::ninja::laughoff::lol:


I think he was just checking to see if he was hurt. The guy did get up and walk around afterwards. I think he was just stunned by the rollover. Didnt appear to be hurt to bad.

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I got out there Saturday morning and brought a couple of friends that have never been to Dumont. The Raptor worked perfectly and we had some good runs. Joeduner can really ride his farm equipment. Wheelies down Banshee Hill are cool. It was good to see everybody.

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The weather was perfect out there and the sand was so smooth thursday and friday. Depth perception was off with no tire tracks and friday I flew off the top of a razor on my quad. Broke the beadlocks on 2 of the tires and bruised my ribs pretty bad. Gonna head out for xrays to make sure its only a bruise.

Had a lot of time saturday to shoot some pics since I could not ride anymore. Here is a few.

Moon Rising over Hill

Shot with 50mm lens F16 at 30 seconds


Look at the size of the motor in this little sand sprite.








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I think he was just checking to see if he was hurt. The guy did get up and walk around afterwards. I think he was just stunned by the rollover. Didnt appear to be hurt to bad.

I kinda figured that. I just felt like being an azz like usual. :clown: :grin:

Great pics, Rob. Sucks you got hurt, but at least you had the camera to play with the rest of the weekend. :laughoff:

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The best time ever! Have only a few pics and some video of the storm, will post later.

!. Camping with ex cops is fun, fun, fun.

2. Fastest ride I have ever been on with the peeps in the white desert cars. Good friends, great drivers :ah: :grin: they rock.

3. will post more later. I'm going to bed. Spring Break is over.

4. Steve can I have my generator back......please

OK have a little bit more to add:

Jill..... It's just a leaking all the time, leaking, leaking, leeeeaking. I'm gettin' a flat. :laughoff:

Favorite saying in camp, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere"

Sandawg can fix and tinker with chit even when it's not broke.


Hoops, Bondo the fastest ride I have ever been on. The best leaders of a ride. But didn't get a chance to ride in Danny Andersons Offraod car. :(

Bob aka (rdthlfa) don't be upset that Harley didn't try to hump you, he will someday.

Dave and Kelly can still be recognized with their helmet on and cameras rolling. Wish they hadn't left so soon.

Meet and greet was short but fun. Sorry Mike for humping you in front of people.

Watching two grown men try to take and ax, then a concrete pole plus a hatchet out of one log was priceless. "Boy this log is a bogger"

Stuck throttle at 4000 RMP's due to a little rock. :ah:

Don't get too stressed out dawg.


This was taken just before we left the North Pole and got back to camp before the storm hit.


Here it comes, that funny feeling again......... (forget who does that song)





Not the best video, but something. Dumont Sand Storm 2009


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