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LET'S TALK BEER. :banghead::banghead::coocoo::lol::tmi:

Ya can't ever have too many beer topics. :grin::laughing:

I'm a Bud Light guy when I plan on drinking cheap and a whole lot of em, but I always love a Blue Moon w/ an orange. I also dig "Heffie" beers and Hornsby's draft cider as well as a couple other ciders I've had. I think PT's has a pear cider that's pretty good.

Fosters is some pretty good potent beer :blury: , Coors Light is all good (almost the same as BL I guess and I'll drink it), I'm cool with Corona as long as you don't drink one with any other beer :barf: , Miller Lite is piss, PBR is ok beer (did I just admit that? :dope::banghead: ) , Heineken is nasty chit :assblast: as well as Rolling Rock, Steel Reserve :barf: :B :laughoff::laughoff: , Natty Light :laughing: ya might as well buy Dasani. That's all I can think of right now. :banghead: Let the beer chit talk and opinions begin. :watching:

So....what's your favorite beer? :beerpint:

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Regular MGD not the lite crap

Bud Select or Budweiser

Heffe's are good with a bit of orange

blue moon is tasty as well

pbr as a chaser to a bad a$$ bloody mary is good

beers i cant stand


Heiniken (tastes like a$$ pun intended)

natty lite

miller lite

coors light ( if its the last thing in the ice chest ok )

one of the sam adams ales cant remember which

poor bastard ale was a bit too hoppppy for me

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Lets see COORS LIGHT my fave !

When the wife cracks down on the beer spending :rant_on: I get away with keystone light :banghead: taste the same to me ! :banghead:

I usaully drink Heineken when out to din ! :laughing:

As far as bud light i 'll drink it but in the morning :banghead::banghead: same goes for corona if i have to many !

Sam adams :coocoo::lol::tmi: period can't stand any of thier flavors !

I think one of my favorite combos is a shot of 1800 with a coors light chaser :laughing:

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Finally a topic I can get into :laughing::laughing:

Top O' the list

GUINNESS :banghead:

Black and Tans (Guinness and Bass/harp)

Strong Bow is pretty good



I like the Heffies

Bud Light

Blue moon

I can do cool bar tricks with Heineken bottles


And I guess I'll drink them if I have to :banghead:

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Hittin it hard it is Coors Light or Bud Light


Negro Modelo


Red Stripe

Corona Light (cant stand the regular)

Hanger 21

Now that you say that I prefer Corona light as well. I just recently had one and was suprised how much better it was than the regular. :D:laughing:

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favorite beer:

bud ligth when camping duning or at the river

bohemia when having sea food

modelo when i am hang over of corse after the bloody mary

ooh can't forget tecate salt and lemon when cooking carne asada :drunk2: :drunk2:

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Lets see....

I have seasonal favorites...


Jack's Pumpkin Ale


Full Moon


Sam Adams Honey Wheat


Can't spell the name without the bottle here :isbb:

Summer Shanty

Standard regulars:

Dunes: Budlight and Tecate.. Tecate cause no one BUMS beers from you and they last longer!! :assblast::flipoff::lol:

Out someplace:


Or I have been enjoying trying different beers in the last couple of years.. I tried some Michalob Lime and that maybe added to the summer beer list!

Went to The Yardhouse a couple weeks ago..

HOLY :poop:

The beer selection was :dayum::flipoff: INCREDIBLE but I was very confused :blink::blury: and had a hard time chosing :laughing: actually sent the waitress away twice.. they had over 100 beer choices!!

:shake::beerpint: :drunk2: :drunk: :drunks: :thumbsdown: :pint: :laughoff::lol: :6pak: :chug: :bar: :peeps:

I guess this is why we have more BEER smileys then anything else!! :laughing:

Ian LOVE the beer bottle tricks!! :MBdance: I can do a beer can trick but thats about it!! :ninja::lol:

Edited by sand chick
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Guest Crasher

I'm not a big beer drinker, but these are my favs....

Guiness/Bass (black & tan)

Corona Light with a lime

Sierra Nevada Summer Wheat with a lemon (heffe)


Boddington's Cream Ale


I can't stand any Budweiser beer!! :shake:

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Newcastle Brown Ale...

or Coors Lite, if Im on the cheap.

same here love me an ice cold new castle, been on the CL kick lately and like it. but honestly i am more of captain/coke or crown/coke kinda guy.

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Lets see....

I have seasonal favorites...


Jack's Pumpkin Ale


Full Moon


Sam Adams Honey Wheat


Can't spell the name without the bottle here :laughoff:

Summer Shanty

Standard regulars:

Dunes: Budlight and Tecate.. Tecate cause no one BUMS beers from you and they last longer!! :thumbsdown::isbb::drunk:

Out someplace:


Or I have been enjoying trying different beers in the last couple of years.. I tried some Michalob Lime and that maybe added to the summer beer list!

Went to The Yardhouse a couple weeks ago..

HOLY :poop:

The beer selection was :laughing::shake: INCREDIBLE but I was very confused :laughing::flipoff: and had a hard time chosing :assblast: actually sent the waitress away twice.. they had over 100 beer choices!!

Jezuz! So what kind of beer do you drink on Tuesdays in the summertime when you are feeling happy and there's a half moon and it's overcast outside? :dayum::flipoff::MBdance:

I can do a beer can trick but thats about it!! :beerpint::blink:


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if im at a party.... im not particular about the kind of beer that is free. Hell, Jimmy D and I used to throw down sum


:shake: one of the first times we went to dumont, we brought a CASE of 24 oz cans of Steel Reserve (we called them hammerheads).

If im buying now....pretty much whatever is on sale at Rite Aide.....bud light, miller lite, coors lite.....Corona, Pacifico, Dos Eqius, Modelo......

no more gutter rat beer for me though.....that part of my life is officially over...

i do have to admit that i have a dirty habit of having some aged blue agave tequila with my beer too. :thumbsdown:

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Coors Light is my personal favorite.

Corona at dinner

MGD if that is all there is left

Tecate, Pacifico, Dos XX if I am feeling a little spanglish at the time.

Bud Light if Pete is near by! lol

NO BUDWEISER!! that stuff is crap

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