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swine flu spreads


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This sux, I'm supposed to be in Ensenada on the 10th....... Maybe I'll just stay on the cruise ship if they even let it sail.

my wife toll me that the cruises are not even stooping any where near mexico.............be careful

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my wife toll me that the cruises are not even stooping any where near mexico.............be careful

Yeah, looks like Carnival is changing all the Ensenada stops over to Catalina...

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I'm so over "Swine flu" talk.......It's not even a blip on the radar as far as the % of the population that has it.....Do you all remember in the 80's that we were all going to die from "Africanized bee's" . How about czars, bird flu or the west nile virus? Give me an EFFIN break! Let the media get back on track. Don't they have the aweful economy that they should be focusing on? :laughing::blink::laughing:

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I'm not an alarmist but you say half your students were in Mexico and some had symptoms and now you have the symptoms you say but too late to call in sick? Either you have a great sense of humor or you have H1N1 and CNN written all over it. Keep this in perspective, the average death toll in US every year from influenza is 35,000. Cheese, post a retraction and say "just kidding" before they runny shiat hits the fan and parents form a 21st century lynch mob. Sorry, just my opinion :blink:

it ended up being appendicitis...i had to have it removed last night...

still tho...one of my students got tested for it yesterday, and is awaiting results (24 hours)

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it ended up being appendicitis...i had to have it removed last night...

still tho...one of my students got tested for it yesterday, and is awaiting results (24 hours)

Sorry to hear you had to go through that but glad you didn't have ANYTHING close to H1N1! :blink:

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The first confirmed case of swine flu in San Bernardino county is right here on the marine base. NICE!

that sucks & now we have a case in city of san bernardino.....a kid from elementery has it, and i have my stepson in elementery luckely in a different elementery but it scares the sh*t out of me to know is close to me & all my loveones........ :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah:

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO f**k i shouldn't of opend my mouth.....we were inform today that my stepsons school is going to be close for the rest of the week do to a posible case of flue in school :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: ....

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amazing...90 people get the swine flu and everyone wears a mask...1 million people get aids and you cant convince them to wear a condom!

good observation cole what is more scary catching the flew and dying in days or catching aids and living for years? ether way I don't wear ether :laughoff:

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good observation cole what is more scary catching the flew and dying in days or catching aids and living for years? ether way I don't wear ether :blury:

:?: :?: :argue: :slap::2cents: ....ok me either..... :blah:

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amazing...90 people get the swine flu and everyone wears a mask...1 million people get aids and you cant convince them to wear a condom!

^^^THIS IS THE STATEMENT OF THE MONTH RIGHT HERE!!!!!! :blury: Just like, "Oh I got preggo by accident!" Did you really? Oh, you weren't on birth control or wearing a rubber and it was an accident?

OK, sorry, back to flu talk!

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ok I was gonna hold back but I can't. Does anyone know what SWINE stands for?

Some Wetback Infected Nearly Everyone

Sorry my mexi-friends...it's only a joke and no I'm not racist. I still love ya. :blury::2cents:

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ok I was gonna hold back but I can't. Does anyone know what SWINE stands for?

Some Wetback Infected Nearly Everyone

Sorry my mexi-friends...it's only a joke and no I'm not racist. I still love ya. :watching::blury:

Oh my god you have way too much time on your hands pete get a job :2cents: that was funny and i am not offended :B

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Great news my stepson went back to school today the test from the suspected swine flue cases from a couple of kids in school came back negative........ :blury::2cents::watching:

good for you, that means you can come to my house lol

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It's all a ploy by those in control of the media to get peoples minds off the economy, it's better to freak out on the flu than to freak out and perpetuate and worsen the economic recovery. How's that for a conspiracy theory? :2cents:

C'mon, schools closing because of a "probable case of H1N1"? Geez!

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