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Great idea!


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I didn't see this posted so I will post it up. Whoever came up with this brain scheme idea should be hung up by their nuts!!! Of all the F'n places to do a "photo op" with a 747 and a couple F16's, you pick F'n NYC. Hello, real bad F'n things happened there 8 years ago. Did it not dawn on the mornonic a-holes that maybe, just maybe this would produce some fear and anger amongst the people of NYC? Why not do the photo op over Washington, DC? How much in tax payer dollars was spent on fuel, manpower and how big of a carbon footprint do you think that big beast left and for what, an F'n photo shoot. You mean to tell me that there are no pictures anywhere of AF1 flying over a city? What was the idea, Hey let's fly a big 747 as near to a skyscraper as we can in NYC and hope no one notices! And this is who's leading our country? Enuff said I'm pissed, here's the video...


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actually i think its f*ckin funny that NYC went into a knee jerk panic reaction...good let em run...makes them all look like idiots.

there was proper comunication from the Gvt. to the FAA for the air space, so it is actually the government and the FAA's fault not telling the news and local authorites that this was going to happen.

as far as the eco foot print.....i got nothin...lol...sorry ash..and yes it was a HUGE waste of money...they could have done that anywhere with 2 cameras, and Photoshop!

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Here's what happened, some guy/gal was sitting in their cube with some good Steiner's looking out and thought holy shiat that is a big a$$ jet coming right for us. Now I ask you, if you didn't hear anything beforehand, would you stay or would you go now, would you stay or would you go now? If it were me I'd be gone :laughing: with a quickness.

I just threw in the footprint because the Govt. is all about clean this and clean that and then they do this. It's trivial since I just landed on a 737 from Phoenix. As far as the Govt. and FAA not doing the right thing by notifying everyone, well shame on them..doesn't surprise me in the least. Bottom line, everyone on this board paid for that little stunt.

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I heard the big wigs knew about the photo shoot but was told not to tell the General Public. Just shows how much people give a Shiat about others these days. Knowing they would :poop: their pants. :laughing: when they flew by. :ah:

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They even said on the news that president Obama didn't even know about it and he was angry about it.

i find it pretty effin convenient that whenever some bullshit goes down...BHO always claims he didnt know.

transparency??? :finger:

my wifes friend works in downtown manhattan, and yes, they all were :poop: their pants....

Edited by richard cheese
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Yeah that was dumb in part of the authorities for not broad coasted that they were doing a photo shoot, but on the other hand i guess they worry about some azzhat blowing af1 of the sky.

never the less it was stupid :finger:

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I didn't see this posted so I will post it up. Whoever came up with this brain scheme idea should be hung up by their nuts!!! Of all the F'n places to do a "photo op" with a 747 and a couple F16's, you pick F'n NYC. Hello, real bad F'n things happened there 8 years ago. Did it not dawn on the mornonic a-holes that maybe, just maybe this would produce some fear and anger amongst the people of NYC? Why not do the photo op over Washington, DC? How much in tax payer dollars was spent on fuel, manpower and how big of a carbon footprint do you think that big beast left and for what, an F'n photo shoot. You mean to tell me that there are no pictures anywhere of AF1 flying over a city? What was the idea, Hey let's fly a big 747 as near to a skyscraper as we can in NYC and hope no one notices! And this is who's leading our country? Enuff said I'm pissed, here's the video...


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It was noted yesterday on the news that this little stunt cost the taxpayers $385,835.00

Glad to see my money being spent well! :blink::laughing::laughing::laughing: :argue:

ooooooo :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: fack i didn't know that..... :bs: .....but yet they will probably raise our taxes to keep doing this :bs::bs: .... :finger::finger::finger:

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Yeah that was dumb in part of the authorities for not broad coasted that they were doing a photo shoot, but on the other hand i guess they worry about some azzhat blowing af1 of the sky.

never the less it was stupid :blink:

they are full of :poop: :poop: :poop:

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