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This ever happen to you?


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I'm standing in the check out line with a big bag of dog food and the elderly lady behind me says "you have a dog?" I'm thinking ..."another genius" so I say "no, it's for me although since I had my spleen removed I'm not sure if it's OK with my Dr." So she says "was your spleen removed because of the dog food?" and I said "not exactly, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setters butt and a car hit both of us." :2cents:

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you know i was just talking with the wife about how some people always ask me the most dumb questions at work, the store every where i go...... i don't know if they do it to start a conversation or they just plain :blury: any way i wish i could seen her face when you toll her that :2cents:

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  RUn2it said:

I'm standing in the check out line with a big bag of dog food and the elderly lady behind me says "you have a dog?" I'm thinking ..."another genius" so I say "no, it's for me although since I had my spleen removed I'm not sure if it's OK with my Dr." So she says "was your spleen removed because of the dog food?" and I said "not exactly, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setters butt and a car hit both of us." :laughing:

OK! thats just stupid. Watch where you walk then. Gawd.

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:think: i think the real question here is did you get hard food or soft :think: cuz i mean just looking out for your health there buddy the soft food might be a little better for you :slap: god whats wrong with you people :laughing::lol::lol: naw but really dosent that just piss you off when people do that crap to you not like you have enouph crap going on in your day now you have to deal with them to holy :censored: and they all wonder why we drink :laughoff:
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  RUn2it said:

I'm standing in the check out line with a big bag of dog food and the elderly lady behind me says "you have a dog?" I'm thinking ..."another genius" so I say "no, it's for me although since I had my spleen removed I'm not sure if it's OK with my Dr." So she says "was your spleen removed because of the dog food?" and I said "not exactly, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setters butt and a car hit both of us." :lol:

I thought they had a Joke of the day thread. Sounds kind of fishyyyy :laughing::laughoff::think:

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  Jakster884 said:

I thought they had a Joke of the day thread. Sounds kind of fishyyyy :laughoff::think::lol:

Dude, common sense will not be tolerated here! :clown: I made it up after reading the "singles wanted thread" with redswr. I don't know why I did it, It sounds so goofy the second time you read it I think .... :laughing:

Dare anyone to say "1 smart fellow, he felt smart;

2 smart fellows, they both felt smart;

3 smart fellows, they all felt smart"

say it outloud, bet there's some fart smellows smelling farts :censored:

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  ~JILL~ said:

I want to know which has more fiber? Canned or dry food.

Did the dog loose his spleen too?

i think canned....dry food has side effects,like loosing your sleep :think: .... :laughing::censored: do you have your morning work out chaseing these :lol::laughoff::think:

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  ~JILL~ said:

I want to know which has more fiber? Canned or dry food.

Did the dog loose his spleen too?

Use the canned as the main dish and use the dry over the top like croutons. The dogs name was axle so she didn't have a spleen, she had a spline. :laughing:

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  richard cheese said:

hangin out with the lesbians again i see :P

Dang, can't win. When I 1st typed that I typed "he", but thought about it and didn't want anybody thinking I was some kind of perverted wierdo that went around sniffing male homo dog butts so I changed it to "she" so I would fit in with all ya'all regalar folks (as deliverance is playing in the background setting the mood) :laughing:

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