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Since I got into photography, I've been diggen it quite a bit. It's alot more fun than I ever imagined it could be. I'm glad too because I dropped a lot of cashola on camrea equipment over the last few months. :think: I'm still learning but that is the fun part.

So I recently put together a website to display some of my latest and best work. I'll be updating it after every time I go out shooting. :blink: It's already paid off too because I was able to use my site as leverage for some supermoto media credentials! Who woulda thunk it? :dayum::beercheers:

Anyways, check it out and let me know what you think. http://www.actionshutter.net/

I've already told a handful of friends but felt I'd share it with everyone on here.

BTW, I guess now's as good of a time as any to post my favorite pic to date that I have taken. (it's on the homepage of actionshutter.net)


^ That's no photoshop either. ;)

Not to denounce your pic's AT ALL!!! But, can I say Photoshop! OK just a little. :laughing: The chances of getting the moon over the Luxor, with the light. 100,000,000 to 1. But none the less. GREAT PIC.

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Not to denounce your pic's AT ALL!!! But, can I say Photoshop! OK just a little. :laughing: The chances of getting the moon over the Luxor, with the light. 100,000,000 to 1. But none the less. GREAT PIC.

You're a moron if you think I'd put that picture up on my site and talk about it if I photoshopped the moon over the Luxor. YEAH...that would be cool. :blury: Wanna see the pics of the moon right before it lined up (like a time lapse series or sequence)? Nah...screw it. The fact that you think it is not possible and that I photoshopped it there is a compliment enough. :beercheers:

I checked out the site. Who is Pete Greep. I clicked on pics but it continually sent me to a different pic. It was kind of Greepy. Bad Azz pics though. :P

Clicking the pics sent you to different ones? Which ones? :dayum: I hope you understand that when viewing the albums on the main photo gallery page there is a "thumbnail" image to represent each album. That pic is somewhere within the album. Greepy huh? :blink:

Who is Pete Greep? uh...me. Duh.

Oh and thanks. I think. :think:

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"I went there to pick my wife and her friend up from their trip to D.C."

Ok, just an observation......

1. Anna is your girlfriend but you also have a wife????

2. You have a new bride from D.C. and you took pictures while picking her up?

3. You referred to Anna as wife by accident.

4. You and Anna got married, even though you are both against marriage, weddings and kids?

Just curious if you kids are hiding something???????????? :beercheers:

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Not to denounce your pic's AT ALL!!! But, can I say Photoshop! OK just a little. :beercheers: The chances of getting the moon over the Luxor, with the light. 100,000,000 to 1. But none the less. GREAT PIC.

While not nearly as clear as Pete's.. and I think the pic may have been taken with his camera phone.. but yes it is extremely possible to take a pic with the moon directly over and in the Luxor light... here is one my friend shot...

You can see the beam of the Luxor in the clouds..and hitting the moon..


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"I went there to pick my wife and her friend up from their trip to D.C."

Ok, just an observation......

1. Anna is your girlfriend but you also have a wife????

2. You have a new bride from D.C. and you took pictures while picking her up?

3. You referred to Anna as wife by accident.

4. You and Anna got married, even though you are both against marriage, weddings and kids?

Just curious if you kids are hiding something???????????? :beercheers:

I am NOT against marriage, nor have I ever said anything along those lines. Hating weddings is different. In fact, I think marriage is one of the best things that could happen to a person. But thanks for assuming :laughing:

Or are we really polygamists? Why else would we be in Utah all the time... lol

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"I went there to pick my wife and her friend up from their trip to D.C."

Ok, just an observation......

1. Anna is your girlfriend but you also have a wife????

2. You have a new bride from D.C. and you took pictures while picking her up?

3. You referred to Anna as wife by accident.

4. You and Anna got married, even though you are both against marriage, weddings and kids?

Just curious if you kids are hiding something???????????? :think:

I knew someone would have something smartass to say about that. :laughing:

Yes Anna is my wife whether the government labels us that way or not. She is much more than a girfriend. Hell....we've been together longer than some people's multiple "marriages" put together.

And yes we are against weddings and we choose not to have kids. We aren't against marriage- we've never said that.

Funny how when we live our lives the way WE want to and choose to (which seems to be against the grain for most peeps)....everyone has something to say about it. Last I checked we were both happy and lovin life. :blink::blury:


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I think I understand how the pic could be taken with your camera skills, but I am speculating on the Moon being directly over the Luxor light which it's not, it's in the distance. I'm going to check with a couple of our Photography and Astronomy teachers so I can FULLY understand how you did it.

So with that said, Don't call me a moron cause I question your pic, it's rude :dayum: and start getting all azzhurt and start :blink::laughing: I :beercheers: the quality of you pic. Gezzzz :think:

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Actually sky this is a case of parallax, or the perspective of an object against a background due to the viewers position. No one is saying that if one were to put a giant ruler on the Luxor that it would touch the moon.

Speaking of rude, you should never question someones work by inadvertently saying they are lying. Pete would totally have have mentioned Photoshop in the 1st place were that the case.

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I knew someone would have something smartass to say about that. :laughing:

Yes Anna is my wife whether the government labels us that way or not. She is much more than a girfriend. Hell....we've been together longer than some people's multiple "marriages" put together.

And yes we are against weddings and we choose not to have kids. We aren't against marriage- we've never said that.

Funny how when we live our lives the way WE want to and choose to (which seems to be against the grain for most peeps)....everyone has something to say about it. Last I checked we were both happy and lovin life. :think::blink:


TFR baby! Except for April and Dave's nuptuals, if that was how everyone wed I'd be all about it :P

Back on topic, your pics are amazing! Good work son :B

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Actually sky this is a case of parallax, or the perspective of an object against a background due to the viewers position. Yes it is. A crescent moon. Pic being taken from somewhere north I would wager to guess.)

Speaking of rude, you should never question someones work by inadvertently saying they are lying To question and speculate is to learn. I never called him a liar, just as he didn't call me a moron, it was implied and monkie, implying is not conviction, it's suggestion.. Pete would totally have have mentioned Photoshop in the 1st place were that the case.

You two are get your hackles up and making this bigger then it needs to be.

:beercheers: Augghhhhh! forget it. I'm over it and I won't mention anything again.

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Guest Crasher

TFR baby! Except for April and Dave's nuptuals, if that was how everyone wed I'd be all about it :P

Back on topic, your pics are amazing! Good work son :B

What about our wedding??? You sure liked the food and the bar!!!! BTW...thanks for the gift! Or was it a card??? No, actually I'm pretty sure it was neither!!! I think it's best if you stay away from weddings! Ettiquate is not your thing obviously.

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Dang, if I'm asked if I have a website I'm answering "hell no!".

No chit! Jezuz and we haven't even made it through MAY yet. :laughing: wtf???

What about our wedding??? You sure liked the food and the bar!!!! BTW...thanks for the gift! Or was it a card??? No, actually I'm pretty sure it was neither!!! I think it's best if you stay away from weddings! Ettiquate is not your thing obviously.

Christ. I didn't know we were keeping tabs. Tiff, we've never had a problem with you guys but all of a sudden it sounds like you have had one with us all along. If we didn't give a chit about you guys we would have never gone to your wedding in the first place. This whole marriage thing is being blown out of proportion and you seem to be reading way too into Anna's statement. :dayum: wow!

This thread was suppossed to be about me sharing some pics and my site that I was proud of. If anyone doesn't care for me, my WIFE...yes WIFE that is what I called her, or my work you can send me a pm or call me and tell me how you REALLY feel. :beercheers:

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What about our wedding??? You sure liked the food and the bar!!!! BTW...thanks for the gift! Or was it a card??? No, actually I'm pretty sure it was neither!!! I think it's best if you stay away from weddings! Ettiquate is not your thing obviously.

Well Tiff yours isn't the only wedding I've been to in the last few years BY FAR. I guess etiquette would dictate that I list every wedding I've ever been to and expound on their virtues.

The wedding I mentioned was so unique and representative of that couple that it stands out as the best ceremony I've ever attended.

We will be at the wedding of every single one of our friends because we are truely happy for them, regardless of what we think of the party.

It's cool you had a wedding to get presents. I would have thought that, for the sake of etiquette, you would only want the love and support of your friends. But I guess I owe you a blender?

This really is silly. I was very happy for you guys and still am. Anytime someone finds love it sort of fixes the world a little bit. Belated congratulations to you both, may your marriage be a happy one :beercheers:

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damn this thread is fail

went from "Nice pics Pete" ( of which I agree)

to a "fugg your life choices b*tch fest" :beercheers:

to each his and her and theirs and your own.

Quit bitching everyone and lets look at the pretty pictures :laughing: or at least take it to the pm's and spare the rest of us

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WOW! I missed alot apparently. I was just diggin on the "Greepsters" pics and BAM!, poeple be bashin on

marriage and shiat. You people kick a$$.

Now drink a beer and get over it :beercheers:

Hey, who is ready for the summer night drags, is there a date set, because I need to make sure I get off work for that party. :laughing:

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Guest Crasher

Well Tiff yours isn't the only wedding I've been to in the last few years BY FAR. I guess etiquette would dictate that I list every wedding I've ever been to and expound on their virtues.

The wedding I mentioned was so unique and representative of that couple that it stands out as the best ceremony I've ever attended.

We will be at the wedding of every single one of our friends because we are truely happy for them, regardless of what we think of the party.

It's cool you had a wedding to get presents. I would have thought that, for the sake of etiquette, you would only want the love and support of your friends. But I guess I owe you a blender?

This really is silly. I was very happy for you guys and still am. Anytime someone finds love it sort of fixes the world a little bit. Belated congratulations to you both, may your marriage be a happy one :beer_bang:

Virtues?? Then you would understand that you lack them. I'm speaking on behalf of all that you have offended since we have known you. I won't list because it's long. But....thanks! We ARE happy and we like to acknowledge the institution of our marriage. We are proud. Gifts??? We didn't expect one. That's not the point. BUT.....being invited to one's nuptuals is a time for you to bite the bullet and basically say "thanks for the invite" by getting a 1.50 card. Not a time to be "anti" like you constantlly profess to be. There must be some serious insecurity issues there?? Just sayin. Later! BTW.... I love kids!!! Most peeps do!!

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Virtues?? Then you would understand that you lack them. I'm speaking on behalf of all that you have offended since we have known you. I won't list because it's long. But....thanks! We ARE happy and we like to acknowledge the institution of our marriage. We are proud. Gifts??? We didn't expect one. That's not the point. BUT.....being invited to one's nuptuals is a time for you to bite the bullet and basically say "thanks for the invite" by getting a 1.50 card. Not a time to be "anti" like you constantlly profess to be. There must be some serious insecurity issues there?? Just sayin. Later! BTW.... I love kids!!! Most peeps do!!

I dont know if they got you a gift or not but while this is the subject.....did you get ours because Jims got stolen and I wonder If any others did also and now you guys were thinking some people were cheap.


Just wondering

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Oh SSSSSnnnnap! We should start a seperate thread :beer_bang:

So back on topic, again... Papa-razzi Pete is out :laughoff: for his new hobby as we speak. Looking forward to some more great shots.

He's so cute when he shows off the pics he's most proud of :P

Jodi, when are you gonna start your web site? You take some amazing pics there lady!

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Group hug, yeah I'm down with that: :beer_bang: :laughoff: We've all known each other to long.

I took this pick last year in the hope of making it my avatar to depict my screen name.

I LOVE THE DESERT and sunsets.


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