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  duniemonkie said:

Oh SSSSSnnnnap! We should start a seperate thread :laughoff:

So back on topic, again... Papa-razzi Pete is out :porn: for his new hobby as we speak. Looking forward to some more great shots.

He's so cute when he shows off the pics he's most proud of :P

Jodi, when are you gonna start your web site? You take some amazing pics there lady!

I had one for awhile, to make it easy access for Joshua Tree Park to pic some up that they had contacted me about, but I had to take it down right after I lost my job.. now that I am working again.. I need to look into something more like what Pete has set up!! :beer_bang: That site rocks , way better then mine did!! Hopefully soon!! Right now I am just taking personal orders from those that like something imparticular..

My Upclose and Personal dragonfly being the best most requested still to date!! :booty:

I'll have to go upstairs and post it up!!

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  sand chick said:

I had one for awhile, to make it easy access for Joshua Tree Park to pic some up that they had contacted me about, but I had to take it down right after I lost my job.. now that I am working again.. I need to look into something more like what Pete has set up!! :beer_bang: That site rocks , way better then mine did!! Well it's not like you don't know some experts... :laughoff: Hopefully soon!! Right now I am just taking personal orders from those that like something imparticular.. :?: :ah:

My Upclose and Personal dragonfly being the best most requested still to date!! :porn: Oh, close one :booty:

I'll have to go upstairs and post it up!!

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  sand chick said:

I had one for awhile, to make it easy access for Joshua Tree Park to pic some up that they had contacted me about, but I had to take it down right after I lost my job.. now that I am working again.. I need to look into something more like what Pete has set up!! :beer_bang: That site rocks , way better then mine did!! Hopefully soon!! Right now I am just taking personal orders from those that like something imparticular..

My Upclose and Personal dragonfly being the best most requested still to date!! :laughoff:

I'll have to go upstairs and post it up!!

Hurry damn it! I love dragonflies. Damsel flies are a fav. of mine. They come in so many colors.

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Yes, it was a total compliment. Just didnt know your last name and decided to have fun with it. But, I did click on thumbnails and a different pic popped up. Anyways, great photos Pete. Very professional and that is an understatement ! :beer_bang:

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  duniemonkie said:

Oh SSSSSnnnnap! We should start a seperate thread :beer_bang:

So back on topic, again... Papa-razzi Pete is out :laughoff: for his new hobby as we speak. Looking forward to some more great shots.

He's so cute when he shows off the pics he's most proud of :P

Jodi, when are you gonna start your web site? You take some amazing pics there lady!

:booty: :porn: :dope:

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  duniemonkie said:

Thanks John, hats off to you too :)

FYI the Vivid Dancer Damsel Fly was recently proclaimed Nevada's State Insect!


The things you learn when you work in animal care...

THANKS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNA ! Petes pics are great and you being his wife is what ? Enjoy your world and F##CK Those who are against it ! I cant believe Tiff and Craig are so against you. Who is the big list "Crasher" has ? Whatever !

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Well thanks for all the compliments guys. :porn: I really appreciate it.

I recently found out through some friends that the general manager of the Luxor absolutley loves my moon photo! He is going to give the link to the president CEO of the Luxor and see if he would be interested in purchasing a copy! :booty: :beer_bang: I'll keep you posted. :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

Well thanks for all the compliments guys. :porn: I really appreciate it.

I recently found out through some friends that the general manager of the Luxor absolutley loves my moon photo! He is going to give the link to the president CEO of the Luxor and see if he would be interested in purchasing a copy! :booty: :beer_bang: I'll keep you posted. :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

Well thanks for all the compliments guys. :dope: I really appreciate it.

I recently found out through some friends that the general manager of the Luxor absolutley loves my moon photo! He is going to give the link to the president CEO of the Luxor and see if he would be interested in purchasing a copy! :porn: :beer_bang: I'll keep you posted. :laughoff:

OMG! that is to great! :booty:

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Pete, i love the pics, i looked through the album and you got quite the eye!...thats some talent!. My father (paternal father) was a professional photographer for many years before he died, i always wanted to get into it as a hobby, i just never did. I didnt have the funds for it, or the eye.


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  RAGDOLL MX said:

Pete, i love the pics, i looked through the album and you got quite the eye!...thats some talent!. My father (paternal father) was a professional photographer for many years before he died, i always wanted to get into it as a hobby, i just never did. I didnt have the funds for it, or the eye.


Nah I bet you would take some very creative pics!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  crazymexeddie said:

pete how about i come over and do some poses with my quad-ya know stick a leg up in the air or something-im gettin ready right now im shaving my chest for the shirtless pics :laughoff:

I'm gonna have to say that's not my style. :MBdance:

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