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Bill proposed to require registration of offroad vehs w/DMV


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http://www.lvrj.com/news/45462942.html :dope:

CARSON CITY -- A state Assembly panel voted Tuesday for a bill requiring owners of off-road vehicles to register with the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

Senate Bill 394, endorsed by the Assembly Transportation Committee, would mandate that vehicles, such as all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, dune buggies and all-terrain motorcycles, be registered at an annual cost of $20 to $30. A titling fee would run about $28.

Nearly $7 million could be generated over the next two years from the registration, titling and other fees for about 227,000 off-highway vehicles in Nevada, DMV figures show.

The bill, proposed by Sen. Dean Rhoads, R-Tuscarora, would designate responsibility for title and registration processing to off-road vehicle dealers.

Rhoads said the plan wouldn't take effect until it can be adequately funded. He added that efforts are under way to find grants.

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You WOULD get titles on your OHV's just like california..

THe only thing that bothers me is what happens when someones bike turns up hot! It is nevada and without titles and registrations there have been alot of hot bikes bought and sold and sold and sold again to unknowing people. What happens if you go to register this bike that you have had for years and find out its hot!

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I have NV registration on my LTZ400 through the dealer. It was a 1 time fee and does not expire. It was $20 at the dealer, but it was included in the purchase of the ATV in which NV sales tax was paid, meaning that someone who bought an ATV from a private person could not go to the dealer and get a registration sticker. Being that it is not affiliated with the DMV it is more like the non-resident stickers we get for California. It does not go into the DMV system to be checked by law enforcement. All my NV registration does is allow me to ride in other states that recognize registration from NV, meaning I don't buy a non-resident sticker every year. They called it registration, but it really isn't anything more than a permit. :clap:

So if this passed we would no longer have to buy non-resident stickers in CA. :dayum:

And to clarify some of the bill.... :grin:

Taken from the bill

"this bill requires a person who acquires ownership of an off-highway vehicle on or after January 1, 2010, to apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the titling and annual registration of the vehicle within 30 days after acquiring ownership of the vehicle. A person who acquired

ownership of an off-highway vehicle before January 1, 2010, may apply to the Department for the titling of the vehicle, but is required to apply to the Department for annual registration of the vehicle on or before December 31, 2010."

  vegas style said:

scary having the dealers (ride now) running the title and reg. we wont go there to buy anything because they are so screwed up. i can imagine how bad that will be.

Looks to me that the DMV would be responsible for titles and registration not the dealer.

(section 15).It states the dealer may receive and submit applications, it does not say the dealer would 'issue' titles/registration, that part was removed from the bill. It looks like you could do the paperwork to get your title/registration and annual renewal at the DMV or at an authorized ATV dealer who participates in the program, then that dealer sends your info to DMV who then issues you the paperwork. The dealer would be allowed to charge no more than a $2 fee per application.

"Upon the request of a dealer of off-highway vehicles, the Department may authorize the dealer to receive and submit to the Department applications for the: (a) Issuance of certificates of [operation] title and registration for off-highway vehicles and (B) Renewal of registration for off-highway vehicles.

An authorized dealer shall on or before the end of each month, submit to the Department each application described in subsection 1 received during that month."

This bill would also include non-resident temporary registration to ride in NV unless they have registration in another state that meets certain restrictions (*). Not that is really applies, cause how many non-residents on here actually come to NV to ride?

Taken from the bill

"Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, an owner of an off-highway vehicle who is a resident of a state other than Nevada shall obtain from the Department or an authorized dealer a temporary permit before he may operate the off-highway vehicle in this State pursuant to NRS 490.090 to 490.130, inclusive. The Department shall offer two options for temporary permits as follows:

(a) A temporary permit that expires 7 days after purchase for the cost of $10; and

(B) A temporary permit that expires 90 days after purchase for the cost of $25.

*Restrictions- The provisions of subsection 6(above) do not apply to an owner of an off-highway vehicle who has registered the off-highway vehicle in a state that:

(a) Has requirements for the registration of off-highway vehicles that are substantially similar to or more stringent than the requirements of this section, as determined by the Commission; and Does not impose any fees or restrictions on an owner of an off-highway vehicle who is not a resident of that state."

Since CA does impose fees to non-residents who are not registered in their own state, it reads that you would have to buy a temporary permit to ride in NV.

That news story also has the fee amounts listed as, registration for $20-$30 annually when the bill states "The Commission shall determine the fee for the annual registration of an off-highway vehicle, but such fee must not exceed $20." Renewal fee is also stated as "not more than $20"

And fees for titles are based off NRS 482.429, which states

"For each certificate of title issued for a vehicle present or registered in this State $20.00

For each duplicate certificate of title issued $20.00

For each certificate of title issued for a vehicle not present in or registered in this State $35.00

For the processing of each dealer’s or rebuilder’s report of sale submitted to the Department $8.25

For the processing of each long-term lessor’s report of lease submitted to the Department $8.25

For the processing of each endorsed certificate of title or statement submitted to the Department upon the sale of a used or rebuilt vehicle in this State by a person who is not a dealer or rebuilder $8.25"

Maybe they are including the title with the processing fee of the dealers report of sale for a total of $28.25.

The fine for not having registration would be $50. (see section 11)

An additional fee of not more than $25 for not registering before Dec 31, 2010 could be added to the registration fee.

Edited by Foxysandchick
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  ISBB said:

You WOULD get titles on your OHV's just like california..

THe only thing that bothers me is what happens when someones bike turns up hot! It is nevada and without titles and registrations there have been alot of hot bikes bought and sold and sold and sold again to unknowing people. What happens if you go to register this bike that you have had for years and find out its hot!

If it can be reported stolen then it can be checked to see if it has been reported stolen.

If you are concerned then call the PD and tell them you are going to buy it from someone and they don't have the title, so you want to check if it has been reported stolen before you buy it. If they run it and it comes back stolen then they will ask you the location so they can come get it, just hang up or give them a bad address.

Even if you have a Bill of Sale and the ATV turns up stolen and the person who reported it stolen is not the person who gave you the bill of sale, you are screwed...not that you will be charged with possession of stolen property, that is possible, but the ATV would be seized.

I've been off the department for a few years now, so maybe ask someone who is still there in case things have changed.

The part some might be concern with would be this...

"If an owner of an off-highway vehicle applies to the Department for:

(a) A certificate of title for the off-highway vehicle, he shall submit proof prescribed by the Department that he is the owner of the off-highway vehicle.

(b ) The registration of the off-highway vehicle, he shall submit:

(1) If he obtained ownership of the off-highway vehicle before January 1, 2010, proof prescribed by the Department:

(I) That he is the owner of the off-highway vehicle; and

(II) Of the vehicle identification number of the off highway vehicle ; or

(2) If he obtained ownership of the off-highway vehicle on or after January 1, 2010:

(I) Evidence satisfactory to the Department that the owner has paid all taxes applicable in this State relating to the purchase of the off-highway vehicle or submit an affidavit indicating that he purchased the vehicle through a private party sale and no tax is due relating to the purchase of the off-highway vehicle; and

(II) Proof prescribed by the Department that he is the owner of the off-highway vehicle and of the vehicle identification number of the off-highway vehicle.

.....It doesn't state what the Department has prescribed as sufficient proof of ownership :dayum:

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  quad~dizzle said:

does this mean they are going to open more ridding ares other then chity :dayum: apex

Well the bill states that a portion of the money would go to

"Sixty percent of the money may be used for projects relating to:

(I) Studies or planning for trails and facilities for use by owners and operators of off-highway vehicles. Money received pursuant to this sub-subparagraph may be used to prepare environmental assessments and environmental impact studies that are required pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq.

(II) The mapping and signing of those trails and facilities.

(III) The acquisition of land for those trails and facilities.

(IV) The enhancement and maintenance of those trails and facilities.

(V) The construction of those trails and facilities.

(VI) The restoration of areas that have been damaged by the use of off-highway vehicles.

  jr1208 said:

we all know the answer...noooooooooooooooooooooo...... :dayum:

:dope: you might want to read it before you answer :clap:

:grin: so YES it does!

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Another point some might find interesting is the creation of the Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles which is going to include 11 members (listed on page 7, sec 9) of which 5 members are going to be...

"Five members, appointed by the Governor, who reside in the State of Nevada and have participated in recreational activities for off-highway vehicles for at least 5 years using the type of offhighway vehicle owned or operated by the persons they will represent, as follows:

(1) One member who represents persons who own or operate all-terrain vehicles;

(2) One member who represents persons who own or operate all-terrain motorcycles;

(3) One member who represents persons who own or operate snowmobiles;

(4) One member who represents persons who own or operate any off-highway vehicle used for rock crawling; and

(5) One member who represents persons who own or operate, and participate in the racing of, off-highway vehicles."

And those people will be picked by the Governor

"the member has been recommended to the Governor by an off highway vehicle organization. As used in this subsection, “off highway vehicle organization” means a profit or nonprofit corporation, association or organization formed pursuant to the laws of this State and which promotes off-highway vehicle recreation or racing."

Wonder if anyone from here is interested? see pages 8-9, sec 9, points 3-7

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  Foxysandchick said:

Another point some might find interesting is the creation of the Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles which is going to include 11 members (listed on page 7, sec 9) of which 5 members are going to be...

"Five members, appointed by the Governor, who reside in the State of Nevada and have participated in recreational activities for off-highway vehicles for at least 5 years using the type of offhighway vehicle owned or operated by the persons they will represent, as follows:

(1) One member who represents persons who own or operate all-terrain vehicles;

(2) One member who represents persons who own or operate all-terrain motorcycles;

(3) One member who represents persons who own or operate snowmobiles;

(4) One member who represents persons who own or operate any off-highway vehicle used for rock crawling; and

(5) One member who represents persons who own or operate, and participate in the racing of, off-highway vehicles."

And those people will be picked by the Governor

"the member has been recommended to the Governor by an off highway vehicle organization. As used in this subsection, “off highway vehicle organization” means a profit or nonprofit corporation, association or organization formed pursuant to the laws of this State and which promotes off-highway vehicle recreation or racing."

Wonder if anyone from here is interested? see pages 8-9, sec 9, points 3-7

Who wants to vote me in??

I wonder how many hours would be dedicated to this meaning If I could do it with a full time job and a family or should it be someone who is retired??

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back in MN we had to register our atvs and snowmobiles. I still have my LICENSE PLATE on mine right now. The tabs alone were i think 45 bucks every 3 years for atvs, but its worth it because they groomed some of the trails and made more trails. BUT if the DNR caught you speeding (i think it was like 40mph on the trails....we do 5th tapped) and they see your plate your in for it. thats why mine is mounted at an angle by the shock not up at the grabbar where they want it. I cant remember how many times i had to run from the DNR on their Big Bear 400's lol :beercheers:


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  quad~dizzle said:

foxy did you propose this bill :clap:

:assblast: No...I'm just able to read and understand these types of legal documents from my experience in law enforcement. Figured since it was 16 pages of mumbo jumbo to some people, I'd take the time and present the basics of the bill so that more people would be informed and interested. I think it would be great if this bill passed and our money stayed in NV and we had more riding areas available to us. There doesn't seem to be any real negative impact on us from this bill. :beerpint:

  sanddunesaddict said:

Who wants to vote me in??

I wonder how many hours would be dedicated to this meaning If I could do it with a full time job and a family or should it be someone who is retired??

Bert, I'd vote for you. Hard to tell how much time would be dedicated to this commitee, maybe call the Governor's office and see if they can tell you or if they can put you in touch with the proper people. I wouldn't think the 5 members representing ATV users would spend a lot of time with the Commission, I'd think just for meetings where the 'general publics' input is required. :thumb:

This is all is says about benefits/pay "Each member of the Commission: (a) Is entitled to receive, if money is available for that purpose from the fees collected pursuant to section 7 of this act, the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally."

  draggindre said:

So if this passed we would no longer have to buy non-resident stickers in CA. :ban-split:

im sure california will find a way to screw u out of some more money or at least try to :mog:

Yup :beercheers: and the cost for registration here wouldn't be any more than we are paying for non-resident stickers in CA and unless CA changes their rules recognizing all other states registration then we are good to ride there with this new registration.

I don't think CA would start changing their rules just because NV has finally decided to establish a registration program. CA already recognizes registration from every state that has registration programs.

But UT does not currently recognize NV registration, there law states they recognize states that "offer reciprocal operating privileges to Utah residents under rules made by the board" http://stateparks.utah.gov/stateparks/ohv/reciprocity.html So we would still have to pay their non-resident fee, unless NV makes an agreement with them. :coocoo:

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  Raptor0206 said:

back in MN we had to register our atvs and snowmobiles. I still have my LICENSE PLATE on mine right now. The tabs alone were i think 45 bucks every 3 years for atvs, but its worth it because they groomed some of the trails and made more trails. BUT if the DNR caught you speeding (i think it was like 40mph on the trails....we do 5th tapped) and they see your plate your in for it. thats why mine is mounted at an angle by the shock not up at the grabbar where they want it. I cant remember how many times i had to run from the DNR on their Big Bear 400's lol :beercheers:

Wisconsin was the same way for years, except the DNR were all on Wolverines lol

But yeah in the long run they opened miles and miles of trails for us.

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  KawasakiBob said:

Wisconsin was the same way for years, except the DNR were all on Wolverines lol

But yeah in the long run they opened miles and miles of trails for us.

Your from WI? sweet! did you ever ride in Danbury, WI? those are my favorite trails, they are fast sandy trails that your could just rail on all day and stop at the bar along the way for food and pop(soda) :beercheers::ban-split:

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