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How did Dumont get it's name?


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Just curious. Does anyone know? :ninja:

I don't think this has ever come up on here before. Maybe someone knows why Dumont is called Dumont. ?? :barf:

The name "Dumont" is french and can be named after its founder ???? Dumont can be used as a sur name or as a boy's name is pronounced doo-MONT. It is of French origin, and its meaning is "of the mountain".

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What year did people start using Dumont as an offroad recreation area? Earliest stories I can find are from 1973...

Can't find the origin of the name though :barf: .

Not sure.. I know a few of the veteran's might have a better idea... but I am pretty sure it was before 1973

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I have a picture hanging in my living room that Ansel Adams took in 1948.

I've tried to find out who named it myself tons of times with no luck.

One of these days I will get the pics scanned from my dads trips in the early 70's

I think he started going in the late 60's when he was a teenager.

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The name "Dumont" is french and can be named after its founder ???? Dumont can be used as a sur name or as a boy's name is pronounced doo-MONT. It is of French origin, and its meaning is "of the mountain".

good find neo :laughoff:

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Ok, I'm thinking of the possibilities only.

"DUMONT" Could have been shortened from Doo-Mount

Dune Mountain which would be a better guess I would think.

Gabriel Dumont a Canadian sharp shooter that joined Wild Bill's wild west show in the late 1800's ? Definately French.

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The question is still not being answered here. :laughoff:

Like I said before Sand Sports article. "north of zzyzx" had something about it.

There is a sign down at the little dunes thats has some information also. Ask Sandawg. I know all kinds of this kind of stuff.

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Well, I know states and cities will usually name its town's or cities after its founders or famous people who had influence in the area such as The Shoshonee indians, or Chief Tecopa. Maybe "Dumont" was named after lady Eleanora Dumont or Elanor Dumont, both the same gal ? One of the famous ladies during the gold rush ? aka Lady Moustache ?

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Dumont Hills is the group with the dark ones in the middle closest to the dunes. In researching the Old Spanish Trail that follows the Amargosa River by the dunes I discovered the railroad bed that runs behind Dumont and up the Amargosa was the same line that goes by the old Soda Springs/Zzyzx Army outpost that I posted pics here recently and flew almost to the I40 following them. The railroad name was the Tonopa & Tidewater Railroad and the history described laying track to a point just past Dumont, north of Dumont dunes in San Bernardino Co. I found the hills coordinates on a USGS map and a Dumont Hills search had a result with a satellite/map view.


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so then where did Dumont hills get it's name? :laughoff:

I think this is the source, summarized.


The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law 80-242 in 1947 to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. The Board comprises representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the Board promulgates official geographic feature names with locative attributes. :laughoff::laughoff:

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Dumont Hills is the group with the dark ones in the middle closest to the dunes. In researching the Old Spanish Trail that follows the Amargosa River by the dunes I discovered the railroad bed that runs behind Dumont and up the Amargosa was the same line that goes by the old Soda Springs/Zzyzx Army outpost that I posted pics here recently and flew almost to the I40 following them. The railroad name was the Tonopa & Tidewater Railroad and the history described laying track to a point just past Dumont, north of Dumont dunes in San Bernardino Co. I found the hills coordinates on a USGS map and a Dumont Hills search had a result with a satellite/map view.


Show off .. :laughoff:

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The settlers, whilst traveling to Cali, stopped at these great

big sand mounts to rest for the night. In the morning, while

nursing hangovers brought on mass amounts of whiskey,

the boss called out "dude mount" but being so hung over

what they heard was "Dumont" so being experienced

cowboys they climbed up on their horses and moseyed

on their way. When they got to Cali, the familys asked

where theyd been, to which the cowboys said, "We stopped in

Dumont sands"

The rest is history . . .

And thats the truth pbbbhhhtttttt




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