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2009 Kawasaki TREX or OLD VW Sand rail


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I had a Polaris ranger and have sold. I am looking into getting an older VW Rail or just going with the new Kawasaki Terex. The ranger I was not feeling it to well and wanted something with a little more dune capability. Yes money is a factor for me. But my budget will allow to get the terex a Cage and a rear seat.

All opinions would be appreciated.


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what are your requirements, like how many people need to be able to ride? what is your budget? you can pick up a used rzr S for about as much as a new kaw teryx

just looking around, i saw about a 2k difference between the prowler 1000 and the 750 teryx...there was a guy on glamis dunes that was selling a 2009 rzr s for 11k

I know what you mean about the ranger...ill never understand why anyone would take a motor out of a 500lb quad, put it in a 1000 lb pound sxs and RETARD the motor.... :beat:

Edited by richard cheese
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I know for me I would get the SxS. Unless you are buying a longtravel buggy anything less is just no fun at the dunes.

We have 2 Rhinos and use them at the dunes, desert, mountians you really cant do that with a buggy.

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  im337337 said:

I know for me I would get the SxS. Unless you are buying a longtravel buggy anything less is just no fun at the dunes.

We have 2 Rhinos and use them at the dunes, desert, mountians you really cant do that with a buggy.

im with you on that. I have a rhino that I use all year round mountains and dunes. Vw's are a headache and if you have no suspension they are a back ache also. dont get me wrong I have a buggy also but its no vw and has some suspension so its a blast to drive but it just depends on what kind of buggy and what kind of driving you want to do besides dunes.

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I thank you for your replies Peeps. I am going to pick up a buggy cheap and I am also going to be picking up the Terx. Both are the only way to go. I will not have enough room to bring them both but they will be for two different things. Thanks. :beercheers:

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Judging by the people and families we camp with at the dune, the kids (and usually wife) will get instantly carsick and puke in the sandrail/buggy.

Seen it all too often.

They won't in the Teryx.

The sxs's are great on Desert Rides too.

The Slash X poker runs in April and Oct are fantastic, cheap family outings.

Edited by yfzdad
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